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Grimy magebanePlayer made (See Notes Section), Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Grimy lycopusMonster drops; grown through the skill of Farming within the dungeons of Daemonheim.0 gpNoYes
Grimy lantadymeGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch III.4,680 gpNoYes
Grimy kwuarmGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Yellow tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch II; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points).3,963 gpNoYes
Grimy keyCompost heap west of Draynor Manor (within the fence).---NoNo
Grimy iritGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Spawns in Edgeville Dungeon Resource dungeon (10 Dungeoneering to enter); Reward from Yellow tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch II.555 gpNoYes
Grimy harralanderGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Spawns in Edgeville Dungeon Resource dungeon (10 Dungeoneering to enter); Reward from Blue tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Harvested from Divine herb patch I.1,387 gpNoYes
Grimy guamMonster drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Blue tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Harvested from Divine herb patch I; Free sample from Poletax.280 gpNoNo
Grimy fellstalkGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Harvested from Divine herb patch III.3,645 gpNoYes
Grimy featherfoilMonster drops.0 gpNoYes
Grimy erzillePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Grimy dwarf weedGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch III.5,394 gpNoYes
Grimy cadantineGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch III.852 gpNoYes
Grimy buckthornMonster drop and harvested from a fully grown Buckthorn seed (Requires level 95 Farming).0 gpNoYes
Grimy bloodweedGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill.8,997 gpNoYes
Grimy avantoeGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Yellow tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Harvested from Divine herb patch II.454 gpNoYes
Grimy argwayPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Grimy ardrigalSearch a Palm tree northeast of Tai Bwo Wannai Village.---YesYes
Grimy arbuckGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop.12.6k gpNoYes
Grimy aloePlayer made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Grimsson fragmentFound by using the Memory wand on various items throughout the quest.---YesYes
GrimoireBlack Knight's Fortress.---NoNo
Grim's robeFound inside of the Cabinets.---NoNo
Grim reaper hoodReceived from talking with the Grim Reaper after finishing the 2007 Halloween Event. ---NoNo
Grim gemReceived from Death in his office when starting Soul reaper.---NoNo
Grifolic wandMonster drop.40.8k gpNoYes
Grifolic visorPlayer made (See Notes Section).455.0k gpNoYes
Grifolic shieldMonster drop.41.4k gpNoYes
Grifolic ponchoPlayer made (See Notes Section).3.6m gpNoYes
Grifolic orbMonster drop.50.5k gpNoYes
Grifolic leggingsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpNoYes
Grifolic glovesMonster drop.3,017 gpNoYes
Grifolic flakeMonster drop.986 gpNoYes
Griffin featherNear Grimgnash's nest, on top of White Wolf Mountain.---YesYes
Greyhound puppyPurchased from Pet Shops.---NoNo
GreyhoundObtained from growing a Greyhound puppy.---NoNo
Grey wolf furDropped by Grey wolves.
Dropped by Canifis wolfmen and wolfwomen.
Buy/Steal from Ardougne (East) fur trader.
Buy/Steal from the fur trader in Rellekka, after finishing The The Fremennik Trials.
1,060 gpNoYes
Grey chinchompa (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia; Monster drop.104.6k gpNoYes
Grey chinchompaResult of checking a Grey chinchompa (unchecked); Result of breeding Grey chinchompas at Player-Owned Farms.0 gpNoYes
Grenwall spikesMonster Drop.94 gpNoYes
Grenwall quota ticketBought at the reward shop of the Big Chinchompa Distraction and Diversion for 10 points.---NoYes
Gregg 'groggy' herring's ringFound while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub.---NoYes
Greenman's ale (m4)Player made (See Notes Section).263.4k gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (m3)Player made (See Notes Section).1,768 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (m2)Player made (See Notes Section).69.4k gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (m1)Player made (See Notes Section).300 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (m)Player made (See Notes Section).107.6k gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (flatpack)Player made (See Notes Section).3,911 gpYesYes
Greenman's ale (4)Player made (See Notes Section).6,949 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (3)Player made (See Notes Section).6,760 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,227 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (1)Player made (See Notes Section).9,018 gpNoYes
Greenman's alePlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought at Ye Ol Dragon Inn in Yanille; Bought from Rasolo, south of Baxtorian Falls.1,582 gpNoYes
Green zodiac costumeObtained by completing the Zodiac Training card at least once during the promotion (February 2016).---NoNo
Green vine blossomPicked from a grown green vine plant.---NoYes
Green vialIn a challenge room of a dungeon. Cannot be alchemised.0 gpNoYes
Green trianglePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Green toadPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Green stoneIt is one of the items found when you open a Package.---YesYes
Green squarePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Green spiky vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,189 gpNoYes
Green satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Green Santa hatDrop from 2021 Christmas event. 466.4m gpNoNo
Green salamander (unchecked)Purchased from Prehistoric Potterington's Farmer's Market.11.1k gpNoYes
Green salamander (checked)Result of checking a Green salamander (unchecked); Result of breeding salamanders at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Green salamanderCaught in Morytania swamp area requires 29 Hunter and gives 152 xp also monster dropped.1,741 gpNoYes
Green robe bottomsBought from Rometti for 180 coins.260 gpNoYes
Green repellerGiven to a player automatically when they join the green team in the Great Orb Project minigame. ---NoNo
Green power crystalFound while fighting Stomp in the Daemonheim dungeons.0 gpNoNo
Green pentagonPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Green partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Green ManurePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Green logsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Green keyMelzar's Maze, north of Rimmington.---NoNo
Green jewelCreated by trying to detect curses on the White jewel, Blue jewel or Red jewel.---NoYes