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Refined Acadia planksPlayer Made (See Notes).17.2k gpNoYes
Refined Anima Core body of SerenThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core body of SliskeThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core body of ZamorakThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core body of ZarosThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core helm of SerenThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core helm of SliskeThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core helm of ZamorakThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core helm of ZarosThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core legs of SerenThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core legs of SliskeThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core legs of ZamorakThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Anima Core legs of ZarosThe Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2).---NoYes
Refined Elder planksPlayer Made (See Notes).67.7k gpNoYes
Refined Magic planksPlayer Made (See Notes).19.1k gpNoYes
Refined Mahogany planksPlayer Made (See Notes).11.5k gpNoYes
Refined Maple planksPlayer Made (See Notes).6,593 gpNoYes
Refined Oak planksPlayer Made (See Notes).9,981 gpNoYes
Refined planksPlayer Made (See Notes).7,356 gpNoYes
Refined Teak planksPlayer Made (See Notes).6,209 gpNoYes
Refined Willow planksPlayer Made (See Notes).11.6k gpNoYes
Refined Yew planksPlayer Made (See Notes).15.9k gpNoYes
Refining apparatusEnter a Flash Powder Factory game.
They can spawn on the map as a player who leaves the server drops his remaining apparatus. They'll be on the outer edges.
Regen braceletPlayer made (See Notes section); Monster drop.118.9k gpNoYes
Regular ghostly inkPlayer Made (See Notes).7,648 gpNoNo
Regular ritual candlePlayer Made (See Notes); Obtained from a Ghost impling.828 gpNoYes
Reindeer hatGiven to you by Shanty Claws after completing the Christmas 2006 update.---NoNo
Reindeer-terrorbird mountObtained during the Christmas event of 2016.---NoNo
Reinforced dinosaur peltObtained by participating in Big Game Hunter encounters; Obtained by Hunting creatures on Anachronia.---NoYes
Reinforced dragon bonesMonster drop; Possible reward for completing a daily challenge inside a mystery bag.56.8k gpNoYes
Reinforced slayer helmetPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Reinforcing plateSold by Saro in Keldagrim.459.4k gpNoYes
Rejuvenation potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Rekeshuun war tetherUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Rekeshuun war tether (damaged)Obtained by excavating Gladitorial goblin remains; Obtained by completing Warforge Dig Site Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
RelicFound during the quest The Temple at Senntisten.---YesYes
Relic helm of ArmadylGiven to you by Taw'Paak, Emissary of Armadyl.---NoYes
Relic helm of BandosGiven to you by Murknose, Emissary of Bandos.---NoYes
Relic helm of SaradominGiven to you by Julienne, Emissary of Saradomin.---NoYes
Relic helm of SerenGiven to you by Endwyr, Emissary of Seren.---NoYes
Relic helm of SliskeGiven to you by Relomia, Emissary of Sliske.---NoYes
Relic helm of the GodlessGiven to you by Holstein, Emissary of the Godless.---NoYes
Relic helm of ZamorakGiven to you by Moldark, Emissary of Zamorak.---NoYes
Relic helm of ZarosGiven to you by Soran, Emissary of Zaros.---NoYes
Relic of CrondisReceived as a quest reward.---NoYes
Relic of HetReceived as a quest reward.---NoYes
Relic of lifeTuska comes world event. It is found by searching the altar near the graveyard. ---NoNo
Relic of the titansObtained on Erebus after solving a portion of the puzzle.---YesYes
Relic of TumekenReceived as a quest reward.---NoYes
Relic part 1Given to you by Og at the Ogre settlement, northwest of Yanille, in exchange for the Gold.---YesYes
Relic part 2Given to you by Grew at the Ogre island, west of Yanille, in exchange for the Ogre tooth.---YesYes
Relic part 3Given to you by Toban on the small island south of Yanille.---YesYes
Relicym's balm (1)Result of drinking a higher dose potion; and Player made (See Notes Section).352 gpNoYes
Relicym's balm (2)Result of drinking a higher dose potion; and Player made (See Notes Section).578 gpNoYes
Relicym's balm (3)Result of drinking a higher dose potion; and Player made (See Notes Section). Also sold by Uglug Nar (Only after Zogre Flesh Eaters).578 gpNoYes
Relicym's balm (4)Result of combining lower dose potions; and Player made (See Notes Section).1,020 gpNoYes
Relicym's balm flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).6,944 gpNoYes
Relicym's mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).146 gpNoYes
Relicym's mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).292 gpNoYes
Rellekka tabletPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Rellekkan cream rabbitResult of checking a Rellekkan cream rabbit (unchecked); Result of breeding rabbits at Player-Owned Farms.0 gpNoYes
Rellekkan cream rabbit (unchecked)Monster Drop.7,725 gpNoYes
Relomia's messageReceived from Relomia.---YesYes
Relomia's wandTaken from Relomia.---YesYes
Remora's necklaceReceived from The Raptor when you have escaped from the Queen Black Dragon's belly.---YesNo
RemototemPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Remototem baseObtained from Seren.---NoYes
Remototem middleObtained randomly Mining on Anachronia.---NoYes
Remototem topObtained selling animals to Buyers.---NoYes
Repair plankSearch the repair locker on lower deck of Bill Teach's ship in Port Phasmatys.---YesYes
Replenishment potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Replenishment potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Replenishment potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Replenishment potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Replenishment potion (5)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes