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Iron oxide (One Small Favour)Given to you by the Tindel Marchant, at the Port Khazard docks, in exchange for a Comfy mattress.---YesYes
Iron pickaxePlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Tati and Nurmof; Respawns on the North coast of Rellekka; Monster drop.4,066 gpNoNo
Iron platebodyPlayer made (See notes section).7,510 gpNoNo
Iron platebody + 1Player made (See Notes Section).8,018 gpNoNo
Iron platelegsPlay made (see notes); Bought from Louie Legs in Al Kharid and Horvik in Varrock.2,350 gpNoNo
Iron platelegs + 1Player Made (See Notes).3,675 gpNoNo
Iron plateskirtSkirt store in Al Kharid; Player made (See Notes Section).2,680 gpNoNo
Iron plateskirt + 1Player made (See Notes Section).4,698 gpNoNo
Iron railsPlayer made (See Notes Section)---NoNo
Iron scimitarRespawns in the western part of the Boneyard in the Wilderness. Player made (See Notes Section); monster drop.4,627 gpNoNo
Iron scimitar + 1Player made (See Notes Section).10.7k gpNoNo
Iron sheetPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Iron sickleBought from Gardener Gunnhild on Miscellania.---NoYes
Iron spearPlayer made (See Notes Section).15.6k gpNoYes
Iron spear (kp)Player made (See Notes Section), and bought from Tamayu in Tai Bwo Wannai (After the the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest).---YesYes
Iron spikesPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Iron spitPlayer Made.5,544 gpNoYes
Iron square shieldShield shop in Falador; player made (See Notes Section).3,220 gpNoNo
Iron square shield + 1Player made (See Notes Section).5,558 gpNoNo
Iron stone spiritObtained from mining Iron rocks; Monster Drop.9 gpNoNo
Iron swordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.3,969 gpNoNo
Iron sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).10.6k gpNoNo
Iron sword designObtained randomly from Egil after Smithing an item on an anvil within the Artisans' Workshop.---NoYes
Iron throwing axeBought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild.55 gpNoNo
Iron tiePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Iron titan pouchPlayer Made (See Notes).3,886 gpNoYes
Iron Titan scroll (Iron Within)Player made (See Notes Section).294 gpNoYes
Iron track 100%Player made (See Notes section).---NoNo
Iron track 40%Player made (See Notes section).---NoNo
Iron track 60%Player made (See Notes section).---NoNo
Iron track 80%Player made (See Notes section).---NoNo
Iron warhammerPurchased from Skulgrimen, Anton, and Vigr (or Seiglinde); Player Made (See Notes).5,744 gpNoNo
Iron warhammer + 1Player made (See Notes Section).6,317 gpNoNo
Irwinsson's greatbowObtained from Sigli the Huntsman.---NoYes
Isafdar paintingBought from Sir Renittee for 2k gp. Requires 3 Mahogany planks to use and gives 464 xp. ---NoYes
Islands That Once Were Turtles teleportPurchased from Boni. ---NoYes
Ithell symbol piecePickpocketed from Ithell workers; Possible reward for completing a lap of the Hefin Agility Course.---NoYes
Ivandis flailPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Ivandis flail (max)Made during the Legacy of Seergaze quest. This flail has been mastered after burning 500 vyre corpses.---YesYes
Ivory combPyramid Plunder Mini-game.5,536 gpNoYes
Ivory idol armsPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoNo
Ivory idol bodyPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoNo
Ivory idol headPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoYes
Ivory idol legsPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoNo
Izzy's markCap'n Izzy No-Beard at the Brimhaven Agility Arena.---YesYes