- A Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains started to use Fairy Rings (completion of A Fairy Tale III - Battle at Ork's Rift to use them without a staff).
- Desert Medium tasks completed to use Desert amulet 2 or Tales of the God Wars to make The Heart teleport to reach Wingstone.
- Eadgar's Ruse to use Trollheim tablet and Troll Romance to reach Brambickle.
- Fishing Contest to reach Captain Ninto.
- Monkey Madness to reach Garkor.
- One Small Favour to use the Gnome glider in Feldip Hills to reach Gnormadium Avlafrim.
- The Giant Dwarf to reach Professor Manglethorp.
- The Grand Tree to use the Spirit tree there and gain access to the Gnome gliders.
- Tree Gnome Village to use Spirit tree located here for King Bolren and near by Lieutenant Schepbur.
66 Magic - To reach Professor Imblewyn (can be boosted at 63 with Wizard's mind bomb).
Ardougne cloak (2, 3, or 4) | 'Chipped' Varrock teleport | 'Chipped' Ardougne teleport | Desert amulet (2, 3, or 4) | ||||
Karamja gloves (2, 3, or 4) | Luck of the dwarves | Ninja monkey greegree | Ring of dueling | ||||
Ring of respawn | The Heart Teleport | Trollheim tablet | Wicked hood |
To begin, you must talk to Gianne jnr found on the North West side of the second floor in the Grand Tree. He will ask if you are interested in working for them at the Aluft Aloft as they are always looking for new staff. Tell him yes and he will inform you that before you can begin, you will need some basic Gnomish culinary skills. You will need to speak to Aluft Gianne snr. (dishes) and Blurberry (cocktails) for Training. Once you have obtained recommendations from them, he will happily bring you on board and let you choose between Easy and Hard deliveries.
Note that you MUST complete the Training before he will allow you to begin making deliveries. It is possible that you have already trained in gnome cooking before the release of the Gnome Restaurant Minigame. In such a case, you can proceed to the Delivery part.
Having spoken with the head honcho, you can now begin your training. Both of your tutors will ask you to make certain items and will give you the necessary raw materials. Once you have finished a dish or drink, they will then taste your creation. If it is correctly made, you will then be told the next item to create. After you have successfully completed both training sessions, return to Gianne jnr to begin working.
Be aware that you technically can complete either the cocktails or the food training first. Due to the proximity of Aluft Gianne snr. (food) to Gianne jnr, we recommend starting with the food training first, but it is completely up to you.
Walk to the platform just East of Gianne jnr and speak to the Gnome wearing a chef's hat, this guy is Aluft Gianne snr. and he will teach you the ways of Gnomish cooking.
After informing Aluft that you are interested in learning how they cook, he will ask for your name and give you a cook book to look over. When ready, having read the book or not, speak to him again and he will ask you to make the following items one at a time:
- Toad crunchies (10 Cooking)
- Chocchip crunchies (16 Cooking)
- Toad batta (26 Cooking)
- Cheese+tom batta (29 Cooking)
See here for how to make crunchies and here for how to make battas.
After you have made all of the things Aluft Gianne snr. asks for, he will give you 100 Gianne dough to use in the future. You can now progress to cocktail training or return to Gianne jnr if you have already completed that.
Walk to the platform South East of the main section of the tree (the trunk). Here you will need to speak with the gnome in blue to learn the the nuances of Gnomish cocktails. This fine Gnome is Blurberry.
With no nonsense involved, Blurberry ask you if you are ready to make your first drink. Ensuring him that you are prepared, he will ask you to make the following items one at a time:
- Fruit blast (6 Cooking)
- Pineapple punch (8 Cooking)
- Wizard blizzard (18 Cooking)
- Short green guy (20 Cooking)
See here for how to make the various cocktails.
After you have made all of the things Blurberry asks for, he will suggest you go speak with Gianne jnr to begin working. This is of course unless you began with cocktail training, in which case he will suggest you visit Aluft Gianne snr. for that training.
Having completed your training, return to Gianne jnr and speak with him. You will now be given the option to help make deliveries for Aluft Aloft, or to be reminded how the game works. When making deliveries, you can choose which type of delivery to fulfill: Easy or Hard.
If you choose an easy delivery, you will have 5 minutes to make and deliver the order to the recipient. The recipient will always be located somewhere in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
If you choose a hard delivery, you will have 10 minutes to fulfill the order, but the recipient will be farther away. Advanced transportation techniques will often be required to get the task done in time, including Gnome glider, teleport runes, Spirit Tree, etc.
Once you have decided what type of order you would like to complete, Gianne jnr will tell you who wants what item delivered and will provide you with a hint to their location. At this point in time, you will be given the ability to accept or reject the task. If you choose to decline a delivery, you will be required to wait until you can get another delivery of the same difficulty (5 minutes for a hard delivery, 2 minutes for an easy one).
As soon as Gianne jnr starts describing the order, you will receive an Aluft aloft box in your inventory. You can click on it to get a reminder of the required item, recipient, and the time left. Note that the box is droppable and you can get a new one from Gianne jnr, but this does NOT release you from your duty and the delivery time continues to count down. Every minute that passes, a message displays in your chat box to tell you how much time is left.
If you fail to fulfill your order within the allotted time, the Aluft aloft box will disappear from your inventory. You can now go back and receive a different order.

Most of the ingredients can be bought in the grand tree from Hudo and Heckel Funch. The rest can be found around the Stronghold swamp or stolen from Gnomes - King worm and Swamp toad(legs).
Time is short: be as light as possible to save your energy (don't wear armor or heavy objects). Boots of lightness and Spotted/Spottier cape are highly advised. Another option is to bathe in the Salt pool in Oo'glog, activate the Oo'dlog Wellspring Relic, or to use an Ogre flask (salt water). Use of Bladed dive and/or (Double) Surge can also help you reach areas a little faster.
The timer does NOT stop if you log out or lobby, so you will most likely fail your order if you leave.
You can make the items in advance so as to be ready for your order. When Gianne jnr assigns you an order, you can go to the bank, withdraw the item and go and deliver it. Not only is this faster, but it is much easier. Remember that items must be player made, they cannot be purchased from a store; items from the Grand Exchange count as player made.
Below you will find 2 lists of the possible NPCs and their locations separated into groups of Easy and Hard deliveries. Click the map images to get a larger view of the area where they are found.
Name | Location | Map |
Brimstail | Hollow rock, South West in Gnome Stronghold (in cave). | ![]() |
Burkor | Platform just East of the crystal tree, South East of the Gnome Ball field (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Captain Errdo | Gnome pilot on top floor of the Grand Tree. | ![]() |
Coach | Walking laps around the Gnome Ball field. | ![]() |
Dalila | Gnome restaurant (2nd floor of Grand Tree). | ![]() |
Damwin | Gnome pub, East of Gnome Ball field (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Eebel | Platform East of Brimstail (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Ermin | Next to a spinning wheel in the South of the Stronghold (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Femi | Outside the Stronghold front gate. | ![]() |
Froono | Platform near the Magic trees at the South end of the Stronghold (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Guard Vemmeldo | Platform of the Main bank of the Stronghold (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Gulluck | Armorer in the Grand Tree (3rd floor). | ![]() |
King Narnode Shareen | Main trunk of the Grand Tree (ground floor). | ![]() |
Meegle | Terrorbird pen, West of Gnome Village. | ![]() |
Perrdur | Gnome restaurant (2nd floor of Grand Tree). | ![]() |
Rometti | Fashion seller (2nd floor of the Grand tree). | ![]() |
Sarble | Toad swamp, West of Grand Tree. | ![]() |
Trainer Nacklepen | Tortoise training ground, North of Grand Tree. | ![]() |
Wurbel | Platform South of the Gnome Ball field (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Name | Location | Map | Notes |
