Name   |
Location   |
Market price   |
Quest |
Members Only |
Last riders | Obtained by killing the King Black Dragon. | --- | No | No |
Last will and testament | Found inside of the Chest. | --- | No | No |
Last Will and Testament (Foreshadowing) | Obtained from Elvarg. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lathas' amulet | King Lathas in East Ardougne. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Lava eel | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lava whip | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Law altar teleport | Purchased from Wizard Elriss for Runecrafting guild tokens or from Wizard Rinsit for 2,000 Runespan points. | --- | No | Yes |
Law ethereal body | Promotional event for Treasure Hunter during the weekend of October 16-19th 2014. | 0 gp | No | No |
Law ethereal feet | Promotional event for Treasure Hunter during the weekend of October 16-19th 2014. | 0 gp | No | No |
Law ethereal hands | Promotional event for Treasure Hunter during the weekend of October 16-19th 2014. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Law ethereal head | Promotional event for Treasure Hunter during the weekend of October 16-19th 2014. | 0 gp | No | No |
Law ethereal legs | Promotional event for Treasure Hunter during the weekend of October 16-19th 2014. | 0 gp | No | No |
Law rune (Runespan) | The Runespan | --- | No | Yes |
Law staff | Purchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim. | --- | No | No |
Law talisman staff | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | Yes |
Lazy cat | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | No |
Lazy cat (purple) | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | No |
Lazy hellcat | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | No |
Leaf-bladed spear | Buy from Slayer Masters in Burthorpe, Canifis, Edgeville Dungeon, Shilo Village and Zanaris (Lost City). | --- | No | Yes |
Leaflet | Available at the Grand Exchange and at all banks and stands. | --- | No | No |
Leather body (class 1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Leather body (class 2) | Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Leather body (class 3) | Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Leather body (class 4) | Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Leather body (class 5) | Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Leather book | Found in a bookcase in the library underneath the Temple of Paterdomus, West of Canifis. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Leather scraps (Treasure Hunter) | Won from Treasure Hunter mini game. | --- | No | Yes |
Lederhosen hat | Can be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 500 coins. | --- | No | No |
Lederhosen shorts | Can be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 1500 coins. | --- | No | No |
Lederhosen top | Can be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 2000 coins. | --- | No | No |
Left arm | Monster drop from creatures in the Jade vine maze, northeast of Shilo Village. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Left boot | On the table in Dromund's house. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Left leg | Monster drop from creatures in the Jade vine maze, northeast of Shilo Village. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Left skull half | Monster drop. It is dropped by Ankous on the fourth level of the Stronghold of Security. | --- | No | No |
Legatus Maximus figurine (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Administratum debris; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. | --- | No | Yes |
Legatus pendant | Player made (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Legatus pendant (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Praesidio remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research and the Zarosian Special Research "Cell, a Door"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. | --- | No | Yes |
Legendary cocktail | Given to you by Thora the Barkeep, in Rellekka's longhall, in exchange for the Promissory note. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Legendary horns | This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Legionary gladius | Unknown, please submit. | --- | No | Yes |
Legionary gladius (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Legionary remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research and the Zarosian Special Research "Demon Door"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. | --- | No | No |
Legionary square shield | Unknown, please submit. | --- | No | Yes |
Legionary square shield (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Legionary remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.
| --- | No | No |
Legs | Digging one of the three graves at the Mausoleum, north of Canifis. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lemon (Freezer) | In a crate, in the Area 5.1 room, at the secret bunker. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lemon sole rune | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lemon sour | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event. | --- | No | No |
Lemon tree seedling | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lemon truffle | A Lemon truffle has a chance of being obtained by redeeming 50 Valentine love notes. | --- | No | Yes |
Lens | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lens mould | Observatory dungeon, in the kitchen guarded by a Goblin. Inspect the stove. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lergberries | Picked from a grown lergberry bush. | --- | No | Yes |
Lergberry seed | Possible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat. | --- | No | Yes |
Lesser demon mask (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Cultist footlocker; Obtained by completing Infernal Source Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. | --- | No | Yes |
Lesser ensouled bar | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Lesser ensouled cloth | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | No |
Lesser ensouled thread | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Lesser runic staff | Bought from Wizard Finix's shop in the Wizards' Tower for 5,000 Runespan points. | --- | No | Yes |
Lesser unensouled bar | Player Made (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Letter (Fenkenstrain) | Wind the clock on the second floor of Dr Fenkenstrain's castle, northeast of Canifis. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter (Jorral) | Given to you by Jorral at the Ardougne Outpost. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter (King Lathas) | Given to you by King Lathas in East Ardougne. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter (Perils of Ice Mountain) | Given to you by Drorkar. | --- | Yes | No |
Letter (Rind the gardener) | Given to you by Rind the gardener in
Keldagrim. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter (Royal Trouble) | Given to you by Queen Sigrid, on the second floor of the castle on Etceteria. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter (The Branches of Darkmeyer) | Found in a cave in Burgh de Rott south of the bank. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter (The Golem) | Near the Ruins of Uzer. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter from Bill Teach | Obtained from Postie Pete when trying to enter your Player-Owned Home. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter from Charos | Charos' tomb, under McGrubor's Woods. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letter from King Raddallin | Obtained when the Chest was opened. | --- | No | No |
Letter from Lord Daquarius | Black Knights' Fortress. | --- | No | No |
Letters (One Piercing Note) | Found under Sister Elena's bed in the Cithareda Abbey, located east of Al Kharid. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Letters from Violet | Recieved from Postie Pete during the start of the quest. | --- | Yes | No |
Level 1 certificate | Given to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 1 exam. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Level 2 certificate | Given to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 2 exam. | --- | Yes | Yes |