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Lens mouldObservatory dungeon, in the kitchen guarded by a Goblin. Inspect the stove.---YesYes
Leprechaun hatPurchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
LergberriesPicked from a grown lergberry bush.---NoYes
Lergberry seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Lesser demon maskUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Lesser demon mask (damaged)Obtained by excavating Cultist footlocker; Obtained by completing Infernal Source Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Lesser Demon scroll (Ring Of Fire)Player made (See Notes Section).2,232 gpNoYes
Lesser ensouled barPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Lesser ensouled clothPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Lesser ensouled threadPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Lesser necroplasmPlayer Made (See Notes).190 gpNoNo
Lesser runic staffBought from Wizard Finix's shop in the Wizards' Tower for 5,000 Runespan points.---NoYes
Lesser unensouled barPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Letter (Fenkenstrain)Wind the clock on the second floor of Dr Fenkenstrain's castle, northeast of Canifis.---YesYes
Letter (Jorral)Given to you by Jorral at the Ardougne Outpost.---YesYes
Letter (King Lathas)Given to you by King Lathas in East Ardougne.---YesYes
Letter (Perils of Ice Mountain)Given to you by Drorkar.---YesNo
Letter (Rind the gardener)Given to you by Rind the gardener in Keldagrim.---YesYes
Letter (Royal Trouble)Given to you by Queen Sigrid, on the second floor of the castle on Etceteria.---YesYes
Letter (The Branches of Darkmeyer)Found in a cave in Burgh de Rott south of the bank.---YesYes
Letter (The Golem)Near the Ruins of Uzer.---YesYes
Letter from Bill TeachObtained from Postie Pete when trying to enter your Player-Owned Home.---YesYes
Letter from CharosCharos' tomb, under McGrubor's Woods.---YesYes
Letter from King RaddallinObtained when the Chest was opened.---NoNo
Letter from Lord DaquariusBlack Knights' Fortress.---NoNo
Letters (One Piercing Note)Found under Sister Elena's bed in the Cithareda Abbey, located east of Al Kharid.---YesYes
Letters from VioletRecieved from Postie Pete during the start of the quest.---YesNo
Level 1 certificateGiven to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 1 exam.---YesYes
Level 2 certificateGiven to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 2 exam.---YesYes
Level 3 certificateGiven to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 2 exam.---YesYes
LeverRespawns in the Temple of Ikov dungeon, in the room west of broken bridge.---YesYes
Lever (broken)If you fail an obstacle on the agility course with a lever in your inventory, it will break.---NoYes
Lever (Dorgesh-Kaan)In the old power station in the Dorgesh-Kaan agility area when you use a spanner on the console.---NoYes
Lever keyStolen from the Guard (Registry).---YesYes
Lever schematicIn a crate on the basement floor 1 of the Elemental Workshop dungeon.---YesYes
Leviathan ringPlayer Made (See Notes Section).156.8k gpNoYes
Levs music boxObtained during the quest Beneath Cursed Tides.---YesNo
Liberation of Mazcab reroll tokenReward for Call of the Ancestors; Bought from the Armoursmith. ---NoYes
LifeFound in the third chest in the riddle room of Armadyl's Citadel.---YesNo
Life altar fragment 1Retrieved from the Wise Old Man's bank.---YesNo
Life altar fragment 2Retrieved from the Grand Exchange Maintenance puzzle.---YesNo
Life altar fragment 3Retrieved from the Max after maxing Riding, Sailing, and Bankstanding Beta skills.---YesNo
Life refreshAlways found in lost property (heavy), lost property (bulky), and lost property (weighty); Possible loot from huge parcels.---NoYes
Life runeFound by flipping the Pure essence found in the Gower house.---YesNo
Lifeguard chair head tokenFound while skilling on the beach during the Summer Beach Party22.5k gpNoNo
Lift manualFound on a crate near the scaffold in the Miscellania dungeon.---YesYes
LightFound in the second chest in the riddle room of Armadyl's Citadel.---YesNo
Light animicaObtained by Mining Light animica rocks. 6,390 gpNoYes
Light animica stone spiritObtained from mining Light animica rocks; Monster Drop.534 gpNoYes
Light blue afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Light brown afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Light corePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Light core (Extinction)Received by killing Shadows.---YesYes
Light creature pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,064 gpNoYes
Light Creature scroll (Enlightenment)Player made (See Notes Section).434 gpNoYes
Light globeA total of 8 globes can be found around Senntisten, see step 12 for specific locations.---YesYes
Light grey afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Light mystic bootsMonster drop.449.9k gpNoYes
Light mystic glovesMonster drop.249.0k gpNoNo
Light mystic hatMonster drop.24.2k gpNoNo
Light mystic robe bottomMonster drop.9,782 gpNoNo
Light mystic robe topMonster drop.51.5k gpNoNo
Light mystic robes setPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.3m gpNoYes
Light orbPlayer made (see notes). Also may be found when Thieving chests in Dorgesh-Kaan.14.2k gpNoYes
Light tax bagObtained by collecting taxes from the citizens of Jatizso.---YesYes
Lighthouse keyReceived from Gunnjorn.---YesYes
Lighthouse TeleportPossible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).46.7k gpNoYes
Lightweight FeatherObtainable during the March 11 to March 14 promotion on Treasure Hunter.---NoYes
Lil' TuzzyLiberation of Mazcab.---NoYes
Lily of the valleyPicked almost anywhere in RuneScape during Spring.---NoNo
LimeTree Gnome Stronghold Grand Tree, Pollnivneach General Store, and From the random event Dr. Ford. Does not respawn.2,374 gpNoYes
Lime chunksPlayer made. (See notes section)45 gpNoYes
Lime parasolTreasure Hunter promotion (Build a Beach). This event runs from August 11th till August 15th.6.4m gpNoNo
Lime slicesPlayer made (See notes section).100 gpNoYes
LimestoneDropped by monsters, mine on road to Mort Myre from Varrock, buy in Mort'ton General Store, or mine in Tirannwn near the Arandar Mountains.1,354 gpNoNo