Ambassador Ferrnook | Varrock Palace (2nd floor). | ![]() |
The Palace can be quickly reached by casting the Varrock Teleport spell or using the Varrock lodestone and running North, or by using a 'Chipped' Varrock teleport and running West from the Varrock Museum. Be aware that he tends to hang out around the staircase, but can wander. |
Ambassador Gimblewap | Ardougne Castle (2nd floor, Northern-most room). | ![]() |
The Castle can be quickly reached using the Ardougne lodestone or the Ardougne cloak (2, 3, or 4) and running South West, using a 'Chipped' Ardougne teleport and running East, or using an Ardougne teleport/casting the Ardougne Teleport spell and running West. |
Ambassador Spanfipple | White Knight Castle in Falador (2nd floor). | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using a Ring of respawn or casting the Falador Teleport spell. Can also be reached by using the Falador lodestone and running South. Be aware that he can wander the entire floor. |
Brambickle | Trollweiss Mountain. | ![]() |
Reached by casting the Trollheim Teleport spell/using a Trollheim tablet or casting the God Wars Dungeon Teleport spell/using a God wars teleport (requires 60 Strength and completion of The Mighty Fall) and traveling toward the Ice Path then traveling through the cave to the Left. Be aware that you will pass multiple enemies on the way there, potentially including: Ice wolf, Thrower Troll, and Ice Troll. Bringing armor and food as well as using Protect/deflect from Melee and Ranged when appropriate is advised. Requires completion of Troll Romance. |
Captain Bleemadge | Gnome pilot on White Wolf Mountain. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using Gnome glider (Sindarpos) or by using the Taverley/Burthorpe lodestone and climbing to the top of White Wolf Mountain. Can also use the House Teleport spell if your Player-Owned House is located here. Be aware that there are multiple Wolves on the mountain. |
Captain Daerkin | Center of Al Kharid Duel Arena, wandering around the statue (on the platform). | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using a Ring of dueling. Can also be reached by using the Al Kharid lodestone, using the Gnome glider (Kar-Hewo), or by teleporting to the Kharid-et Dig Site and running toward the Duel Arena. |
Captain Dalbur | Gnome pilot in North West Al Kharid. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Gnome glider (Kar-Hewo). Can also be reached by using the Al Kharid lodestone or using a Ring of dueling and running to the North West corner of Al Kharid. |
Captain Klemfoodle | Gnome glider station on the East side of Karamja. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Gnome glider (Gandius). Can also be reached by taking a ship to the Shipyard and running South or by using a Juju teleport spiritbag and running from the Herblore Habitat. |
Captain Ninto | Under White Wolf Mountain, in or around the dwarven bar. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Taverley/Burthorpe lodestone and running into the cave under the White Wolf Mountain. Can also be reached quickly using the House Teleport spell if your Player-Owned House is located here. Requires completion of Fishing Contest. |
G.L.O. Caranock | In the Southern hut in the Shipyard on the East side of Karamja. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by taking a ship to the Shipyard or by using the Gnome glider (Gandius) and running North. Note that you may need the password (Ka Lu Min) and if you have started Monkey Madness you will need to bring the Gnome royal seal. Requires partial completion of The Grand Tree. |
Garkor | Ape Atoll, South East of the Temple. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using Fairy Ring code C-L-R (you will need a Ninja monkey greegree) and running to the East peninsula once completing the course, casting the Ape Atoll Teleport spell then running downstairs and heading South (requires partial completion of Recipe for Disaster), or by talking to Daero and Waydar to reach Ape Atoll. Requires partial completion of Monkey Madness. Use of some form of Monkey greegree is highly suggested. |
Gnormadium Avlafrim | Gnome Glider at the Feldip Hills. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Gnome glider (Lemantolly Undri) or Fairy Ring code A-K-S. |
Hazelmere | Island East of Yanille. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using Fairy Ring code C-L-S. Can also be reached by using the Yanille Teleport spell or using the Yanille lodestone and running East to the island. Can also be reached using the House Teleport spell if your Player-Owned House is located here. After completion of While Guthix Sleeps, this delivery location will no longer be given. |
