Table of Contents:
The Artisan's Workshop is located in the South East corner of Falador, on the ground level directly above the Mining Guild. From fastest to slowest, here are some quick ways to get there:
- Use a Modified blacksmith's helmet to teleport directly to the workshop (up to 3 times per day)
- Use a Skills necklace to teleport to the Mining Guild and run East
- Use the Falador teleport spell and run South East
- Teleport to the Falador lodestone and run South East
Why Train at the Artisan's Workshop?
There are several reasons to choose to train Smithing here, but they boil down to two main ideas. The first is that there are several Smithing activities at the workshop that yield Smithing experience for no material cost and one that has the highest Smithing experience yield from a training method (though it is much more costly). The second is a juicy batch of rewards you can earn by spending respect, including: a skilling outfit (when complete and worn grants +6% Smithing experience), increased experience from activities exclusive to the workshop, and upgrades to the Dwarf multicannon.
At the workshop there are three unique activities to spend time on, with achievements tied to several of them. Two of them (fixing pipes and ceremonial swordsmithing) are only available randomly, but grant experience without the need of materials. The other activity, burial smithing, grants the highest possible experience out of any Smithing training method right now. That said, it is very expensive to do.
Burial Armor Smithing (40 Smithing)
Upon attaining level 40 Smithing, a player can partake in the creation of dwarven burial armor by using the burial anvils and furnaces on the East side of the workshop. This process awards the highest Smithing experience out of any training method, but is also very costly, regardless of whether or not you gather and make the materials yourself. Upon completing a piece of burial armor, the item(s) used to create it are consumed, leaving you with nothing to sell or alchemize. You cannot make a piece of burial armour until you have fully upgraded an armor item that is worn in the head, torso, legs, hands, or feet slot. Alternatively, you can make a set of burial armor using a piece for each of the aforementioned equipment slots. Note that while all armors that can be upgraded can be made into burial armor, only the ones listed in the table below can be made into a burial armor set.
Item | Smithing Progress | Experience for Creating | Total Bars to Make from Scratch | Total Experience for Making from Scratch |
Adamant (40 Smithing) | ||||
+2 Full helm | 500 | 680 | 8 | 2,040 |
+2 Platebody | 1,250 | 1,700 | 20 | 5,100 |
+2 Platelegs | 750 | 1,020 | 12 | 3,060 |
+2 Armoured boots | 250 | 340 | 4 | 1,020 |
+2 Gauntlets | 250 | 340 | 4 | 1,020 |
+2 Set (Full helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Armoured boots, and Gauntlets) | 3,000 | 4,080 | 48 | 12,240 |
Rune (50 Smithing) | ||||
+3 Full helm | 720 | 1,920 | 16 | 5,760 |
+3 Platebody | 1,800 | 4,800 | 40 | 14,400 |
+3 Platelegs | 1,080 | 2,880 | 24 | 8,640 |
+3 Armoured boots | 360 | 960 | 8 | 2,880 |
+3 Gauntlets | 360 | 960 | 8 | 2,880 |
+3 Set (Full helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Armoured boots, and Gauntlets) | 4,320 | 11,520 | 96 | 34,560 |
Orikalkum (60 Smithing, Members Only) | ||||
+3 Full helm | 840 | 2,800 | 16 | 8,400 |
+3 Platebody | 2,100 | 7,000 | 40 | 21,000 |
+3 Platelegs | 1,260 | 4,200 | 24 | 12,600 |
+3 Armoured boots | 420 | 1,400 | 8 | 4,200 |
+3 Gauntlets | 420 | 1,400 | 8 | 4,200 |
+3 Set (Full helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Armoured boots, and Gauntlets) | 5,040 | 16,800 | 96 | 50,400 |
Necronium (70 Smithing, Members Only) | ||||
+4 Full helm | 1,120 | 8,000 | 32 | 24,000 |
+4 Platebody | 2,800 | 20,000 | 80 | 60,000 |
+4 Platelegs | 1,680 | 12,000 | 48 | 36,000 |
+4 Armoured boots | 560 | 4,000 | 16 | 12,000 |
+4 Gauntlets | 560 | 4,000 | 16 | 12,000 |
+4 Set (Full helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Armoured boots, and Gauntlets) | 6,720 | 48,000 | 192 | 144,000 |
Bane (80 Smithing, Members Only) | ||||
+4 Full helm | 1,260 | 11,200 | 32 | 33,600 |
+4 Platebody | 3,150 | 28,000 | 80 | 84,000 |
+4 Platelegs | 1,890 | 16,800 | 48 | 50,400 |
+4 Armoured boots | 630 | 5,600 | 16 | 16,800 |
+4 Gauntlets | 630 | 5,600 | 16 | 16,800 |
+4 Set (Full helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Armoured boots, and Gauntlets) | 7,560 | 67,200 | 192 | 201,600 |
Elder Rune (90 Smithing, Members Only) | ||||
+5 Full helm | 1,600 | 32,000 | 64 | 96,000 |
+5 Platebody | 4,000 | 80,000 | 160 | 240,000 |
+5 Platelegs | 2,400 | 48,000 | 96 | 144,000 |
+5 Armoured boots | 800 | 16,000 | 32 | 48,000 |
+5 Gauntlets | 800 | 16,000 | 32 | 48,000 |
+5 Set (Full helm, Platebody, Platelegs, Armoured boots, and Gauntlets) | 9,600 | 192,000 | 384 | 576,000 |
The experience granted from making burial armor can be increased by unlocking the Solemn Smith I - V upgrades, each one increasing the experience from making burial armor by 1%.
