Heroes' Quest
Heroes' Quest (Duo)
Jungle Potion
One Small Favour
Recruitment Drive
Void Dance, A
- Speak with Kaqemeex next to the Altar of Guthix South of the Heroes' Guild. He will explain that the druids need to call upon the power of Guthix to help them defeat the trolls invading from Burthorpe. Agree to help him and he will tell you to speak with Sanfew in Taverley.
Follow the road SouthEast into Taverley and you will find Sanfew in a house west of the petshop. Ask him about the Ointment of imbalance. Sanfew will tell you he needs the ingredients for the ointment and ask you to collect a vial of untainted Living water, Wandering wyrmwood and Stone scales. Before leaving Sanfew will you give a Vial.
Head North towards the cave entrance South-West of Kaqemeex. Follow the path Southern path inside the cave until you find a subterranean spring and use your empty vial on it to receive a vial of Living water.
Exit the cave and follow the lake South until you reach a wheat field. Use a Fishing rod and a Coin on the nearby sparkling fishing spot to catch a Stone fish. Use a Chisel on the fish to produce some Stone scales.
Continue to follow the lake until you reach its Southern end and look around this area for a group of wyrmwood plants wandering about. 'Take-from' them to receive a Wandering wyrmwood.
Return to Sanfew with the ingredients and talk to him. He will mix them together and give you the Ointment of imbalance. A cut scene will then occur in which Kaqemeex perform the ritual.
Congratulations! Quest complete!

This Quest Guide was written by Gnat88 and Javezz. Thanks to Alfawarlord, Lilroo503, Armahkarma, Eragon7985, Brenden, Hilwin1, Knight, Ksb Single, and Jarkur for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Mar 02, 2004, at 10:06:05 PM by Wiz-Master and CJH, and it was last updated on Tue, Apr 04, 2023, at 07:15:26 PM by 3ter1.
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