King Bolren | East side of the Tree Gnome Village. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Spirit Tree (location #1) or by using the Gnome glider (Priw Gnomo Andralo) and following Elkoy through the maze (can also be traveled on your own). Requires partial completion of Tree Gnome Village. |
Lieutenant Schepbur | South West area of the Khazard battlefield, by the Battle Tortoises. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Gnome glider (Priw Gnomo Andralo) and running North of the Maze. Can also be reached by using the Spirit Tree (location #1) and following Elkoy through the maze (can also be traveled on your own) upon partial completion of Tree Gnome Village. |
Penwie | Jogre peninsula. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Gnome glider (Gandius). Can also be reached by taking a ship to the Shipyard and running South, by using a Juju teleport spiritbag and running from the Herblore Habitat, or by using Karamja gloves (2, 3, or 4 - gloves 4 and 74 Agility will allow you to use the North wall shortcut) and running East from Shilo Village. Be aware that as he is wearing green, he may be difficult to spot among all the foliage and Jogre as well as the fact he has a rather large wandering range. |
Professor Imblewyn | Wizards' Guild. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Yanille Teleport spell or using the Yanille lodestone and running East to the Wizards' Guild. Can also be reached quickly using the House Teleport spell if your Player-Owned House is located here. Requires 66 Magic to enter the guild, but this can be boosted at 63 with a Wizard's mind bomb. |
Professor Manglethorp | West Keldagrim market, in the center room with the anvils. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Keldagrim teleport on the Luck of the dwarves and running East into the Hall. Can also be reached by using the Rellekka lodestone or the Mine carts to access Keldagrim. Requires partial completion of The Giant Dwarf. |
Professor Onglewip | North East corner of the Wizards' Tower (ground floor). | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using the Wicked hood to teleport to the Runecrafting Guild and descending to the ground floor or using the Fairy Ring code D-I-S and running into the Tower. Can also be reached by using the Draynor Village lodestone or the Amulet of glory teleport and running South to the Tower. |
Wingstone | South West of Nardah, just outside the The Heart of Gielinor. | ![]() |
Quickly reached by using The Heart teleport and exiting the Dungeon. Can also be reached by traveling to Nardah via the Desert amulet (2, 3, or 4) or the Magic carpet network (location #4) as well as using Fairy Ring code D-L-Q and running South West. |
Gnome cooking can be separated into Food and Drinks. See the sections below for information concerning each type of cooking.
Secrets of the gnome cooking are revealed in Gianne's cook book, which you get from Aluft Gianne snr. at the start of your training. After your training is complete, you can purchase it from Hudo or it on the bookshelves of your Player-owned house. In addition to the book, most items necessary for Gnomeish cooking can be purchased from Hudo.
There are 13 different possible gnome dishes, which are divided into three varieties:
Use a Gianne dough on a Crunchy tray to get Raw crunchies (Exp: 0).
Use the Raw crunchies on a Gnome cooker in Hudo's kitchen to get a Half baked crunchy (Exp: 30).
Collect the necessary ingredients (see recipe ingredients in the table below) (Exp: 0).
Click on the Half baked crunchy and choose the crunchies to prepare. Those for which you have both the level and the necessary ingredients will be highlighted in green. This will create a Half made crunchy specific to the recipe used (Exp: 0).
Bake the Half made crunchy on a Gnome cooker in Hudo's kitchen to get an Unfinished crunchy (specific to the recipe used) (Exp: 0).
Use the final ingredient(s) on the Unfinished crunchy to complete (Exp: dependent on recipe).
Item | Cooking Level | Primary Ingredients | Secondary Ingredients | XP for finishing | Total XP |
![]() Toad crunchies |
10 |
40 | 70 |
![]() Spicy crunchies |
12 |
42 | 72 |
![]() Worm crunchies |
14 |
44 | 74 |
![]() Chocchip crunchies |
16 |
46 | 76 |
Use a Gianne dough on a Batta tin to get a Raw batta (Exp: 0).
Use the Raw batta on a Gnome cooker in Hudo's kitchen to get a Half baked batta (Exp: 30).
Collect the necessary ingredients (see recipe ingredients in the table below) (Exp: 0).
Click on the Half baked batta and choose the batta to prepare. Those for which you have both the level and the necessary ingredients will be highlighted in green. This will make a Half made batta specific to the recipe used (Exp: 0).
Use the Half made batta on a Gnome cooker in Hudo's kitchen. Depending on the recipe, you will get either the final batta (Toad batta) or an Unfinished batta (specific to the recipe used) (Exp: 0 - unless Toad batta).
Use the final ingredient(s) on the Unfinished batta to complete (Exp: dependent on recipe).
Item | Cooking level | Primary Ingredients | Secondary Ingredients | XP for finishing | Total XP |
![]() Fruit batta |
25 |
80 | 110 |
![]() Toad batta |
26 |
N/A | 82 | 112 |
![]() Worm batta |
27 |
84 | 114 |
![]() Vegetable batta |
28 |
86 | 116 |
![]() Cheese+tom batta |
29 |
88 | 118 |
Use a Gianne dough on a Gnomebowl mould to get a Raw gnomebowl (Exp: 0).
Use the Raw gnomebowl on a Gnome cooker in Hudo's kitchen to get a Half baked bowl (Exp: 30).
Collect the necessary ingredients (see recipe ingredients in the table below) (Exp: 0).
Click on the Half baked bowl and choose the bowl to prepare. Those for which you have both the level and the necessary ingredients will be highlighted in green. This will create a Half made bowl specific to the recipe used (Exp: 0).
Use the Half made bowl on a Gnome cooker in Hudo's kitchen. Depending on the recipe, you will get either the final bowl (Tangled toad's legs) or an Unfinished bowl (specific to the recipe used) (Exp: 0 - unless Tangled toad's legs).
Use the final ingredient(s) on the Unfinished bowl to complete (Exp: dependent on recipe).
Bowl | Cooking Level | Primary Ingredients | Secondary Ingredients | XP for finishing | Total XP |
![]() Worm hole |
30 |
90 | 120 |
![]() Veg ball |
35 |
95 | 125 |
![]() Tangled toad's legs |
40 |
N/A | 105 | 135 |
![]() Chocolate bomb |
42 |
110 | 140 |
The Barman, in the South East corner of the Grand Tree on the second floor, sells all varieties of cocktails, but these can't be used for the Gnome Restaurant minigame, nor for your own cooking experience obviously. Should you need to purchase items to make cocktails, Heckel Funch's stock includes all everything you will need. He can be found just East of Blurberry and his bar. Note that you can find 2 Cocktail glass spawns near Heckel and a Cocktail shaker spawn West of the bar.
Secrets of Gnome cocktails are revealed in the Cocktail Guide, which you get from Blurberry at the start of your training. After your training is complete, you can purchase it from Heckel Funch or find it on the bookshelves of your Player-owned house.
Note that until the cocktail is finished, each successive operation will end in a message indicating the next step(s). You can also examine the associated shaker/cocktail glass to get info on the next step.
Collect the necessary ingredients (see recipe ingredients in the table below) as well as a Cocktail shaker and a Cocktail glass (Exp: 0).
Click the Cocktail shaker and choose the drink you wish to make (Exp: 0).
With the secondary ingredients in your inventory, click the shaker to pour the mixed drink into a Cocktail glass to complete your cocktail (Exp: varies dependent on recipe).
NOTE: There are 2 exceptions to this step being the completion of your drink. This is for the Drunk dragon and the Chocolate saturday. These steps are detailed below the recipe table.
Cocktail | Cooking Level | Primary Ingredients | Secondary Ingredients | Experience |
![]() Fruit blast |
6 |
20 | |
![]() Pineapple punch |
8 |
40 | |
![]() Wizard blizzard |
18 |
80 | |
![]() Short green guy |
20 |
90 | |
![]() Drunk dragon |
32 |
130 |
![]() Chocolate saturday |
33 |
140 |
![]() Blurberry special |
37 |
150 |
Specialty Cocktails
As previously mentioned, creating the Drunk dragon and the Chocolate saturday require extra steps when creating. This step is heating the drink and, even in this necessity, they are each different. See below for how to create each drink separately. Reference the table above for necessary ingredients.
