Behind The Science - RuneHQ
Here at RuneHQ, we've been experiencing quite a bit of work on the back end of our site. It's been a while since we've dusted off that old code! We've been wanting to do some of the maintenance and UI fixes for our dedicated staff members for quite a while. This month has been all about that, fixing bugs, old broken UI and streamlining the way our team can effectively manage all the content.
This now doubt leaves a question in your mind... Why hasn't the new content from this month been added to the site?
The quick answer - we've been working on fixing some of the things wrong with our old content! Rest assured, we haven't been neglecting the new content, it's being worked on and is ready for deployment really, really soon!
That being said, we here at RuneHQ really love our community and love the continued support we're receiving; from old and new members alike. We're very appreciative of every one of you! Even those ghosts ~o.o~ who don't often, if ever, communicate within our community.
We would ABSOLUTELY love it if you'd join us on our FORUMS! There you can discuss all things RuneScape, RuneHQ, or things outside "in the real world" -- whatever that is!
We are working on a new desktop UI for you guys, this one's getting a bit dated! Mobile UI is also in the works, set for release sometime in the (hopefully) near future; for all you OSRS lovers, we are working on separating that content on our site so that you don't get drowned in irrelevant RS3 data with the mobile update.
We appreciate your patience with our server migration and site upgrades and we are still fully committed to providing you with accurate information on all things RuneScape.
-RuneHQ Staff