In the West side of the workshop, the furnaces are connected by way of some pipes that can be seen along the floor. Every so often, they will burst and require repairs. When they do, you can spend a little time to fix them if you have at least level 50 Smithing. Fixing them will grant Smithing experience equal to 2 times your Smithing level and a little respect (typically 1% respect every 10 - 15 pipes). By spending 5% respect on the Quick Repairs upgrade, you can spend less time to make these repairs. You can also spend 15% respect on the Repairs Expert upgrade to gain an additional 50 Smithing experience every time you fix a pipe.
The pipes are not particularly consistent with their breaks, but one thing is certain - the faster you gain experience in the workshop, the more likely you will see pipes burst. A player gaining 50,000 Smithing experience an hour is more likely to see burst pipes than a player gaining 25,000 Smithing experience per hour.
Burst pipes are instanced - if a pipe bursts, only the player that can see it can fix it. None of this, "Hey, can someone fix that pipe for me?" nonsense.
Ceremonial Sword Smithing (Members Only)
Every time you finish Smithing an item on an anvil that generates respect, there is a chance that Egil will appear and give you ceremonial sword plans. They cannot be put in a bank, disassembled, alchemized, or sold. While carrying them, you will be prompted if you want to partake in ceremonial sword smithing when you try to smith on an anvil. This can get rather annoying and partaking in this activity is worth Smithing experience without spending materials, so it is recommended that you do so when you can. Saying yes when prompted will open up a unique interface, as seen below:

The picture at the top of the interface shows the plan. You need to try to create the same shape below. The closer you are, the more experience you will earn. Select a hit strength (Careful, Soft, Medium, or Hard) and click one of the 16 hammer buttons to create a dent at that position. The size of a dent is random based on the strength of the hit applied to the sword, but a higher Smithing level will reduce the variance and hit the typical value more consistently (see the table below).
Strength | Cool-down | Indent Range | Typical Depth |
Careful | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Soft | 1 | 0 - 2 | 1 |
Medium | 1 | 0 - 3 | 2 |
Hard | 1 | 0 - 5 | 3 |
For every hit, the cool-down number decreases. When this number reaches zero, the sword is no longer workable. Speak with Egil or Abel to gain your experience. A dent larger than 8 for the tip of the sword, or 6 for the rest of the sword, will shatter it. If this happens, no experience is awarded and you've lost the sword. This can be prevented by having a Sword polishing kit in your inventory, which can be purchased for 1% respect. If a hit would cause the blade to shatter while you have a kit, the kit will be consumed and the hit will dent the sword as far as the limit for that position on the sword (8 for the tip, 6 everywhere else).
Completing a sword grants experience, but only if you do a decent job with it. If you don't match a sword perfectly, that's okay! You can still gain experience and there are some important things to keep in mind to make that easier.
- Work from the tip of the blade to the hilt and take the time to match the plans if you can. Be sure to begin with your deepest dents (Hard hits). Choosing to start with Careful hits may result in not having enough heat left in the blade to match the plans.
- Imperfection is better than asymmetry. If you accidentally dent one side of the blade too far and the plans indicate that the opposite side is meant to be dented the same amount, your sword will be scored worse for that position if you are asymmetrical in addition to being too dented.
- Underdented and overdented parts of a blade will drop your percent of the experience reward, but denting too far will break the sword and guarantee you will have no reward. Prioritize keeping the blade from breaking over perfection if you don't have Sword Polishing kits.