Drunk Dragon
Collect the necessary ingredients (1 x Gin, 1 x Vodka, 1 x Dwellberries, 1 x Pineapple chunks, and 1 x Pot of cream) as well as a Cocktail shaker and a Cocktail glass.
Click the Cocktail shaker and choose Mixed dragon (Exp: 0).
Click the shaker to pour the mixed drink into a Cocktail glass (Exp: 0).
Click the Mixed dragon to add Pineapple chunks and Pot of cream (Exp: 0).
Use the Mixed dragon on a Gnome cooker to warm and complete your drink (Exp: 130).
Chocolate Saturday
Collect the necessary ingredients (1 x Whisky, 1 x Bucket of milk, 1 x Chocolate bar, 1 x Equa leaves, 1 x Chocolate dust, and 1 x Pot of cream) as well as a Cocktail shaker and a Cocktail glass.
Click the Cocktail shaker and choose Mixed saturday (Exp: 0).
Click the shaker to pour the mixed drink into a Cocktail glass (Exp: 0).
Use the Mixed saturday on a Gnome cooker to warm it (Exp: 0).
Click the Mixed saturday to add Chocolate dust and Pot of cream, thus completing your drink (Exp: 140).
For every delivery completed, you will obtain a reward. Completing it particularly fast will increase your chances of obtaining a better tip. For completing each type of Delivery, you will obtain the following:
Item tips
Possible item rewards for hard orders include:
Adamant bolts (12-26) | Bird nest | Blood rune (6-10) | Calquat tree seed | ||||
Chaos rune (15-27) | Clean snapdragon | Clean toadflax (3) | Coal stone spirit (12-22) | ||||
Cosmic rune (10-19) | Death rune (7-13) | Gnome goggles | Gnome scarf | ||||
Gnomeball | Gold stone spirit (6-11) | Goutweed | Grand seed pod (8-10) | ||||
Law rune (7-18) | Loop half of a key | Magic seed (1-3) | Mint cake (8-10) | ||||
Mithril bolts (17-35) | Nature rune (9-15) | Pineapple seed | Pure essence (51-97) | ||||
Raw oomlie | Runite bolts (7-15) | Snake charm | Soul rune (5-11) | ||||
Tooth half of a key | Uncut diamond | Uncut emerald (3-5 Noted) | Uncut jade (2-3 Noted) | ||||
Uncut opal (3 Noted) | Uncut red topaz | Uncut ruby (2-4 Noted) | Uncut sapphire (6-16 Noted) | ||||
Yew seed |
If you do not own the full Sous chef outfit, it is also possible to obtain pieces. These include:
- Sous chef's toque
- Sous chef's jacket
- Sous chef's trousers
- Sous chef's mitts
- Sous chef's shoes
- Sous chef's toque add-on (once full set is owned)
When you have a total of 12 credits, you will get 1 Reward token. This token can be used to remote-order 1 food item from the restaurant. You can add up credits; for every 12 credits, you can order 1 more food item. You are limited to 10 items maximum. Note that the food item is not specifically chosen, however, it can still be used to complete a delivery.
This Minigame Guide was written by ChathMurrpau. Thanks to previous guide writers: dragonkin, swimbaby, and carduel as well as: 2hot2single, Alfawarlord, Alk12, andro girl, arnoudx, bender, chaosblade77, Crypto416, Darren_1994, dingaling, Fireball0236, Joe_C, kang, maonzhi, Ringmaster, scamfighter, sheep01, St squiqqy, TheFrugle, Lynnallison, Nat18123, Clamball, Crablogger, 3ter 1 for corrections.
This Minigame Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Sep 24, 2006, at 05:35:26 AM by carduel, and it was last updated on Fri, Apr 28, 2023, at 06:17:35 PM by Alk12.
If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.
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