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Salve eel & edicap potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Salve eel & gissel potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Salve eel potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Salve glovesPlayer made (See Notes Section); dropped by Forgotten mages.0 gpNoNo
Salve hoodPlayer made (See Notes Section); dropped by Forgotten mages.0 gpNoNo
Salve nettlesMonster drop from within Dungeoneering.0 gpNoNo
Salve orbPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Salve robe bottomDropped by Forgotten mages or player made.0 gpNoNo
Salve robe topDropped by Forgotten mages or player made.0 gpNoNo
Salve shardCut from the crystal outcrops in the Abandoned Mine using Chisel.---YesYes
Salve shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Salve shoesPlayer made (See Notes Section); dropped by Forgotten mages.0 gpNoNo
Sam's hatObtained by popping balloons during special promotional periods.---NoNo
Sam's LetterPick pocketed from a H.A.M. agent in Sigmund's base during The Chosen Commander.---YesYes
Samaden potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Samaden seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Samid's glovesThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
Samite silkObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Ancient gravel, Fiery brimstone, Saltwater mud, Aerated sediment, or Earthen clay; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.2,581 gpNoNo
Sample bottleBought from Fidelio in Canifis and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild.335 gpNoYes
Samurai kasaPossible reward from a Reward casket (master). 1.2m gpNoNo
San'tar spawnlingUnlocked under the Christmas tree in the Lumbridge crater.---NoYes
SandPickpocketed from Sandy, in Brimhaven.---YesYes
Sand (Missing, Presumed Death)Found in the first chest in the riddle room of Armadyl's Citadel.---YesNo
Sand dunk resting emote tokenFound while skilling on the beach during the Summer Beach Party188.0k gpNoNo
Sand seedMonster Drop.---NoYes
SandbagPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Sandcastle companion pet tokenSummer Beach Party Event, Player bought169.6k gpNoNo
Sandstone (10kg)Mined; Player made (See Notes Section).12.2k gpNoYes
Sandstone (1kg)Mined; Player made (See Notes Section).477 gpNoYes
Sandstone (20kg)Given to you by Lazim, at the Quarry in the Kharidian Desert, in exchange for 20kg of sandstone blocks.---YesYes
Sandstone (2kg)Mined; Player made (See Notes Section).1,715 gpNoYes
Sandstone (32kg)Given to you by Lazim, at the Quarry in the Kharidian Desert, in exchange for 32kg of sandstone blocks.---YesYes
Sandstone (5kg)Mined; Player made (See Notes Section).5,512 gpNoYes
Sandstone basePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Sandstone bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Sandy 2h sword override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.136.2k gpNoNo
Sandy club override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.33.7k gpNoNo
Sandy Clue ScrollObtained from Reyna during the Summer Beach Party event.---NoNo
Sandy handBert gives this as soon as you start The Hand in the Sand quest.---YesYes
Sandy maul override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.87.4k gpNoNo
Sandy sandwich rest override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Flo.2.3m gpNoNo
Sandy Scroll boxObtained by completing a Sandy Clue Scroll.---NoNo
Sandy's rotaSearch Sandy's desk in Brimhaven.---YesYes
Sanfew serum (1)Player made (See Notes Section).4,021 gpNoYes
Sanfew serum (2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,313 gpNoYes
Sanfew serum (3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,134 gpNoYes
Sanfew serum (4)Player made (See Notes Section).6,620 gpNoYes
Sanfew serum flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).20.9k gpNoYes
Sanguine beadOn the ground near the Relaxed imp.---YesNo
Santa beardWas obtained after completing the 2012 Christmas event.---NoNo
Santa costume bootsReward from the 2008 Christmas event.---NoNo
Santa costume boots (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 748.3k gpNoNo
Santa costume glovesReward from the 2008 Christmas event.---NoNo
Santa costume gloves (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 1.6m gpNoNo
Santa costume legsReward from the 2008 Christmas event.---NoNo
Santa costume legs (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 1.9m gpNoNo
Santa costume topReward from the 2008 Christmas event.---NoNo
Santa costume top (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 2.5m gpNoNo
Santa hatDropped on December 25th 2002.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Santa sackOriginally obtained during the 2012 Christmas event but rereleased during future Christmas events.---NoNo
SapphireRespawns in level 47 wilderness North of Edgeville near Giant spiders, Northernmost island North of Rellekka (Telegrab required); Player Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin; Player Made (See Notes).416 gpNoNo
Sapphire amuletPlayer made (See Notes Section); Port Sarim jewelry store.1,839 gpNoNo
Sapphire amulet (unstrung)Player made (See Notes Section).761 gpNoNo
Sapphire bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).796 gpNoYes
Sapphire bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,383 gpNoYes
Sapphire bolt tipsPlayer made (see Notes section).22 gpNoNo
Sapphire boltsPlayer made.58 gpNoNo
Sapphire bolts (e)Player made (See notes section).70 gpNoYes
Sapphire braceletPlayer made (See notes).2,241 gpNoNo
Sapphire demon statuetteLumbridge Catacombs.---NoNo
Sapphire glacialis(In jar)Butterfly netting area in Polar hunting area.171 gpNoYes
Sapphire Golem BootsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sapphire Golem GlovesThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sapphire Golem HeadPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sapphire Golem LegsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo