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Mystical sand seedMonster Drop.3,785 gpNoYes
Mystical robesFound by searching the coffin on the second floor of the Ectofuntus.---YesYes
Mystical charm sliceMonster drop.---NoYes
Mystic water staffPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.22.6k gpNoYes
Mystic wandBought from the Robe Store owner in the Magic Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.33.9k gpNoNo
Mystic tattooThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Mystic steam staffPlayer Made (See Notes).132.3k gpNoYes
Mystic shieldBought from the Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.9,210 gpNoYes
Mystic robes setThis set can be made by talking to a Grand Exchange clerk while having Full Mystic (hat, top, bottoms, gloves and boots) in your inventory.167.2k gpNoYes
Mystic robe top (blue)Bought from Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.39.2k gpNoNo
Mystic robe bottom (blue)Bought from Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.29.5k gpNoNo
Mystic orbBought from Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.19.2k gpNoYes
Mystic mud StaffPlayer Made (See Notes).104.5k gpNoYes
Mystic lava staffPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.83.1k gpNoYes
Mystic jewelBrian O'Richard in the Rogue's Den. 0 gpNoYes
Mystic hat (blue)Bought from the Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild; Monster drop. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.40.0k gpNoNo
Mystic gloves (blue)Bought from the Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild; Monster drop; Possible loot from Magpie and Earth imping jars. Can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.22.4k gpNoNo
Mystic fire staffPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.23.2k gpNoYes
Mystic earth staffPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.22.9k gpNoYes
Mystic clothMonster drop.15.1k gpNoNo
Mystic boots (blue)Bought from Robe Store owner in the Wizards' Guild. Possible loot from a Magpie imling; Possible monster drop and can be crafted from strip of mystic cloth.22.3k gpNoNo
Mystic air staffPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.22.0k gpNoYes
Mystery meatFound in several chests in the safe rooms during the Broken Home quest.---YesNo
Mystery crackerUnknown, please submit.0 gpNoYes
Mystery boxReward from the Mysterious Old Man Quiz random event.---NoNo
Mysterious staffThe mysterious statue in the Nemi Forest on Mazcab.---NoYes
Mysterious slipReceived as a drop from the Chaos dwarf hand cannoneer.---YesYes
Mysterious medallionFound in the coffin within the cave south of the Burgh de Rott bank. ---YesYes
Mysterious meatObtained from Eli during Bringing Home the Bacon.---NoYes
Mysterious letterUnder the bench at the second crime scene during Missing, Presumed Death.---YesNo
Mysterious lampReward from the the Troll Stronghold quest.---YesYes
Mysterious jerkyReceived from the butchery table and from Ivan Strom.---YesYes
Mysterious herbA Mysterious herb is obtained from chopping vines during World Event 3, on one of the islands. ---NoNo
Mysterious clue scrollObtained from a tree in McGrubor's Wood.---YesYes
Mysterious bookIt is a reward from the Cryptic Clue Fest.---NoNo
Mysterious axeFound as "Mysterious weapon" within the Nemi Forest on Mazcab.---NoYes
Myre snelm (round)Player made (See Notes Section).141 gpNoYes
Myre snelm (pointed)Player made (See Notes Section).107 gpNoYes
Mycelium visor webBought from the Merchant in the Polypore dungeon.1,679 gpNoYes
Mycelium poncho webBought from the Merchant in the Polypore dungeon.1,136 gpNoYes
Mycelium leggings webBought from the Merchant in the Polypore dungeon.1,251 gpNoYes
Mycelial webbingHarvesting produce from Zygomites (excluding Gloomshroom zygomites) at the Manor farm.417 gpNoYes
My notesReceived from Otto Godblessed during Barbarian Training.---NoYes
My Little VanstromIn the Meiyerditch Dungeon, the plushie is found on the coffin, in the northern room(blood altar inside).---YesYes
Mutated vineMonster Drop.25 gpNoYes
Muspah tailGiven to you by Jhallan during The Tale of the Muspah.---YesYes
Muspah spineMonster drop.---NoYes
Music sheetSearch the music stand in the basement of Witch's house in Taverley.---YesYes
Music scrollGiven to you by Ali the Snake Charmer in Pollnivneach.---YesYes
Mushy mushPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Mushroom potatoPlayer made (See Notes Section).415 gpNoYes
Mushroom & onionPlayer made (See Notes Section).613 gpNoYes
Museum mapInformation Lady, Information booth, or the Map wall.---NoNo
Musaberry seedCan be obtained from cross-pollinating Exuberry seeds and Stormberry seeds.---NoYes
MusaberryPicked from musaberry bushes planted on Tuai Leit (See Notes); bought from Sinuman or Terri when in stock.---NoYes
Murderous orokami jarPlayer Made (See Notes); Bought from Sensei Seaworth.---YesYes
Murderous bakami jarPlayer Made (See Notes); Bought from Sensei Seaworth.---YesYes
Mummy's name papyrusObtained by charming Ali Morrisane, near the cactus patch in Al Kharid, with Ring of charos (a).---YesYes
Mummy with no handOn the floor in the Missing My Mummy quest pyramid.---YesYes
Mummy handDropped by Skeleton looters (level 60) in the Missing My Mummy quest pyramid.---YesYes
Mulled wineTaken from the table next to where the wizards are sitting.---NoNo
Mudskipper hideDrop from a Mudskipper.---YesYes
Mudskipper hatMonster drop.---NoYes
Muddy skullIt is found in the Lumbridge Swamp training mining site, south of the graveyard in Lumbridge by searching the large rock near the ore.---YesNo
Muddy rockThroughout the Mountain Camp.---NoYes
Muddy keyMonster-drop.1,542 gpNoNo
Mud runePlayer made or may be purchased in the Mage Arena.1,480 gpNoYes
Mud piePlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Romily Weaklax in the Cooks' Guild.3,033 gpNoYes
Mud battlestaffMonster Drop.34.1k gpNoYes
Mud (Face)Oo'glog---NoYes
MudPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Mr PuddlesSouth of Port Phasmatys, along the water’s edge, is Araxxor’s lair. It is in the lair and across the gap to the West. The plushie is on the East side of the path toward the end.---YesYes
Mr BiteyOn the topmost floor of the Paterdomus temple, west of Canifis, Mr Bitey is on a bed, inside the cell room.---YesYes
Movario's notes (volume 2)Found in a chest under Movario's bed in his hideout.---YesYes
Movario's notes (volume 1)Found on Movario's study desk within his hideout.---YesYes