16 Firemaking
14 Thieving
12 Crafting
20+ mining highly recommended, but not necessary
20+ smithing highly recommended, but not necessary
An affinity for diplomacy.

Speak to Dwarven boatman at the cave entrance from the Between a Rock... quest and he will take you to the city of Keldagrim. A cutscene will play along the way and afterwards you'll find yourself talking to Captain Veldaban. When you're done speaking with him, the quest will start.
Head to the east part of town and speak to Blasidar the sculptor, who is located northwest of the pub on the east side of the city. He will ask you to collect pieces for his model to construct the new statue of the king. He asks for you to get an ax, clothes, and boots that resemble those of the original king's.
To get the clothes, speak to Vermundi at the marketplace on the east side of the city. She will agree to make the clothes for you, but will need a book with the design of them.
Speak to the Librarian who is in the first building on the West Side of the Bridge and search the bookshelves until you find the Book on costumes.
Note: You cannot have a lot of heavy items on you when climbing the ladder or you will fall down. Drop them, climb the ladder, then pick them up again, or bank them.
Take the Book on costumes, 1 log, 1 Coal, 200 coins, and a Tinderbox back to Vermundi. Use the log and the coal with the spinning machine. Talk to her again and she will ask you to light the logs. Use your tinderbox on the machine to do so. For a small fee of 200 coins, she will make you the Exquisite clothes.
Now, speak to Saro the armor salesman on the west side of town to obtain the boots. He will direct you to Dromund.
Speak to Dromund, who can be found at his house just east of the sword shop. He will refuse to sell you the Exquisite boots, so you will need to telegrab one boot (right) from the outside window. To do this wait for the man to walk past you and then telegrab it. For the second (left) boot walk into the house and again wait for him to pass before grabbing the boot. To take the boots instead of telegrabbing, wait for Dromund to walk to the west side of the table and quickly take it.
Speak to Santiri the sword salesman on the northwestern corner of the town to obtain the Dwarven battleaxe, He will give you what he believes is the king's old axe. Once you have the battleaxe, use 3 Sapphires with it.
Now, take the Dwarven battleaxe (with gems) and an Iron bar to Thurgo who is south of Port Sarim - Rat pits minigame teleport will get you to the area quickly. He will fix the axe for you but only in return for a Redberry pie (if you haven't completed The Knight's Sword). He will give you the Dwarven battleaxe (restored) and give you the option to teleport back to Keldagrim.
When you have all 3 pieces, bring them back to Blasidar the sculptor. He will tell you to give them to Riki the sculptor's model, standing next to him. Once you have given the items, Riki will then tell you to speak Blasidar. He will fix the statue up to the head, and then go back and talk to Commander Veldaban. He will tell you that you need to join the consortium.
You now have to join a company. The different companies are located in the palace (big building in the center of the city) on the second floor on the east and west sides of the river.
Note: You can simply go down to the Blast Furnace and buy around 5 of each ore (mith,coal,gold,iron,copper) and when accepting a job from the secretary, simply ask for a job and only accept the ones you have ores for... (simply walk away and ask again until you get a job you have ores for) The company names are:
- The Blue Opals
- The Brown Engine (can only be joined by male characters)
- The Green Gemstone
- The Purple Pewter
- The Red Axe (cannot be joined)
- The Silver Cog
- The White Chisel
- The Yellow Fortune (can only be joined be female characters)
Speak to a company secretary and run 5-10 errands for them, the secretary will have you collect ores. After running errands for the secretary, speak to the director and run another few errands. After running your errands for the director, they will ask you to join the company officially.
Note: You may either use the mine cart system to travel to Grand Exchange and purchase the ores or if they ask you to get something you do not have, walk away without accepting the job and talk again until it is something easy.
After becoming a member of a company and assuring the director of your support, go back and speak to Commander Veldaban. He will take you to the meeting and give you the Meeting notes. Once the meeting is over you will receive your reward.
Note: Be sure you have assured the director of your support before going back to Commander Veldaban. Commander Veldaban will send you back to the director if you have not.
Congratulations! Quest Complete!
This Old School Quest Guide was written by choramizzu and toxicisjoe68. Thanks to Im4eversmart, ossie000, trekkie, warjaek, Sheep01, Draco951, fireblade, nitzguy464, coolgeekz, lancentrix, havoc_cat, DRAVAN, chopsteeq, Hamster1800, zero7772, acdcfreak64, Chopsteeq, rockin_sims, Inuyasha2226, Maonzhi, Ghou, High Vortex, Aragorn Lorz, Xaz, Jarkur, Babs, and Skata for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Thu, Jun 02, 2005, at 07:28:08 PM by shane12088, and it was last updated on Sat, Sep 19, 2020, at 04:27:15 PM by Chath.
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