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Helm of the AutomatonsObtained after killing 1,000 Automaton (Generator, Guardian, and Tracer) while wearing Mask of the Automatons.---NoYes
Helm of the Black DemonObtained after killing 1,000 Black demon while wearing Mask of the Black Demon.---NoYes
Helm of the DagannothObtained after killing 1,000 Dagannoth while wearing Mask of the Dagannoth.---NoYes
Helm of the Dead HandObtained after killing 100 Crawling Hands while wearing Mask of Broken Fingers.---NoNo
Helm of the Frozen WyrmObtained after killing 1,000 Ice Strykewyrms while wearing a Mask of the White Wyrm.---NoYes
Helm of the GanodermicObtained after killing 1,000 Ganodermic creatures while wearing Mask of the Ganodermic.---NoYes
Helm of the KuraskiObtained after killing 800 Kurask while wearing Mask of the Kura.---NoYes
Helm of the Parched WyrmObtained after killing 800 Desert Strykewyrms while wearing a Mask of the Yellow Wyrm.---NoYes
Helm of the TrollObtained after killing 100 Troll while wearing Mask of the Trolls.---NoYes
Helm of the Verdant WyrmObtained after killing 800 Jungle strykewyrms while wearing Mask of the Green Wyrm.---NoYes
Helm of WarpingObtained after killing 900 Abyssal demons while wearing Mask of the Abyss.---NoYes
Helmet and breastplateThe large wardrobe in the main bedroom, on the second floor, of the Carnillean house.---YesYes
Helmet fragmentPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Helmet of trialsGiven to you by Xenia.---YesYes
Help horn (5)Possible reward from the Rewards box, in the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Herald capeObtained from the Herald of Falador, Lumbridge, or Varrock.---NoNo
Herb bagBought from the Ancient zygomite elder's Herby Werby Reward Shop for 200 spirit points.---NoYes
Herb pouchMonster drop.---YesYes
Herb protectorPlayer made (see notes); bought from GE. 14.1k gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (2 guam / 1 harralander)Player made (See Notes Section).52 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (2 guam / 1 marrentill)Player made (See Notes Section).48 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (2 guam)Player made (See Notes Section).20 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (guam)Player made (See Notes Section).15 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (harralander)Player made (See Notes Section).14 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (harralander/guam)Player made (See Notes Section).19 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (harralander/marrentill)Player made (See Notes Section).23 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (harralander/marrentill/guam)Player made (See Notes Section).57 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (marrentill)Player made (See Notes Section).21 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (marrentill/guam)Player made (See Notes Section).20 gpNoYes
Herbal shardObtained when training Herblore after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Herbal tinctureGiven to you by the Apothecary, in the southwestern sector of Varrock.---YesYes
HerbertThis pet is found whilst training Herblore.---NoYes
HerbicidePurchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim.---NoYes
Herblore capePurchased from Kaqemeex.---NoYes
Herblore cape (t)Purchased from Kaqemeex.---NoYes
Herblore crate (large)This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.0 gpNoYes
Herblore crate (small)This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Herblore hoodReceived from Kaqemeex when buying a Herblore cape.---NoYes
Herblore master capePurchased from Kaqemeex.---NoYes
Herblore suppliesLooted from a Wilderness Warbands Herblore tent.---NoYes
Herby meatPlayer Made(See Notes).---YesYes
Herculean gold ringBought for 2,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Herman's bookSearch Herman Caranos' desk at his house in the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.---NoYes
Hermit crabAcquired by Fishing at the waterfall in the Meilyr sector of Prifddinas.---NoYes
Hermit crab bootPurchased from Mhistyll at the waterfall in the Meilyr sector of Prifddinas.---NoYes
Hermit crab chestPurchased from Mhistyll at the waterfall in the Meilyr sector of Prifddinas.---NoYes
Hermit crab coralPurchased from Mhistyll at the waterfall in the Meilyr sector of Prifddinas.---NoYes
Hermit crab nautilusPurchased from Mhistyll at the waterfall in the Meilyr sector of Prifddinas.---NoYes
Hermit crab shellPurchased from Mhistyll at the waterfall in the Meilyr sector of Prifddinas.---NoYes
Hermodic plateMonster drop; Quest reward.---NoYes
Heroic skullObtained after killing someone in the PVP only areas for the World Event 2.---NoNo
HerringPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Alfonse the Waiter.159 gpNoNo
Het maskWithin Het's tomb.---NoYes
Hetite stoneFound while on task in the Sophanem slayer dungeon---NoYes
HexcrestJungle Strykewyrm monster drop.220.4k gpNoYes
Hexhunter bowMonster Drop.184.2m gpNoYes
Hexhunter bow (Dungeoneering)Monster Drop.0 gpNoYes
Hi-spec monoclePurchased from Ezreal at the Archaeology guild; Reward from Acting Guildmaster Reiniger for advancing in Qualification.---NoYes
Hidden shardObtained when training Thieving after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Hideous moleskinMonster Drop.---NoYes
High Armour of Hanto cuirassBought from Boni in the Uncharted Isles---NoYes
High Armour of Hanto handguardsBought from Boni in the Uncharted Isles---NoYes
High Armour of Hanto headpeice Bought from Boni in the Uncharted Isles---NoYes
High Armour of Hanto legguardsBought from Boni in the Uncharted Isles---NoYes
High Armour of Hanto sabatonsBought from Boni in the Uncharted Isles---NoYes
High priest crozierUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
High priest crozier (damaged)Obtained by excavating Big High War God shrine; Obtained by completing Warforge Dig Site Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
High priest mitreUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
High priest mitre (damaged)Obtained by excavating Big High War God shrine; Obtained by completing Warforge Dig Site Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
High priest orbUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
High priest orb (damaged)Obtained by excavating Big High War God shrine; Obtained by completing Warforge Dig Site Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
High-quality bronze barPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
High-quality bronze daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
High-quality bronze swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
High-quality copper oreDropped by a Living rock brawler.---YesNo