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Leaping troutFished on top of Baxtorian Falls.367 gpNoYes
Leaping sturgeonFished on top of Baxtorian Falls.374 gpNoYes
Leaping salmonFished on top of Baxtorian Falls.381 gpNoYes
Limpwurt seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, stolen from seed stalls, purchased from Olivia at the Draynor Village marketplace, or bought in Vinesweeper.400 gpNoYes
Lustrous energyHarvested from Lustrous wisps and Lustrous springs east of the Canifis Slayer Tower.400 gpNoYes
Locust meatPossible monster drop.402 gpNoNo
Light Creature scroll (Enlightenment)Player made (See Notes Section).434 gpNoYes
Lantern lensPlayer made (See Notes Section).448 gpNoYes
Limpwurt rootRespawns in Edgeville resource dungeon (requires 20 Dungeoneering to enter); Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Bought from Poletax in Taverley and the Harmony pillar farmer and Lady Meilyr in Prifddinas.480 gpNoNo
Liverwort seedMonster Drop.501 gpNoYes
Leather vambracesPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Armour salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.528 gpYesNo
Light animica stone spiritObtained from mining Light animica rocks; Monster Drop.534 gpNoYes
Leather shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section)553 gpNoNo
Large spiky iron salvageMonster Drop.565 gpNoNo
Large plated iron salvageMonster Drop.655 gpNoNo
Leather glovesPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Thessalia and Lowe in Varrock, Gunslik in Keldagrim, Jiminua northwest of Tai Bwo Wannia, and Obli in Shilo Village; Caught while Fishing with a Big fishing net; Monster drop; Respawns south of Edgeville bank, inside Father Urhney's house, and inside the Phoenix Gang's weapon store room.661 gpNoNo
LavenderPicked in the jungle surrounding Oo'glog.672 gpNoYes
Large blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.675 gpNoNo
Law tiaraMade by using a Tiara on the Law Altar while carrying a Law talisman in your inventory.707 gpNoYes
Leather bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Thessalia and Lowe in Varrock, Jiminua northwest of Tai Bwo Wannia, and Obli in Shilo Village; Caught while Fishing with a Big fishing net; Monster drop; Respawns in the house northeast of the Al Kharid and in Lumbridge Castle cellar.711 gpNoNo
Larupia legsCrafted by the owner of the Fancy Dress Shop in Varrock.738 gpNoYes
Larupia topCrafted by the owner of the Fancy Dress Shop in Varrock.819 gpNoYes
Leather bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Thessalia and Lowe in Varrock, the Gnome shopkeeper in Burthorpe, the Armour salesman in the Ranging Guild, Jiminua northwest of Tai Bwo Wannai, and Obli in Shilo Village ; Monster drop; Respawns in the building southwest of the Varrock Magic Shop.828 gpNoNo
Lemon cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).900 gpNoYes
Large oak bedPlayer made using 5 Oak planks and 2 Cloths on an Oak workbench or better.992 gpNoYes
Leather cowlPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Armour salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.1,002 gpNoNo
Large bladed iron salvageMonster Drop.1,084 gpNoNo
Large teak bedPlayer made using 5 teak planks and 2 Cloths on a Steel framed bench or better workbench. 1,291 gpNoYes
Lean snail meatPlayer made.1,335 gpNoYes
LimestoneDropped by monsters, mine on road to Mort Myre from Varrock, buy in Mort'ton General Store, or mine in Tirannwn near the Arandar Mountains.1,354 gpNoNo
LeatherPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,356 gpNoNo
Limestone brickPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Razmire Keelgan in Mort'ton, the Stonemason in Keldagrim, Rasolo West of the Fishing Guild, Bill in Fort Forinthry, and the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas; Monster drop.1,447 gpNoNo
Lemon chunksPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,493 gpNoYes
LogsRespawn locations (See Notes); Cut from a Tree; Monster Drop; Purchased from Polypore merchant.1,503 gpNoNo
Lobster potRespawns within the Fishing Guild. Fishing stores and the Fishing Guild.1,549 gpNoNo
LemonTree Gnome Stronghold Grand Tree food suppliers.1,614 gpNoYes
Left eyepatchPossible reward for looting a pirate impling jar.1,648 gpNoYes
Leather chapsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Lowe in Varrock, the Gnome shopkeeper in Burthorpe, and Armour salesman in the Ranging Guild; Monster drop.1,671 gpNoNo
Lapis lazuli ringPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,883 gpNoYes
Lesser Demon scroll (Ring Of Fire)Player made (See Notes Section).2,232 gpNoYes
Large spiky steel salvageMonster Drop.2,280 gpNoNo
LimeTree Gnome Stronghold Grand Tree, Pollnivneach General Store, and From the random event Dr. Ford. Does not respawn.2,374 gpNoYes
LuminiteObtained by Mining Luminite rocks.2,748 gpNoNo
Lassar teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).2,780 gpNoYes
Large plated steel salvageMonster Drop.2,809 gpNoNo
Leather scrapsObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Fiery brimstone, Saltwater mud, Aerated sediment, or Earthen clay; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.2,946 gpNoYes
Large blunt steel salvageMonster Drop.4,028 gpNoNo
Light creature pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,064 gpNoYes
Large plated mithril salvageMonster Drop.4,104 gpNoNo
LycheeHarvested from a Lychee fruit bush, grown from a Lychee seed.4,194 gpNoYes
Large bladed steel salvageMonster Drop.4,743 gpNoNo
Law talismanMonster Drop.5,249 gpNoYes
Large spiky mithril salvageMonster Drop.5,300 gpNoNo
Large spiky adamant salvageMonster Drop.6,170 gpNoNo
Light animicaObtained by Mining Light animica rocks. 6,390 gpNoYes
Lean snailMort Myre swamp snail drop6,422 gpNoYes
Luminite injectorObtained from a Portable skilling pack; Purchased from Egil.6,545 gpNoYes
Lantadyme potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).6,713 gpNoYes
Large blunt mithril salvageMonster Drop.8,363 gpNoNo
Large bladed adamant salvageMonster Drop.8,411 gpNoNo
Loop half of a keyCan be given to you as a possible reward from a random event and from the Gnome Delivery Service. It can also be found inside Caskets, inside the Taverley chest, inside the Barrows chest, and received as a monster drop or found inside of a dead, evil tree.8,501 gpNoYes
Larupia hatCrafted by the owner of the Fancy Dress Shop in Varrock.8,689 gpNoYes
Light mystic robe bottomMonster drop.9,782 gpNoNo
Lava battlestaffMonster Drop.9,799 gpNoYes
Large bladed mithril salvageMonster Drop.10.8k gpNoNo
Large plated adamant salvageMonster Drop.11.2k gpNoNo
Lumbridge teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).11.2k gpNoYes
LeavesLeaves are dropped by baby tanglefoots (after the Fairy Tale Part I quest) or when using any secateurs to cure a tree of disease.12.1k gpNoYes
Light orbPlayer made (see notes). Also may be found when Thieving chests in Dorgesh-Kaan.14.2k gpNoYes
Lava titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.9k gpNoYes
Luck potionPlayer made (See Notes).18.3k gpNoYes
Large blunt adamant salvageMonster Drop.21.7k gpNoNo
Lifeguard chair head tokenFound while skilling on the beach during the Summer Beach Party22.5k gpNoNo
Lantadyme incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).23.8k gpNoYes
Light mystic hatMonster drop.24.2k gpNoNo