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Name descasc Location descasc Market price descasc Quest Members Only
Pineapple seedFound in Bird nests, bought in Vinesweeper.232 gpNoYes
Praying Mantis scroll (Mantis Strike)Player made (See Notes Section).224 gpNoYes
Papaya tree seedFound in Bird nests, bought in Vinesweeper.222 gpNoYes
Pink robe bottomsBought from Rometti for 180 coins.211 gpNoYes
Pottery statuettePyramid Plunder Mini-game.208 gpNoYes
PikePlayer made (See Notes Section).206 gpNoNo
Pure essenceMined after completing the Rune Mysteries Quest, teleport to the mine by talking to Sedridor, Aubury, Wizard Cromperty, Brimstail, or Wizard Frumscone.
Can be bought from Wizard Elriss in the Runecraft Guild for one Runecrafting guild token.
203 gpNoNo
Pirate bandana (grey)Loot from Pirate Impling (See Notes Section).181 gpYesYes
Part garden pie (1/2)Player made. (See notes section)174 gpNoYes
Premade veg battaPurchased from Gnome waiter.160 gpNoYes
Poison slimeHarvesting produce from Frogs and Venomous dinosaurs at the Ranch Out of Time.155 gpNoYes
Premade c+t battaPurchased from Gnome waiter.153 gpNoYes
Premade chocolate chip crunchiesPurchased from Gnome Waiter.150 gpNoYes
Part wild pie (0/2)Player made. (See notes section)149 gpNoYes
Premade toad battaPurchased from Gnome waiter.144 gpNoYes
Premade fruit battaPurchased from Gnome waiter.142 gpNoYes
Pyrelord scroll (Immense Heat)Player made (See Notes Section).137 gpNoYes
Premade worm battaPurchased from Gnome waiter.132 gpNoYes
Pearl boltsPlayer made.128 gpNoNo
Pirate shirt (orange)Possible reward for looting a pirate impling.113 gpNoYes
Premade spicy crunchiesPurchased from Gnome Waiter.107 gpNoYes
Part garden pie (0/2)Player made. (See notes section)102 gpNoYes
Part mud pie (0/2)Part mud pie is made by adding Compost to a Pie shell.93 gpNoYes
Pirate leggings (brown)Mos Le'Harmless Island shop.89 gpNoYes
Priest gown (bottom)The priest gown set may be purchased at Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock. 88 gpNoNo
Pirate bandana (orange)Loot from Pirate Impling (See Notes Section).86 gpYesYes
Pie dishRespawns in Varrock castle kitchen, near Nurmof in Dwarven Mines, Cooks' Guild, and northeast of the Catherby bank. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Romily Weaklax in the Cooks' Guild, Frenita in Yanille, Beefy Bill in Lumbridge, and the Culinarocer's Chest in Lumbridge castle basement.83 gpNoNo
Premade worm crunchiesPurchased from Gnome Waiter.79 gpNoYes
Part fish pie (0/2)Player made. (See notes section)75 gpNoYes
Pirate leggings (white)Bought from the Mos Le'Harmless Island shop.75 gpNoYes
Premade fruit blastPurchased from Barman (gnome).75 gpNoYes
Pineapple ringPlayer made (See notes).74 gpNoYes
PortholePossible reward from opening Prawn balls.74 gpNoYes
Pirate shirt (white)Bought from the Mos Le'Harmless Island shop and also a possible reward from looting Custom Evidence Files.66 gpNoYes
Premade pineapple punchPurchased from Barman (gnome).55 gpNoYes
Poorly-cooked bird meatPlayer made (See Notes Section) or from a monster drop.45 gpNoNo
Pearl bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).42 gpNoYes
Premade short green guyPurchased from Barman (gnome).39 gpNoYes
Pearl bolt tipsPlayer made (See notes).38 gpNoNo
Premade wizard blizzardPurchased from Barman (gnome).36 gpNoYes
Pitta breadPlayer made (See Notes).26 gpNoYes
Plant pot (empty)Bought at Farming shops.17 gpNoYes
Pot lidPlayer made (See Notes Section).15 gpYesYes
PouchBought from Pikkupstix in the Taverley Summoning shop; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.14 gpNoNo
Polypore sporePolypore Dungeon. When sprinkling Neem oil over the creatures in the Polypore Dungeon, you have a chance a polypore spore will spawn.9 gpNoYes
Plant potPlayer made or bought in a farming shop.3 gpNoYes
Powerburst vialPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Jatix and the Meilyr Shop (Lady Meilyr or Harmony pillar farmer).2 gpNoYes
Pack pig pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Pack pig toothMonster drop.---NoYes
PackageGiven to you by the Grand Exchange clerk once you give her a Mysterious slip.---YesYes
Page 1Search Mayor Hobb's study desk in Witchaven.---YesYes
Page 2Given to you by Ezekial Lovecraft in Witchaven.---YesYes
Page 3Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
PagesAcquired when Book page 1, Book page 2, and Book page 3 have been obtained.---YesYes
Pahtli fruitNemi forest.---NoYes
Paladin's badgeObtained by killing the 3 paladins in the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
Pale memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Pale Wisp Colony near the Divination Camp, West of Lumbridge.
Divination Camp
Palkeera's memoryCollected using a fully-charged Engrammeter on the Mahjarrat Ritual Plateau.
See the miniquest guide for directions.
Palkeera's memory (book)Is given to you after you give Palkeera's memory to Kharshai.---YesYes
Palm leafPalm leaves may be obtained by 'shaking' the leafy palm trees located around the small pool of water in the middle of the Kharazi Jungle.---NoYes
Palm saplingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Palm seedlingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Palm seedling (w)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Panning trayOn a table in the southern part of the Digsite, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Papaya saplingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Papaya seedlingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Papaya seedling (w)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Paper and crayonsObtained from Caelyn Kadaan.---YesNo
Paraleather bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop0 gpNoNo
Paraleather bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Paraleather chapsPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Paraleather coifPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Paraleather shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Paraleather torn bagMonster drop while Dungeoneering.0 gpNoNo
Paraleather vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo