Up to the following amounts of bars, see each section for a breakdown and alternatives
4 Iron bar | 30 Steel bar | 2 Bronze bar | 8 Mithril bar | ||||
48 Adamant bar | 12 Rune bar | 16 Orikalkum bar | 20 Necronium bar |
Luck of the Dwarves | weapon |
3,000 Smithing experience and 9,000 charges for your Gofannon amulet.
48,000 Smithing experience, 13,000 Mining experience, and 183,000 charges for your Gofannon amulet.
Make sure that you smith all items AFTER receiving the task from Doric. Doing it beforehand will not count, thus you will be required to make them again.
Doric's Tasks

Task 1
Very Short
Items Needed:
- 4 Iron bars
- Alternative
Level Needed:
10 Smithing
Speak with Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will admit he does, but that he has some very specific rules which you must follow. Because he wants top quality, you are not permitted to buy the finished pieces from the Grand Exchange, you must make them yourself; buying the needed bars and ores is permitted though.
Agree to these terms and he will explain that Askel has requested an Iron full helm +1. Use Doric's nearby anvil to either upgrade a plain Iron full helm (2 Iron bars) or make an Iron full helm +1 from scratch (4 Iron bars). Once you have the item created, travel to the Artisan's Workshop and speak with Askel. He will take the helm and will then reward you with 250 Smithing experience and 750 charges to your Gofannon amulet.
Task 2
Very Short
Items Needed:
- 10 Steel bars
- 2 Bronze bars
Level Needed:
20 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will ask if you want to help take the fight to the Trolls. Exclaiming your interest, he will inform you that Commander Denulth is looking to lead another assault on the Trolls. You will then be asked to make 2 Steel chainbodies and be handed a Task list. Create the 2 items (this will use all 10 Steel bars) then teleport to Burthorpe. You will find Commander Denulth East of Burthorpe Castle.
When talking to Commander Denulth, a soldier will report to him that a Troll has taken out one of the cannons. You will need to return to Doric to learn how to make a Cannon part. Then you must make it on his anvil before returning to Burthorpe - Note that the Bronze bars must be in your inventory, they will not work from your Metal bank. Teleport to Burthorpe and instead of running East to the Commander, go North into the castle. Climb the stairs in the North East corner, then the steps in the South East corner to reach the roof. Repair the middle cannon along the North wall of the building and return to Commander Denulth.
Inform him that the cannon has been fixed and you will receive 500 Smithing experience and 1,500 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 3
Items Needed:
- 8 Mithril bars
- Alternative
Level Needed:
30 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will inform you that the generals in the Goblin Village have made it known that they wish to purchase weapons. Walk North to the Goblin Village and speak with General Bentnoze and General Wartface. After a bit of arguing, you will finally decide to make a Mithril longsword +1 and a Mithril warhammer +1 and now have a Task list.
Walk to Doric's workshop, make the items, then return to the generals. They will try to convince you that they are meant to be gifts. Becoming frustrated, you will threaten to test them on the generals. They will retaliate by saying they will not recommend Doric's workshop to other Goblins if you do that.
You will give in and accept their junk as payment for the weapons. It turns out to have been an old book on Smithing, read it and receive 750 Smithing experience and 2,250 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 4
Items Needed:
- 48 Adamant bars
- Alternative 1
- Alternative 2
Level Needed:
40 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will start to tell you how being a Smith isn't all fun and games; they occasionally have to design the burial armor of dwarves who have passed on. This is one such task. He wants you to visit the Artisan's Workshop to learn how to create them.
Walk to the workshop and find Suak near the North Eastern wall. Speak to him if you have not made Burial armor before now. If you did not bring +2 pieces, you will need to create them on the anvils to the West of the building or purchase some from the Grand Exchange. Once you have the items, return to the Eastern anvils and create the Burial armor set. Do not create these items individually as it will not complete the task! Once you have created the set, it will disappear from your inventory.
Speak to Suak and you will receive 1,500 Smithing experience and 4,500 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Note: If you are on a F2P account, you will not be able to complete any more tasks.
Task 5
Items Needed:
- 12 Rune bars
- 20 Steel bars
- 4 Steel platebody
- Alternative
- 3 Steel sword
- 6 Rune bars
- 20 Steel bars
- 4 Steel platebody
Level Needed:
50 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will briefly ask if you ever get bored making the same old things and if you ever fancy learning something new. He will then mention that Commander Montai has requested some armor made for his troops on the battlefield South of Ardougne; 3 Steel sword +1 and 4 Gnome platebodies. And you will be handed a Task list. Either bring 4 Steel platebodies to adjust or make 4 Steel platebodies and then adjust them on Doric's anvil.
Bring the items to Commander Montai South of Ardougne. The fastest route here is to use the Spirit tree within the Tree Gnome Village, exit via the maze, then walk North to find him. Alternatively, you can either use the Yanille Lodestone and walk North or use the Ardougne Lodestone and travel South.
Commander Montai can be found wandering on the South side of the river in his red armor. Talk to him and he will compliment the work then you will receive 5,000 Smithing experience and 15,000 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 6
Items Needed:
- 16 Orikalkum bar
- Alternative 1
- Orikalkum warhammer +2
- 8 Orikalkum bar
- Alternative 2
- Orikalkum warhammer +1
- 12 Orikalkum bar
- Alternative 3
- Orikalkum warhammer
- 14 Orikalkum bar
Level Needed:
60 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will tell you that he has been contacted by the Fremennik for an order. Skulgrimen has requested an Orikalkum warhammer +3, you will be given a Task list stating this.
Create the item then use the Fremennik Providence lodestone teleport to Rellekka and walk West into the city or use an Enchanted lyre to teleport then walk North East to the city. Skulgrimen can be found in the building North of the Great Hall. Speak with him and he will compliment the work, then you will receive 8,000 Smithing experience and 24,000 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 7
Items Needed:
Level Needed:
65 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will tell you that sometimes he gets special commissions and today he has received one that he would like you to fulfill for him. His friend Santiri wishes to create a first generation black warhammer.
Travel to Keldagrim, the fastest route there is to use a Luck of the Dwarves to teleport there or to use the carts from the Grand Exchange or Taverley - Note that you must have been to Keldagrim at least once to use the carts. Once there, head the the North Western most building and speak to Santiri inside. You will explain that you are here on behalf of Doric and be instructed that your first step to the creation of the warhammer is to speak with the Supreme Commander of the Black Guard; you will receive a Task list for this section of the task and it will update as you progress.
Go into the building South of Santiri and climb the stairs to the second floor. Speak with the Supreme Commander and after a bit of discussion, he will give you a Black guard warhammer with the suggestion to hit it on an anvil. Take this to the building South of the Supreme Commander and use it on an anvil. Doing this will give you a Black guard warhammer (cracked) that you need to take to Santiri.
When you show him, he will complain that, at best, it is an 18th generation warhammer, not the 1st generation one he desires. Santiri will suggest talking to the librarian to see if there is something that can be done to improve the warhammer. The library is the North Eastern most building on the West side of the river, this is the 3rd building East of Santiri. Speak with the Librarian and he will suggest speaking with someone who is familiar with large stones.
Walk to the Southern most building on the Western side of the city and speak with the Stonemason. Though he says he doesn't know much about warhammers, he will permit you to use his stone crusher on it. Use the Black guard warhammer (cracked) on the stone crusher in the North Western corner of the building and you will obtain a Black guard warhammer (crushed). Take this back to Santiri and see what he thinks.
He will inform you that the warhammer is good for a 6th generation, but still isn't the 1st generation one he seeks. Asking him what more it needs to be perfect, he will inform you that it needs to be more corroded. Travel to the East side of Keldagrim and use the Black guard warhammer (crushed) on the well to create a Black guard warhammer (rusty). Return once again to Santiri to show him the warhammer.
Speak with him and he will compliment the work, then you will receive 12,000 Smithing experience and 36,000 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 8
Items Needed:
20 Necronium bars
Level Needed:
70 Smithing
Return to Doric and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. He will tell you about a Suspicious note that they received that morning and question if you think they should fulfill the order. At your insistance, he will give you a Suspicious note and a Weapons crate. You will now need to make 5 Necronium 2h greataxes and place them within the crate.
Once you have made the weapons and filled the crate, take it to the gem shop along the Western wall of Falador. Here you will find a tree stump South of the store. Investigate it and you will deposit the crate inside, a cutscene will then play of you waiting to see who picks up the delivery. During this cutscene you will see a monkey that knocks you out with a banana, bet you didn't see that one coming!
When you wake back up, investigate the crate to find a Monkey's note as well as receive 20,000 Smithing experience and 60,000 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Congratulations! You have completed all of Doric's tasks!
