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Dragon Armadylean tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Dragon Bandosian tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Distraction & Diversion reset token (monthly) This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Lost tokensMonster drop.---NoYes
TokHaar-Kal-XilAwarded upon completion of the TokHaar Fight Kiln.---NoYes
TokHaar-Kal-MejAwarded upon completion of the TokHaar Fight Kiln.---NoYes
Dungeoneering tokens (10)Possible loot from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Dungeoneering tokens (100)Pickpocketed from Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Castle wars token enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer.---NoYes
Dark beast assignment tokenTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer.---NoYes
Rare item tokensThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.
This can be won from a Summer loot pinata, hidden within its loot bag.
Rare item tokens can also be obtained by speaking with Vic the trader when he appears in Burthorpe.
D&D token (god statues)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Gillbert pet tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Gill for 50 Runecoins.---NoNo
Phoebe pet tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Gill for 50 Runecoins.---NoNo
Dragon ring tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
Throwing starfish tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
Throwing disc tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Flo for 10 Runecoins.---NoNo
Wicked hood teleport tokenTreasure Hunter prize.---NoYes
Bunting whip tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
TokenObtained by doing various jobs around Port Sarim to help defend it from the Skulls.---NoNo
Captain reroll tokenObtained for completing 10 of Meg's cases during the Mega May Event or from a Supply cache during the Port Sarim Invasion.---NoNo
Crew reroll tokenObtained for completing 10 of Meg's cases during the Mega May Event or from a Supply cache during the Port Sarim Invasion.---NoNo
Voyage reroll tokenObtained for completing 10 of Meg's cases during the Mega May Event or from a Supply cache during the Port Sarim Invasion.---NoNo
Clawdia hat tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 100 Runecoins.---NoNo
Bucket head token This item can be received from redeeming a beach party ticket, obtained through activities during the Summer Beach Party.---NoNo
Stick of rock tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
Surfboard emote tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Flo for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
Buried in sand rest tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Flo for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
Beach ball tokenObtained during the 2015 Summer Beach Party.---NoNo
Gem cape tokenTreasure Trails0 gpNoNo
Gem crown tokenTreasure Hunter0 gpNoNo
Gem necklace tokenTreasure Hunter0 gpNoYes
Shard of malice weapon tokenDropped by the Giant Mimic.0 gpNoYes
Shard of energy weapon tokenDropped by the Giant Mimic.---NoYes
Shard of havoc weapon tokenDropped by the Giant Mimic.---NoYes
Medium dungeoneering token boxWon from Treasure Hunter.---NoNo
Beachball orb token A Beachball orb token is an item that can be won from a summer piñata loot bag.0 gpNoNo
Clawdia claws token A Clawdia claws token is an item that can be won from a summer piñata loot bag.0 gpNoNo
Ink shooter token An Ink shooter token is an item that can be won from a Summer piñata loot bag.0 gpNoNo
Surfboard shield tokenA Surfboard shield token is an item that can be won from a summer piñata loot bag, received upon destroying a summer loot piñata.0 gpNoYes
Liberation of Mazcab reroll tokenReward for Call of the Ancestors; Bought from the Armoursmith. ---NoYes
Mammoth plush tokenFound in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017); Found in Presents during the Holiday events (December 2017).0 gpNoNo
Re-roll token (easy)Bought from Zaida's Treasure trail shop; Possible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).---NoYes
Re-roll token (medium)Bought from Zaida's Treasure trail shop; Possible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).---NoYes
Re-roll token (hard)Bought from Zaida's Treasure trail shop; Possible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).---NoYes
Re-roll token (elite)Bought from Zaida's Treasure trail shop; Possible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).---NoYes
Re-roll token (master)Possible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).---NoYes
Elf thieving reset tokenPurchased from Dodgy Derek.---NoYes
Chaos die reroll tokenMonster Drop; Reward from Twilight of the Gods, and the aftermath miniquest.---NoYes
Snorkel tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 20 Runecoins.---NoNo
Balloon rest tokenCan be bought from the Rare token store for 7,000 tokens.---NoNo
Springy pet tokenCan be bought from the Rare token store for 7,000 tokens.---NoNo