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Praetorian staffUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Praetorian robes (damaged)Obtained by excavating Praetorian remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Praetorian robesUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Praetorian hood (damaged)Obtained by excavating Praetorian remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Praetorian hoodUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Praetor's log page 4Found inside The Vault of Shadows accessed by the Smoke button after solving the associated puzzle.---NoYes
Praetor's log page 3Found inside The Vault of Shadows accessed by the Blood button after solving the associated puzzle.---NoYes
Praetor's log page 2Found inside The Vault of Shadows accessed by the Ice button after solving the associated puzzle.---NoYes
Praetor's log page 1Found inside The Vault of Shadows accessed by the Ice button.---NoYes
Praesulic essence (melee)Player Made (See Notes Section).24.3m gpNoYes
Praesul codexMonster Drop.826.3m gpNoYes
Powerful necroplasmPlayer Made (See Notes).533 gpNoNo
Powerful mementoPotential drop from Corrupt glyph; Defile; Monster Drop; Soul storm.13.3k gpNoYes
Powerful ghostly inkPlayer Made (See Notes).13.9k gpNoNo
Powered necromantic seal of the FuriesPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the FacelessPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the Dragon RidersPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the CywirPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powerburst vialPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Jatix and the Meilyr Shop (Lady Meilyr or Harmony pillar farmer).2 gpNoYes
Powerburst of vitality (4)Player Made (See Notes).3,514 gpNoYes
Powerburst of vitality (3)Player Made (See Notes).1,909 gpNoYes
Powerburst of vitality (2)Player Made (See Notes).1,166 gpNoYes
Powerburst of vitality (1)Player Made (See Notes).838 gpNoYes
Powerburst of sorcery (4)Player Made (See Notes).151.8k gpNoYes
Powerburst of sorcery (3)Player Made (See Notes).114.8k gpNoYes
Powerburst of sorcery (2)Player Made (See Notes).61.9k gpNoYes
Powerburst of sorcery (1)Player Made (See Notes).37.2k gpNoYes
Powerburst of opportunity recipe fragment 4Obtained by excavating Moksha device or Xolo mine.---NoYes
Powerburst of opportunity recipe fragment 3Obtained by excavating Moksha device or Xolo mine.---NoYes
Powerburst of opportunity recipe fragment 2Obtained by excavating Moksha device or Xolo mine.---NoYes
Powerburst of opportunity recipe fragment 1Obtained by excavating Moksha device or Xolo mine.---NoYes
Powerburst of opportunity recipePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powerburst of masterstroke (4)Player Made (See Notes).2,725 gpNoYes
Powerburst of masterstroke (3)Player Made (See Notes).1,640 gpNoYes
Powerburst of masterstroke (2)Player Made (See Notes).1,429 gpNoYes
Powerburst of masterstroke (1)Player Made (See Notes).635 gpNoYes
Powerburst of feats (4)Player Made (See Notes).1,341 gpNoYes
Powerburst of feats (3)Player Made (See Notes).3,038 gpNoYes
Powerburst of feats (2)Player Made (See Notes).1,978 gpNoYes
Powerburst of feats (1)Player Made (See Notes).990 gpNoYes
Powerburst of acceleration (4)Player Made (See Notes).19.9k gpNoYes
Powerburst of acceleration (3)Player Made (See Notes).5,669 gpNoYes
Powerburst of acceleration (2)Player Made (See Notes).2,682 gpNoYes
Powerburst of acceleration (1)Player Made (See Notes).1,389 gpNoYes
Powerbox (broken)If you fail an obstacle on the agility course with a powerbox in your inventory, it will break.---NoYes
PowerboxIn the old power station in the Dorgesh-Kaan agility area when you use a spanner on the console.---NoYes
Power crystalIn a puzzle room. In front of the pillars in a puzzle room.---NoNo
Powdered wigPossible reward from a Reward casket (easy).1.2m gpNoNo
Powder of pulverisingPlayer Made (See Notes).8,092 gpNoYes
Powder of protectionPlayer Made (See Notes).267.2k gpNoYes
Powder of penancePlayer Made (See Notes).749.2k gpNoYes
Powder of item protectionPlayer Made (See Notes).148.6k gpNoYes
Powder of defencePlayer Made (See Notes).2,155 gpNoYes
Powder of burialsPlayer Made (See Notes).263.0k gpNoYes
PouchBought from Pikkupstix in the Taverley Summoning shop; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.14 gpNoNo
Pottery statuettePyramid Plunder Mini-game.208 gpNoYes
Pottery scarabPyramid Plunder Mini-game.433 gpNoYes
PotteryBy cleaning Uncleaned finds in the Varrock Museum.---NoYes
Potterington Blend #102 FertiliserObtained by feeding a baby Bograda Rex 3 times.---NoYes
Potted rootPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Potion reservoirPlayer made (see notes).---NoYes
Potion of ZombificationReceived from Malignius Mortifer.---YesYes
Potion of waterbreathingPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Potion of dreamless sleep (Dead and Buried)Received from Reldo during the quest.---YesYes
Potion hatCan be bought from the Rare token store for 7,000 tokens.---NoYes
Potion flaskPlayer Made (See Notes).12.1k gpNoYes
Potion (Watchtower)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
PotionGiven to you by Sliske after he retrieves it with the ludicrous flail from the shelf.---YesYes
Potatoes (9)Player made (See notes section).0 gpNoYes
Potatoes (8)Player made (See notes section).0 gpNoYes
Potatoes (7)Player made (See Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Potatoes (6)Player made (See Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Potatoes (5)Player made (See Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Potatoes (4)Player made (See Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Potatoes (3)Player made (See Notes section).0 gpNoYes