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Giant snake spineDropped by Big snakes (Crash Island), Giant Sea Snake, or Sea Snake Young (Miscellania) only after the Fur 'n' Seek quest.---YesYes
Giant rat boneKill a Giant rat during the Rag and Bone Man quest.---YesYes
Giant pouchMonster Drop or can be bought from Wizard Korvak for 50,000gp even if you have not gained one from the Abyss before.---NoYes
Giant penPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Giant nibGiven to you by Derrik, near the anvil on Miscellania, in exchange for an Iron bar.---YesYes
Giant harpoonQuest item.---NoYes
Giant frog legsMonster drop. 4,899 gpNoYes
Giant flatfishPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Giant featherMonster drop.---NoYes
Giant Ent scroll (Acorn Missile)Player made (See Notes Section.)220 gpYesYes
Giant ent pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,513 gpNoYes
Giant crabObtained from growing a Baby giant crab.---NoYes
Giant Chinchompa scroll (Explode)Player made (See Notes Section).114 gpNoYes
Giant chinchompa pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,617 gpNoYes
Giant carpPlayer cooked.---YesYes
Giant bat wingMonster drop.---YesYes
Gianne's cook bookObtained from Gianne, Hudo's store (Grand Tree Groceries), or by killing Gnome guards.0 gpNoYes
Gianne doughGet from Aluft Gianne snr. when training for the Gnome Restaurant mini-game or buy from Hudo for 2 gp.216 gpNoYes
Ghul lamp spoutThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. 0 gpNoNo
Ghul lamp potThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Ghul lamp handleThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Ghul lampObtained by combining the Ghul lamp spout, Ghul lamp handle, and Ghul lamp pot.---NoNo
Ghrim's bookReceived from Advisor Ghrim.---NoYes
Ghoulish maskThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.
If you destroyed it, you may regain it by talking to Diango in Draynor Village.
Ghoul boneMonster drop.---YesYes
GhostweaveObtained through skilling, killing or Treasure Hunter during the Halloween season from 24 October to 3 November, 2014.---NoNo
Ghostspeak amulet (enchanted)Given to you by the Old Crone.---YesYes
Ghostspeak amuletGiven to you by Father Urhney in the Lumbridge Swamp.---YesNo
Ghostly solePlayer Made (See Notes).130 gpNoYes
Ghostly robe topObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly robe bottomObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly princess skirtCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess shoesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess hatCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess glovesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess blouseCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly hoodObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly guard trousersCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard headCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard glovesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard bootsCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard armourCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly glovesObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly Fremennik trousersCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik hoodCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik glovesCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik bootsCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik armourCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher trousersCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher jacketCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher hatCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher glovesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher bootsCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer tunicCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer trousersCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer headCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer glovesCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer bootsCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly essenceMonster drop.3,304 gpNoYes
Ghostly druid robe topCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly druid robe bottomCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly druid headCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly druid glovesCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly druid bootsCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly cloakObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly bootsObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
GhostlyThis pet is found whilst training while using Prayer.---NoYes
Ghost impling jarCan be purchased from Thalmunds Wares for 1,000 coins; Player caught (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Ghost hunter legsBought for 6,000 reward points from Muncher or Death during the 2014 Halloween Event; Ghost monster drop.---NoNo
Ghost hunter gogglesBought for 5,000 reward points from Muncher or Death during the 2014 Halloween Event; Ghost monster drop. ---NoNo
Ghost hunter bodyBought for 8,000 reward points from Muncher or Death during the 2014 Halloween Event along with the Ghost hunter backpack; Ghost monster drop.---NoNo
Ghost hunter backpackBought for 8,000 reward points from Muncher or Death during the 2014 Halloween Event along with the Ghost hunter body; Ghost Monster drop.---NoNo
Ghost buster 500Given by Diango during the Halloween event 2006. ---YesNo
Ghorrock teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).7,797 gpNoYes
Ghast scroll (Ghastly Request)Purchased from the Temple Trekking Noticeboard.---NoYes