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Impious urn (full)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Impious urnWhen an Impious urn (r) is partially filled it will turn to an Impious urn. ---NoNo
Impious oak incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).3,432 gpNoNo
Impious incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).9,190 gpNoNo
Impious ashesMonster Drop.1,182 gpNoNo
Imphide shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,446 gpNoNo
Imphide robe topPlayer made (See Notes Section).914 gpNoNo
Imphide robe bottomPlayer made (See Notes Section).910 gpNoNo
Imphide hoodPlayer made (See Notes Section).714 gpNoNo
Imphide glovesPlayer Made (See Notes Section).335 gpNoNo
Imphide bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).334 gpNoNo
Imphide bookPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,099 gpNoNo
ImphideMonster Drop.1,043 gpNoNo
Imperium coreNex: Angel of Death.113.8m gpNoYes
Imperial steelObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Ancient gravel; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.2,958 gpNoNo
Imperial signetsReceived from Commander Akhomet.---YesYes
Imperial ironObtained by screening Senntisten soil during the Archaeology tutorial.---NoNo
Imperial district teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).11.7k gpNoYes
Imperfect heat globeOne of the pedestals in the frozen fortress west of the Frozen Waste Plateau.---YesYes
Imp-in-a-boxCaught using the Hunter Skill.---NoYes
Imp repellentElnock Inquisitor; Puro-Puro.1,112 gpNoYes
Imp mask (damaged)Obtained by excavating Cultist footlocker; Obtained by completing Infernal Source Site Research and the Zamorakian Special Research "Abandon All Hope"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Imp maskUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Imp horn wandPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,029 gpNoNo
ImmorelThese mushrooms can be found while foraging mushroom clusters found on Goshima in The Arc.---NoYes
Immaculate jungle stickObtained by cleaning the Dirty stick.---YesYes
Immaculate alloy barPlayer Made (See Notes).4.5m gpNoYes
Imcando pistol 5Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando pistol 4Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando pistol 3Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando pistol 2Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando pistol 1Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando pickaxe fragment 4Found in the Lava Flow Mine. ---NoYes
Imcando pickaxe fragment 3Found in the Lava Flow Mine. ---NoYes
Imcando pickaxe fragment 2Found in the Lava Flow Mine. ---NoYes
Imcando pickaxe fragment 1Found in the Lava Flow Mine.---NoYes
Imcando pickaxePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Imcando mattockPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Imcando channeling rod 5Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando channeling rod 4Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando channeling rod 3Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando channeling rod 2Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando channeling rod 1Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando axe (70)Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando axe (60)Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando axe (40)Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando axe (20)Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando axe (1)Possible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Imcando arcane focus 5Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Imcando arcane focus 4Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Imcando arcane focus 3Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Imcando arcane focus 2Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Imcando arcane focus 1Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Imbued shardObtained when training Magic after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Imbued blade sliceMonster drop from Vindicta---NoYes
Ilujankan tool (needle)Found on the ground during the evacuation of Iaia.---YesYes
Ilujankan tool (mould)Found on the ground during the evacuation of Iaia.---YesYes
Ilujankan tool (chisel)Found on the ground during the evacuation of Iaia.---YesYes
Illuminated Book of WisdomPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Illuminated Book of WarPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Illuminated Book of LawPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Illuminated Book of ChaosPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Illuminated Book of BalancePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Illuminated Ancient BookPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Ikuchi orokami maskFrom looting a Oily orokami or looting a Oily orokami jar.129.2k gpNoYes
Ikovian gerege (damaged)Obtained by excavating Ikovian memorial; Obtained by completing Stormguard Citadel Site Research and the Armadylean Special Research "Ikovian Tragedy"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Ikovian geregeUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Igneous jadinko (unchecked)Found when hunting Igneous jadinkos.1.3m gpNoYes
Igneous jadinkoResult of checking an Igneous jadinko (unchecked); Result of breeding jadinkos at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Igneous geodeOccasionally obtained while Mining any of the following rocks: Orichalcite, Drakolith, Necrite, Phasmatite, Concentrated coal, Banite, Light animica, and Dark animica.---NoYes
Igneous fruitJadinko Lair offering table, you can buy random fruits in exchange for Jadinko Lair reward points.---NoYes
Ifrit lamp spoutThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Ifrit lamp potThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Ifrit lamp handleThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. 0 gpNoNo
Ifrit lampObtained by combining the Ifrit lamp spout, Ifrit lamp handle, and Ifrit lamp pot.---NoNo