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Carnillean Rising
Cold War
Eagles' Peak
Hazeel Cult
Hunt for Red Raktuber
Legends' Quest
Plague City
Sheep Herder
Some Like It Cold
Temple of Ikov
Underground Pass

Table of Contents
- Orlando Smith
- Legends guard, Ariane, Fionella, Linza, Ozan, Radimus Erkle, Siegfried Erkle, Sir Owen, The Raptor, and Xenia
- Dwarven Miner
- Wizard Cromperty
- Registrar and Guard (Registry)
- Captain Barnaby
- Cookie, Geoff, Marion, Sparky
- RPDT Employee
- Zenesha
- Baker, Fur trader, Gem merchant, Silk merchant, Silver merchant, Spice seller, Town crier
- Butler, Chief Servant, Cook, Demon Butler, Maid, Rick, Royal guard
- Kragen, Tool Leprechaun
- Milton the Miller, Richard
- Granny Potterington, Sam the sheepdog, buyers: Myfi (rabbit buyer), Henrietta (chicken chaser), Mieliki Tapio (chinchompa collector), Ralph (sheep hugger), Rumbleguts (spider shopper), Zoe (zygomite trader), Milkshake (cow fancier), Prezleek (yak buyer), Raptor (dragon expert)
- Horacio
- Estate agent
- Charlie, Chuck, Larry
- Monkey minder, Parroty Pete, Penguin keeper, Zoo keeper
- Aemad, Kortan
- Councillor Halgrive, Doctor Orbon, Leo
- Jerico
- Farmer Brumty
- Elena
- Alrena and Edmond
- Bartender, Lucien, Local thug, Mourner
- Bones, Jimmy Dazzler
- Ambassador Gimblewap, King Lathas
- Butler Jones, Ceril Carnillean, Guard, Henryeta Carnillean, Philipe Carnillean
- Omart
- Hammer and Chisel
- Iron mace
- Garlic
- Guide book
- 3 pigeon cages
- Cattleprod
- Picture, Spade, and Bucket
- Purple dye
- Knight of Ardougne
- Paladin
- Warrior woman
- Guard
- Farmer
- Hero
- Grizzly bear
- Chaos druid
- Guard dog
- Man and Woman roam the city
Zoo animals:
- A - Penguin
- B - Monkey
- C - Pit scorpion and Scorpion
- D - Ferret
- E - Polar bear (Chuck)
- F - Camel
- G - Jogre
- H - Unicorn
- I - Grizzly bear
- J - Cyclops
- K - Snake
- L - Wolf
- M - Parrot
On the top floor of the windmill is a Treasure Trail hiedy hole.
There are several safecracking locations located throughout the city. See our Safecracking guide for these locations.
This Map was written by ChathMurrpau.
This Map was entered into the database on Sat, Nov 24, 2018, at 05:19:05 AM by Chath, and it was last updated on Tue, Nov 27, 2018, at 04:10:30 AM by Chath.
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