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Promethium longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Prototype godswordUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Prototype godsword (damaged)Obtained by excavating Aetherium forge; Obtained by completing Stormguard Citadel Site Research and the Armadylean Special Research "Back to the Drawing Board"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Purified greatsword tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).25.9k gpNoNo
Purified swords tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).30.3k gpNoNo
Raw swordfishPlayer caught (See Notes Section); Monster drop.274 gpNoNo
Reese's off-hand swordReward from The Blood Pact quest.---YesNo
Reese's swordReward from The Blood Pact quest.---YesNo
Revenant bane longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).859.7k gpNoYes
Rune 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes Section), Monster drop.34.3k gpNoNo
Rune 2h sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).47.4k gpNoNo
Rune 2h sword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).105.7k gpNoNo
Rune 2h sword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).221.3k gpNoNo
Rune ceremonial sword iPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Rune ceremonial sword iiPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Rune ceremonial sword iiiPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Rune ceremonial sword ivPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Rune ceremonial sword vPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Rune longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Scavvo in the Champions' Guild; Monster drop.27.4k gpNoNo
Rune longsword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).38.8k gpNoNo
Rune longsword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).53.2k gpNoNo
Rune longsword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).141.6k gpNoNo
Rune off hand longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).25.9k gpNoYes
Rune off hand longsword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).36.3k gpNoNo
Rune off hand longsword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).72.8k gpNoNo
Rune off hand longsword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).149.2k gpNoNo
Rune off hand swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).20.1k gpNoYes
Rune off hand sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).35.3k gpNoNo
Rune off hand sword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).71.5k gpNoNo
Rune off hand sword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).146.5k gpNoNo
Rune swordPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Scavvo in the Champions' Guild South West of Varrock; Possible monster drop.29.7k gpNoNo
Rune sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).46.1k gpNoNo
Rune sword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).82.6k gpNoNo
Rune sword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).182.6k gpNoNo
Rune sword designObtained randomly from Egil after Smithing an item on an anvil within the Artisans' Workshop.---NoYes
Rusty swordYou can get it from any chest, box, or crate randomly, pening ogre coffins, found at digsite, and it can be pickpocketed from H.A.M members.---NoYes
Sandy 2h sword override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.136.2k gpNoNo
Saradomin godswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).4.4m gpNoYes
Saradomin swordMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).990.2k gpNoYes
Saradomin sword shardMonster drop.1,594 gpNoYes
Second-Age swordPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).215.0m gpNoYes
Shadow swordReceived from General Khazard as a Mini-Quest reward.---NoYes
Shovel sword override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.724.3k gpNoNo
Sir Ceril's swordThe large wardrobe in the main bedroom, on the second floor, of the Carnillean house.---YesYes
Starfire sword 1Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Starfire sword 2Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Starfire sword 3Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Starfire sword 4Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Starfury sword (1)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune but still is Player made (See Notes Section).

This item can also be bought from Vic the Trader when he visits.
Starfury sword (20)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune but still is Player made (See Notes Section).

This item can also be bought from Vic the Trader when he visits.
Starfury sword (40)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune but still is Player made (See Notes Section).

This item can also be bought from Vic the Trader when he visits.
Starfury sword (60)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune but still is Player made (See Notes Section).

This item can also be bought from Vic the Trader when he visits.
Steel 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild, from Taverley 2 Handed Sword Shop, and from Tree Gnome Stronghold; Possible monster drop.6,685 gpNoNo
Steel 2h sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).13.7k gpNoNo
Steel ceremonial sword iPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Steel ceremonial sword iiPlayer made (See Notes section).---NoYes
Steel ceremonial sword iiiPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Steel ceremonial sword ivPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Steel ceremonial sword vPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Steel longswordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.6,207 gpNoNo
Steel longsword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).10.3k gpNoNo
Steel off hand longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,800 gpNoYes
Steel off hand longsword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).5,463 gpNoNo
Steel off hand swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,118 gpNoYes
Steel off hand sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).8,440 gpNoNo
Steel swordRespawns in level 18 Wilderness.

Player made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.
6,239 gpNoNo
Steel sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).11.0k gpNoNo
Steel sword designObtained randomly from Egil after Smithing an item on an anvil within the Artisans' Workshop.---NoYes
Stone swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sword blueprintsNo longer found within game, though they still exist if found or won in 2013.---NoNo
Sword fragmentPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Sword of Edicts engramFound at the base of the Sword of Edicts in the Wilderness, near the Divination wisps (See Notes for location image).---NoYes
Sword of Edicts engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Sword Polishing KitPurchased from Egil's Artisans' Workshop rewards shop.---NoYes
Sword pommelSearch the tomb dolmen in Bervirius's tomb on Cairn Isle.---YesYes