Quest Requirements:
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Acquired During Quest:
Potion of Zombification
Quest Points:
Access to the Sanctum of Rebirth and 2 Treasure Hunter keys.
Start Point:
Docks North of Lupe
To Start:
Speaking with Suspicious Stranger or Trista.
  1. Talk to either the Suspicious Stranger or Trista on the Um Docks North West of the General store. You will ask what they're talking about, they will state it is a private conversation and to move along. Sensing something is wrong, you'll want to know more.


  2. Right click either of them and select the Eavesdrop option. You will be conflicted whether you want to listen in or not. Accept the Quest and you will begrudgingly listen in revealing they're up to something strange. Maybe Death will know more.


  3. Head South and talk to Death. He will tell you to ask the Suspicious Stranger what they know about the Sanctum.

    Pls Hep

  4. Run back to the Docks and talk to the Suspicious Stranger. Go through all the dialog options: convince, persuade, and threaten. With all of them failing to get them to talk, you hope Death has a suggestion.

    Tell Me

  5. Run South back to Death and talk to him. He will suggest asking Malignius to help you look dead. Make sure you have all the required items before heading to him.

    Any Ideas

  6. Go to the City of Um Ritual Site and talk to Malignius. Select the Quests option, then Soul Searching. Go through the dialog. He will be slightly confused that you have all the items with you, but takes them none the less. He will create a potion then ask you to sign a waiver, sign it. Note that if you repeatedly refuse, he will forge your signature. Once signed, he will give you a Potion of Zombification, but tells you it only works for a short duration so don't take your time. If you do lose the potion, you can reclaim it from Malignius. Return to the Suspicious Stranger.

    This Should Work

  7. Once you're back at the Docks, make sure you are not too close or you won't be able to drink the potion. standing near the end of the crates you hid behind will work. When you're far enough away, drink the potion and talk with the Suspicious Stranger. She will allow you to board the Gondola to the North.


  8. After Boarding the Gondola, a cutscene will play where you will arrive at a strange looking place with Icthlarin standing at the other end of the dock. The Suspicious Stranger will be confused that you are no longer a zombie and Icthlarin will be a bit surprised that you're with a minion of the Devourer. He will send the Suspicious Stranger away and asks you to explain what is going on. Being brief, you explain what has happened to lead you here before Icthlarin allows you to ask some questions. Go through the dialog of what this place is and who the spirit was or skip it all and complete the quest. You will offer to enter the Sanctum and battle the Devourer's forces. Icthlarin will insist that no one should risk themselves and that it is his job but will not stop you after you insist it is the right thing to do.


Congratulations, Quest Complete!

You Did It

This Quest Guide was written by Sy Accursed, Robbie07731, ChathMurrpau. Thanks to 3ter 1 for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Aug 03, 2024, at 01:48:29 PM by Chath, and it was last updated on Wed, Aug 14, 2024, at 01:14:25 AM by Chath.

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