Boric's Tasks

Task 1
Very Short
Items Needed:
Level Needed:
30 Mining
Return to Doric's workshop and climb down the stairs to the North of his building. Down here, locate Boric near the furnace and speak with him. He will mention that they are having issues keeping up with the ore demands placed upon then. He will mention the Coal Trucks near Seers' Village and ask you to gather 30 Coal from that mining site.
You can access this site by using the Seers' Village lodestone, or the Fairy ring teleport to McGrubbor's wood (A-L-S), and following the railway tracks around the woods to the West where you will find a level 20 Agility shortcut across a log to the opposite bank where you will find the mining site. Another way to reach this location is by using the Ardougne lodestone, running North and West around the Fishing Guild, North though iron gates, and the mining site just a little farther. Keep in mind that there are Giant bats here, so bring some food and a weapon (Ranged suggested).
You are not required to mine the 30 necessary ore, though you of course can. Instead you could bring 28 (unnoted) Coal and deposit them into the trucks then mine the remaining 2 needed, or use a familiar to help carry all of it. If you have 30 or more Coal already within the trucks you won't need to do anything.
No matter which way you gather 30 Coal within the trucks, once you have it, speak to the Dwarven Miner South of Stankers. He will take the ore and you will receive 1,500 Mining experience and 4,500 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 2
Very Short
Items Needed:
Level Needed:
40 Mining
Return to Doric's workshop and climb down the stairs to the North of his building. Down here, locate Boric near the furnace and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. Speaking with him, you will learn that one of the miners have been attacked by a Living rock brawler. He will ask you to clear several mining sites of brawlers and give you a list of the locations you will need to clear.
Grab any necessary gear to kill a level 1 monster and head to one of the locations on your list. To summon the creatures you must defeat, you will need to mine various rocks around the area. You may have to mine more than one rock to make it appear. If you have tried several rocks and a monster still does not appear, try to lobby or logout, then try again. This should fix the error but you may need to repeat a location.
Click maps below for larger view of the area.
Location | Map |
North-east Ardougne Mine | ![]() |
Al Kharid Mine | ![]() |
North-west Brimhaven Mine | ![]() |
Lumbridge West Mine | ![]() |
Agility Pyramid north-west mine | ![]() |
Once you have killed a Living rock brawler at each of the locations, return to Doric's workshop and climb down the stairs to the North of his building. Down here, locate Boric near the furnace and speak with him. He will reward you with 3,500 Mining experience and 10,500 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Task 2
Very Short
Items Needed:
Level Needed:
60 Mining
If you are in the workshop due to completion of the previous task, simply talk to Boric again. If you needed to gain levels or perform some other action between these last 2 tasks, return to Doric's workshop and climb down the stairs to the North of his building. Down here, locate Boric near the furnace and ask if he has any more tasks for you to do. Speaking with him you will learn that he has managed to secure a deal with the Mining Guild... well, almost. It seems that they want a show of commitment before they will fully agree to the deal. You will now need to collect 15 Orichalcite ore and 10 Runite ore to help prove they are an honorable company.
When mining the ores, you must mine them from within the Mining Guild or the nearby Resource Dungeon for it to count! Ore collected from anywhere else will not satisfy this task. Use of Orichalcite stone spirits and Runite stone spirits can be used to speed up this task, however, your ore cannot be within an ore box or noted when given to Boric. Once you have collected all the ore needed, a message will appear in your chatbox.
A few more notes on this task. If you use the Imcando pickaxe and it smelts your ore, while it will count for the Guild's tally, you will still need to return with the proper number of ore for Boric. Simply mine another one or two as needed to suffice him. If you mine a gemstone while completing this task, you will have a similar issue. And finally, extra ores gained through Varrock armour(1, 2, 3, or 4) will not count toward completion of this task.
Now that you have the ore, return for the last time to Doric's workshop and climb down the stairs to the North of his building. Down here, locate Boric near the furnace and speak with him. You will give him the ore and he will reward you with 8,000 Mining experience and 24,000 charges on your Gofannon amulet.
Congratulations! You have completed all of Boric's tasks!
You have now completed one of the requirements for the Master Quest Cape and the Completionist cape! The "What's Mine is Also Dorics" task.
This Miniquest Guide was written by ChathMurrpau.
This Miniquest Guide was entered into the database on Fri, Oct 13, 2017, at 07:08:26 PM by ChathMurrpau, and it was last updated on Sun, Jan 26, 2020, at 04:21:31 AM by Chath.
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