Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Combat equipment (Necromancy gear, food, potions) - t70+ recommended
Items Recommended for Quest:
Salve amulet (e) Best Combat Summoning familiar you have Best God book you have
Quest Points:
150k Necromancy lamp; Access to 'Rasial, the First Necromancer' boss encounter; and 2 Treasure Hunter Keys.
Start Point:
City of Um bridge
To Start:
Speaking with Rasial (if you just completed Remains of the Necrolord and he is not visible, leave the city and come back)
  1. Talking to Rasial he will mention that he thinks it's finally time to test you. Accept the quest and he'll agree to a wager: if you beat him, he'll release his thrall on the spirits he took from the Well of Souls. If you lose, all the new souls you've brought to Um will become his. When the conversation ends, he will teleport away.

    It Begins

  2. Time to prepare for high level combat. Rasial is immune to poison damage, but not to stuns. The fight is especially difficult if you haven't mastered moving while attacking. For a basic, effective solution, we recommend having a separate action bar with Touch of Death, Soul Sap, and Necromancy Basic Attack on it (other abilities can be present). Each of them should be keybound so that you can click to move while hitting the keybinds to keep dealing damage. Players without access to Soul split will find this fight much more challenging, as he will regularly be able to turn off your Protection/Deflection Prayers. With all that said, you will be fighting Hermod first. Before each fight, make sure you have Darkness active to take roughly 20% less damage.

    Wear Dis

  3. Make your way to Kharen on the docks. Talk to her and choose to continue the quest. Note that using the travel option will NOT work.

    Travel Here

  4. Upon entering the citadel, Rasial will call on Hermod and a few minor minions. Aside from the additional enemies, this fight functions the same as it did during The Spirit of War. Once Hermod is defeated, you can teleport out to restock on supplies for your fight with Rasial if necessary. You can return to the citadel the same way you got there in the previous step. If you choose not to teleport out, Rasial will simply teleport into the arena and begin fighting you shortly after Hermod is defeated, even if the minions that came with Hermod are still present. Note that if you leave and come back, they will be gone

    Fight 1

  5. Fighting Rasial is mostly a race to do more damage than he can. If you have access to Soul Split, it is recommended to keep it active most of the fight. He fights with the same Necromancy abilities you have, but with some added spice. There are a few key mechanics to expect, each with their own visual and audio cues.

    Fight 2

    Constant Mechanics:

    • Movement
      If you stand within 2 tiles of Rasial, he will dive away to another point in the room. The more he moves, the more likely you are to mess up some of the mechanics as a result of chasing after him. Instead, we recommend standing 5 or 6 tiles away, close to maximum range for Necromancy abilities. Always followed by summoning conjures.

    • Undead Conjures: "Rise, my minions!"
      Rasial will summon undead minions to attack you; this can happen with or without the Movement based attack above. For the most part, it is to your advantage to ignore them entirely. They attack with melee and thus only 4 of them can be dealing damage to you at once. Keep in mind that when you get low on health you can use the blood siphon ability to heal up so long as plenty of minions are present. The amount of damage you do to Rasial at the end of the ability's channel scales with the amount of damage dealt to the enemies around you, so its damage potential is strong despite having a 45 second cooldown.

    • Shadow Step / Spectral Scythe
      Instead of using the Spectral Scythe the way players do, Rasial will occasionally use his by dashing through you so that he stands directly behind you. This will disable Protection/Deflection Prayers for 5 seconds, as well as stun you for 3 seconds. When this happens, use Freedom to end the stun then take a few steps away to prevent him from moving around more. Note that Rasial may also use Spectral Scythe when you are just standing within a few tiles from him though it is more common for him to dive away.

    • Volley of Souls: "This is true power!"
      During the fight, Rasial will be building up residual souls the way you do with the Soul Sap attack. This progress can be seen displayed with the circles under his lifepoints bar. When he reaches full souls (which for him is 5), he will cry out and use Volley of Souls. This will hit you 5 times, each able to deal 500 - 1,250 damage. To survive this attack you will need Protect/Deflect Necromancy which will reduce the damage to about 400-600 damage per hit.

    • Finger of Death: "Suffer at my hand!"
      Also during the fight, Rasial will be building up Necrosis stacks with Touch of Death. If using those stacks when casting Finger of Death, he will shout and use Finger of Death. Like with the Volley of Souls, we recommend using Protect/Deflect Necromancy here to reduce the damage to about 1,000. It can deal a solid 2,500 or so otherwise.

    • Death Spark
      With each auto-attack, Rasial will earn 1 stack of Death Spark. When it caps out at 6, his next attack will deal more damage and disable your Protection/Deflection Prayers if you are not stun immune. This can be seen under the large heath bar near where it lists the phase.

    Phase Mechanics:

    Throughout the first phase, you will simply deal with the above attacks. As you reach each health threshold, a new phase will begin wherein Rasial introduces a new mechanic which will be present until the final phase. These are as follows:

    Soul Obelisk (350,000)

    At 350,000 lifepoints, phase 2 begins. 2 obelisks will appear with one to the East and the other to the West. These will increase the rate at which he gains residual souls, thus increasing the frequency with which he will hit you will his Volley of Souls attack. It is best to simply ignore them and power through: destroying them is a big enough time sink that it will usually cost you far more food than you save by destroying them and they will reappear later.

    Ghost Wall: "Join us... in death!" (200,000)

    Starting at 400,000 lifepoints, phase 3 begins and Rasial will start using his Ghost attack. This is indicated by "Join us... in death!" and a wall of ghosts will appear behind you before traveling towards Rasial. The easiest way to avoid them is to dash (using Dive or Escape) or run backwards as soon as you receive the cue.

    Necrotic Explosions (100,000)

    Finally, upon reaching 100,000 lifepoints, we reach phase 4. All other previous mechanics will cease and you will just deal with this. Rasial will teleport behind the wall of flames to the North and start attacking you with Necrotic Explosions. Dark spots will rapidly appear on the floor and you need to not stand in them. If you stand in them for too long you will take large amounts of Necromancy damage. A Powerburst of vitality can make a huge difference when this mechanic starts, as can Reflect by way of the Greater Bone Shield incantation.

    If you are still being bombarded by these flames when both the powerburst and Reflect have worn off, move onto using Debilitate to reduce damage by 50% again for a few more seconds. Another strategy is to use Anticipation to prevent him stunning you and then using Devotion with Protect/Deflect Necromancy active to provide roughly 10 seconds of safety from the flames.

    Regardless of how you reduce incoming damage, you will have to deal the last 100,000 damage to him while running around. Your conjures are going to do a lot of the heavy lifting in this respect, but your food will only keep you alive for so long. As such, moving around while doing damage is vital for completing this final part of the fight.

  6. After you finish off Rasial, a cutscene will occur in which he claims to have been preparing to protect this world from "the shadows" and that this was a test of your abilities for the war to come. When the cutscene ends you will find yourself standing by Kharen at the ferry in Um. Head to the center of town and talk to Death to wrap up and claim your reward.


Congratulations, Quest Complete!

You Did It

This Quest Guide was written by 3ter 1 and ChathMurrpau. Thanks to Sy Accursed for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Sep 01, 2024, at 06:37:31 PM by Chath, and it was last updated on Mon, Sep 02, 2024, at 04:47:33 PM by Chath.

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