A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Name ![]() ![]() |
Location ![]() ![]() |
Market price ![]() ![]() |
Quest | Members Only |
Gorgonite pickaxe | Monster drop; player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorgonite platebody | Player made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorgonite platelegs | Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorgonite plateskirt | Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorgonite rapier | Player made (See Note Section) or Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorgonite spear | Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorgonite warhammer | Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gorilla bones | Monster Drop (Ape Atoll). | --- | No | Yes |
Gorilla greegree | Ape Atoll. | --- | No | Yes |
Gorilla greegree (ancient) | Possible loot from catching a Zombie impling. | --- | No | Yes |
Gorilla greegree (bearded) | Ape Atoll. | --- | No | Yes |
Gorilla mask | The Gorilla mask is a reward from the Distraction and Diversion, The Pit. It is obtained after completing one activity in The Pit, and talking to the Talent Scout at any agility course. | --- | No | Yes |
Goshima note | On the Northern gate post of Goshima. | --- | No | Yes |
Goshima teleport | Purchased from Boni. | --- | No | Yes |
Goulash | Reward from the Swept Away quest. | --- | Yes | No |
Goutweed | Inside a crate in the Troll storeroom at the Troll Stronghold; possible reward from the Gnome Restaurant activity; grown using the Farming skill (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Goutweedy lump | Search the cooking pot in the center of the Death Plateau, whilst having a Bucket in your inventory. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Grail bell | Found outside of the Holy Grail castle. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Grain (Recruitment Drive) | On the floor of the room with Sir Spishyus. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Grand attack potion (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand attack potion (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Grand attack potion (3) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand attack potion (5) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand defence potion (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand defence potion (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand defence potion (3) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand defence potion (4) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand defence potion (5) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand magic potion (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grand magic potion (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand magic potion (3) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand magic potion (4) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand magic potion (5) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand ranging potion (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand ranging potion (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand ranging potion (3) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand ranging potion (4) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand ranging potion (5) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand strength potion (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand strength potion (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand strength potion (3) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand strength potion (4) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Grand strength potion (5) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Granite tablet | Inside of Zemouregal's fort, during The Curse of Arrav quest. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Grapes of Guthix | Harvested from a patch of grapevines. | --- | No | Yes |
Grapes of Saradomin | Harvested from a patch of grapevines. | --- | No | Yes |
Grapes of Zamorak | Harvested from a patch of Grapevines. | --- | No | Yes |
Grave creeper branches | Can be bought from the Smuggler. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper longbow | Player made (See Note Section) or Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper longbow (u) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper shortbow | Player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper shortbow (u) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper staff | Monster drop; player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper trap | Player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Grave creeper wand | Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gravite 2h sword | Bought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Gravite chargebow | Purchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Gravite knife | Purchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Gravite longsword | Bought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Gravite orb | Purchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim. | --- | No | Yes |
Gravite rapier | Purchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Gravite staff | Purchased from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Gravite wand | Purchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Greater demon mask (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Cultist footlocker; Obtained by completing Infernal Source Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. | --- | No | Yes |
Greater ensouled bar | Player Made (See Notes); Bought from Thalmund's Wares. | --- | No | Yes |
Greater ensouled cloth | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | No |
Greater ensouled thread | Player Made (See Notes); Bought from Thalmund's Wares. | --- | No | Yes |
Greater runic staff | Bought from Wizard Finix's shop in the Wizards' Tower for 25,000 Runespan points. | --- | No | Yes |
Greater unensouled bar | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Green afro | Bought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. | --- | No | No |
Green attractor | The Great Orb Project | --- | No | No |
Green barrier generator | Given to a player automatically when they join the green team in the The Great Orb Project minigame. | --- | No | No |
Green blossom seed | Purchased from Papa Mambo in Herblore Habitat. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Green charm | Monster Drop; Player Made (See Notes); Stolen from Average and Rich chests in Dorgesh-Kaan; Bought from Nomad or Zimberfizz for 5 Soul Wars Zeal; Possible reward for burning a Vyrewatch corpse; Looted from a Spirit impling; Pickpocketed from Amlodd workers in Prifddinas; reward from a Fire spirit. | --- | No | Yes |
Green charm (Dungeoneering) | Monster drop. | 0 gp | No | Yes |