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Off-hand leaf-bladed swordMonster drop.38.9k gpNoYes
Orikalkum gauntlets + 2Player made (See Notes Section).38.5k gpNoYes
Orikalkum pickaxe + 1Player Made (See Notes). 36.9k gpNoYes
Off-hand dragon daggerBought from the sword stall in Zanaris; Bought from Rasolo the wandering merchant north of Ardougne. 31.0k gpNoYes
O'ahu parasol tokenSummer Beach Party Event, Player bought28.0k gpNoNo
Off-hand dragon maceBought from Helemos in the Heroes' Guild.26.8k gpNoYes
Off-hand dragon warhammerBought from Skulgrimen in Rellekka and Vigr (or Seiglinde if you chose to exile or execute Vigr in Birthright of the Dwarves) in Keldagrim.26.6k gpNoYes
Orikalkum 2h warhammerPlayer made (See Notes Section).24.5k gpNoYes
Orb of the Cywir elders shardObtained when players receive a Orb of the Cywir elders drop while CoinShare is active.20.2k gpNoYes
Off-hand rubber turkeyFound in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017); Found in Presents during the Holiday events (December 2017).17.0k gpNoNo
Orikalkum kiteshieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.8k gpNoYes
Orikalkum pickaxePlayer Made (See Notes).15.0k gpNoYes
Orikalkum mattockPlayer Made (See Notes Section).13.6k gpNoYes
Orikalkum full helm + 1Player made (See Notes Section).13.4k gpNoYes
Orikalkum platebodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).13.4k gpNoYes
Orikalkum warhammerPlayer made (See Notes Section).13.3k gpNoYes
Orikalkum off hand warhammerPlayer made (See Notes Section).12.5k gpNoYes
Orikalkum armoured boots + 1Player made (See Notes Section).12.0k gpNoYes
Ourg bones (General Graardor)Monster drop.11.4k gpNoYes
Orikalkum gauntlets + 1Player made (See Notes Section).11.0k gpNoYes
Oil lantern (oil)Player made (see notes section), pickpocketed from Cave goblins in Dorgesh-Kaan, bought from Miltog's lamps in Dorgesh-Kaan market for 180gp.10.8k gpNoYes
Orikalkum barPlayer made (See Notes Section).10.4k gpNoYes
Onyx dustFound in Ancient caskets; Found in Metamorphic geodes; Monster drop.9,541 gpNoYes
Off-hand adamant crossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).9,378 gpNoNo
Orikalkum platelegsPlayer made (See Notes Section).9,283 gpNoYes
Oil lamp (unlit)Empty oil lamps can be made using the Crafting skill at level 12, or bought from Dorgesh-Kaan or from other players. To light it, players require level 12 in Firemaking. Note that the oil lamp must be filled with lamp oil to be lit. 8,873 gpNoYes
Oranges (5)Player made.8,530 gpNoYes
OrgoneObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Volcanic ash; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.8,243 gpNoYes
Onions (10)Player made (See notes section).6,835 gpNoYes
Onyx bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).6,524 gpNoYes
Onyx bolt tipsMonster drop, player made (See Notes Section) or bought from Tzhaar store.6,431 gpNoYes
Orange salamanderCaught with a Net trap in the desert east of the Dominion Tower.6,066 gpNoYes
Off-hand black battleaxeBought from Brian in Port Sarim; Monster drop.5,655 gpNoNo
Onyx boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.5,644 gpNoYes
Off-hand black scimitarMonster drop.5,554 gpNoYes
Oak pyre logsPlayer made (See Notes Section.)5,318 gpNoYes
Oak rootsChop down an oak and dig up the roots with a spade on your own oak in a farming patch.4,809 gpNoYes
Orikalkum full helmPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,661 gpNoYes
Onyx bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).4,526 gpNoYes
Onyx bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).4,351 gpNoYes
Oculi apoterrasaur meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,249 gpNoYes
Orichalcite oreObtained by Mining Orichalcite rocks.4,005 gpNoYes
Off-hand black warhammer Bought from Vigr (or Seiglinde if you chose to exile or execute Vigr in Birthright of the Dwarves) in Keldagrim; Monster drop.3,896 gpNoYes
Off-Hand Black LongswordMonster drop; Possible Treasure Trails (Easy) reward; Possible Steel key chest reward.3,852 gpNoYes
Off-hand black maceMonster drop; Mort'ton Shade Burning.3,739 gpNoYes
Obsidian golem pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,625 gpNoYes
Orange flowersPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,586 gpNoYes
Off-hand white clawBought from Sir Vyvin in the White Knights Castle, in Falador.3,513 gpYesYes
Off-hand black sword Monster drop. 3,468 gpNoYes
Off-hand mithril crossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,452 gpNoNo
Off-Hand Black DaggerMonster drop.3,117 gpNoYes
OrthenglassObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Fiery brimstone, Saltwater mud, Aerated sediment, or Volcanic ash; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.3,027 gpNoYes
Oak shortbowPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild and Catherby; Possible monster drop.2,845 gpNoNo
Off-Hand Black ClawMonster drop.2,700 gpNoNo
OysterYou may catch an oyster while fishing with a big fishing net or while panning at the Digsite, withdrawn from a Granite Crab, or can be found from monster drops. 2,574 gpNoYes
Oak wood boxPlayer Made (See Notes).2,493 gpNoNo
Orikalkum armoured bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,204 gpNoYes
Oomlie hen (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.2,199 gpNoNo
Orikalkum gauntletsPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,178 gpNoYes
Ogre coffin keyMonster drop.2,001 gpNoYes
Opal amuletPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,868 gpNoYes
Opal ringPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,820 gpNoYes
Opal braceletPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,759 gpNoYes
Opal necklacePlayer made (See Notes Section).1,689 gpNoYes
Oak shieldbowPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild, Catherby, and Varrock; Possible monster drop.1,644 gpNoNo
Oak bedPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,409 gpNoYes
Oak blackjack (o)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid.1,377 gpNoYes
Olive oil (4)Bought from the Mort'ton General store, Rasolo the Wandering Merchant. This is also a possible reward for using Serum 207 on the afflicted in Mort'ton.1,348 gpNoYes
Oak incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).1,323 gpNoNo
Oak blackjack (d)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid.1,290 gpNoYes
OnionRespawns in the backyard of Farmer Fred's farmhouse (west of Sheep pen); field north of Rimmington. Grand Tree Groceries in Gnome Stronghold1,279 gpNoNo
Opal bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,275 gpNoYes
Off-hand bronze battleaxeBought from Brian in Port Sarim; Player made (See Notes Section).1,217 gpNoNo
Orange dyePurchased from Oronwen; Player Made (See Notes).1,203 gpNoNo
Off-hand bronze crossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,196 gpNoNo