Name   |
Location   |
Market price   |
Quest |
Members Only |
Purified crossbow token | Won from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018). | 16.1k gp | No | No |
Purified 2h crossbow token | Won from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018). | 8,861 gp | No | No |
Pufferfish launcher override token | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon. | 53.4k gp | No | No |
Pufferfish follower pet token | Found while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party. | 1.7m gp | No | No |
Present sack token | 2017 Advent calendar event; from Christmas piñata loot bag. | 4,906 gp | No | No |
Present head token | 2017 Advent calendar event; from Christmas piñata loot bag. | 3,066 gp | No | No |
Present hammer weapon token | Possible reward from the 2018 Christmas cracker crate, and various previous Christmas events. | 2,809 gp | No | No |
Pickaxe hat token | Purchased from Rixie or found while doing activities during the Fayre event. | 25.0k gp | No | No |
Phoebe pet token | Obtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Gill for 50 Runecoins. | --- | No | No |
Penguin plush token | Found in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017); Found in Presents during the Holiday events (December 2017). | 33.4k gp | No | No |
Palm tree rest emote token | Summer Beach Party Event, Player bought | 393.7k gp | No | Yes |
Octopus companion pet token | Possible reward from completing the Summer Beach Party activities | 362.5k gp | No | No |
Ocean's Archer Legs and Feet token | Won from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). | 552.3k gp | No | No |
Ocean's Archer Head token | Won from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). | 368.9k gp | No | No |
Ocean's Archer Crossbow token | Won from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). | 281.0k gp | No | No |
Ocean's Archer Bow token | Won from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). | 428.9k gp | No | No |
Ocean's Archer Body and Hands token | Won from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). | 779.0k gp | No | No |
O'ahu parasol token | Summer Beach Party Event, Player bought | 28.0k gp | No | No |
Mint hair head token | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Flo. | 220.6k gp | No | No |
Mimic kill token | Monster drop; Skilling; Prize from loot crates (Huge, Large, Medium, Small). | 75.8k gp | No | Yes |
Menowin outfit token | Reward from the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie. | 588.1k gp | No | No |
Medium dungeoneering token box | Won from Treasure Hunter. | --- | No | No |
Maui parasol token | Summer Beach Party Event, Player bought | 45.0k gp | No | Yes |
Mammoth plush token | Found in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017); Found in Presents during the Holiday events (December 2017). | 0 gp | No | No |
Mallet token | Purchased from Rixie or found while doing activities during the Fayre event. | 34.5k gp | No | No |
Lost tokens | Monster drop. | --- | No | Yes |
Lifeguard chair head token | Found while skilling on the beach during the Summer Beach Party | 22.5k gp | No | No |
Liberation of Mazcab reroll token | Reward for Call of the Ancestors; Bought from the Armoursmith.
| --- | No | Yes |
Key token | This item can be obtained as a drop from various monsters, skilling activites that also provide Shattered heart strange rocks, and specified Distractions & Diversions. | --- | No | No |
Ket-Yit'tal's TokKul | Monster drop off of TzHaar-Ket-Yit'tal. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Kauai parasol token | Summer Beach Party Event, Player bought | 81.8k gp | No | No |
Kahului parasol token | Summer Beach Party Event, Player bought | 88.3k gp | No | No |
Ink shooter token | An Ink shooter token is an item that can be won from a Summer piñata loot bag. | 0 gp | No | No |
Idol crabletine token | Bought from Boni (See Notes). | 3.0m gp | No | Yes |
Ice lolly wand token | Found while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party. | 408.4k gp | No | No |
Hypnotic parasol token | Obtainable by participating in activities during the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie. | 1.4m gp | No | No |
Hot sand walk override token | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Flo. | 3.2m gp | No | No |
Hawai'i parasol token | Summer Beach Party Event, Player bought | 47.7k gp | No | Yes |
Hacky sack resting emote token | Found while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party. | 554.5k gp | No | No |
Gold Zamorakian token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Gold Saradominist token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Gold Bandosian token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Gold Armadylean token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Goebie backpack override token | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon. | 317.2k gp | No | No |
Gillbert pet token | Obtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Gill for 50 Runecoins. | --- | No | No |
Gem necklace token | Treasure Hunter | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Gem crown token | Treasure Hunter | 0 gp | No | No |
Gem cape token | Treasure Trails | 0 gp | No | No |
Fortune teller outfit token | Reward from the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie. | 570.4k gp | No | No |
Fortune cape token | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie. | 844.7k gp | No | No |
Fist of guthix token | Winning matches while playing the Fist of Guthix. You will also earn 1 token if you lose and earn 0 tokens in a forfeit.
| --- | No | No |
Fish in a bag token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 10.2m gp | No | No |
Fayre dancer emote pack 2 token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (April 2017 and March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 1,521 gp | No | No |
Fayre dancer emote pack 1 token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (April 2017 and March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 1,697 gp | No | No |
Face paint token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 1.8m gp | No | No |
Elf thieving reset token | Purchased from Dodgy Derek. | --- | No | Yes |
Elf shoes token | 2017 Advent calendar event; from Christmas piñata loot bag. | 2,259 gp | No | No |
Ecto-token | Given to you by one of the Ghost Disciples after worshiping at the Ectofuntus, north of Port Phasmatys. | --- | No | Yes |
Easter egg hat token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 4,304 gp | No | No |
Easter egg follower pet token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 4.9m gp | No | No |
Dungeoneering tokens (100) | Pickpocketed from Meilyr workers in Prifddinas. | --- | No | Yes |
Dungeoneering tokens (10) | Possible loot from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas. | --- | No | Yes |
Duck ring token | Found while skilling on the beach during the Summer Beach Party | 584.7k gp | No | No |
Dragon Zamorakian token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Dragon Saradominist token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Dragon ring token | Obtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 33 Runecoins. | --- | No | No |
Dragon Bandosian token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Dragon Armadylean token | Player Made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Dizzy stick token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 49.8m gp | No | No |
Dizzy stick teleport token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 2.0m gp | No | No |
Distraction & Diversion reset token (weekly) | This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Distraction & Diversion reset token (monthly) | This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Distraction & Diversion reset token (daily) | This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Dark beast assignment token | Taken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills);
Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer. | --- | No | Yes |
Dancer outfit token | Possible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter. | 8,690 gp | No | No |