- Sword Polishing Kits cost 1% respect, which is the amount of respect gained from a perfectly forged ceremonial sword. As such, only spend respect on the kits when you are not working towards unlocking anything else in the workshop.
- You do not have to use all of the heat in the sword. If the sword is not done cooling and you have perfectly matched the design, talk to Egil and ask him to rate your sword to turn it in.
A perfect ceremonial sword will award the player 10,000 Smithing experience, as well as a 4% chance of receiving an unowned Blacksmithing outfit piece. If the sword is imperfect but still grants experience, then they player is awarded a percentage of the 10,000 Smithing experience, and has a 1% chance of receiving an unowned Blacksmithing outfit piece. The first ceremonial sword a player finishes with 90% perfection grants an additional 5,000 Smithing experience. The first time a player perfectly makes a ceremonial sword, they receive an additional 15,000 Smithing experience.
The experience granted from making ceremonial sword can be increased by unlocking the Ceremonial Swordsmith I - V upgrades, each one increasing the experience from making ceremonial swords by 1%.
All of the rewards you can purchase in the Artisan's Workshop are purchased with respect. Respect is gained by gaining Smithing experience and repairing pipes. 10,000 Smithing experience gain will grant a player 1% respect, capping at 100%. However, gaining respect from Smithing experience is very restricted. The production of respect from experience is restricted by these limitations:
- The activity must be done at an anvil or burial anvil
- The activity must not involve Protean bars
- Bonus experience granted by items, boosts, artisan upgrades, and so on do not affect the rate at which respect is earned
- Respect is not gained for the experience of an item a player is Smithing until the item is finished
By talking to Egil, players can unlock quite a few rewards. Most of them can only be unlocked once (denoted on the list below with a checkbox) and many of them are tied to achievements.
Item/Upgrade | Respect | Description |
Dwarven Instinct Fragment | 100% | One half of the Dwarven Instinct aura. To complete the aura you must buy this item twice. |
Quick Repairs | 5% | Learn how to quickly repair pipes about the workshop |
Repair Expert | 15% | Gain more experience for repairing pipes about the workshop |
Solemn Smith I | 20% | Making complete suits of burial armor gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Solemn Smith upgrades) |
Solemn Smith II* | 40% | Making complete suits of burial armor gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Solemn Smith upgrades) |
Solemn Smith III* | 60% | Making complete suits of burial armor gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Solemn Smith upgrades) |
Solemn Smith IV* | 80% | Making complete suits of burial armor gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Solemn Smith upgrades) |
Solemn Smith V* | 100% | Making complete suits of burial armor gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Solemn Smith upgrades) |
Ceremonial Swordsmith I | 30% | Making a Ceremonial sword gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Ceremonial Swordsmith upgrades) |
Ceremonial Swordsmith II* | 30% | Making a Ceremonial sword gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Ceremonial Swordsmith upgrades) |
Ceremonial Swordsmith III* | 30% | Making a Ceremonial sword gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Ceremonial Swordsmith upgrades) |
Ceremonial Swordsmith IV* | 30% | Making a Ceremonial sword gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Ceremonial Swordsmith upgrades) |
Ceremonial Swordsmith V* | 30% | Making a Ceremonial sword gives an additional 1% xp (Stacks with other Ceremonial Swordsmith upgrades) |
Golden Cannon | 50% | Gain the ability to trade in your Dwarf cannon for a golden Dwarf cannon with Egil that can hold up to 60 Cannonballs rather than 30 |
Royale Cannon* | 100% | Gain the ability to trade in your Dwarf cannon for a royale Dwarf cannon with Egil that can hold up to 90 Cannonballs rather than 60 |
Restocking Cannon* | 100% | Grants your Dwarf cannon the ability to reload when out of ammunition, provided that you have the Cannonballs in your inventory and your Cannon is within sight |
Ceremonial Sword Orders | 100% | You have a 10% higher chance to get a ceremonial sword design when finishing a Smithing item in the Artisan's workshop |
Sword Polishing Kit | 1% | When held in our inventory the kit can be consumed to prevent a Ceremonial sword from being broken |
Luminite injector | 100% | When used on the luminite receiver in the artisan's workshop this overloads the workshop allowing all players to generate additional progress per swing while smithing |
Blacksmith's Outfit piece | 50% | Each individual piece of the outfit grants 1% bonus smithing experience while worn, with an extra 1% for wearing the full set. There are 5 pieces, plus another used to modify the helmet. Can also be unlocked from ceremonial swordsmithing |
Necturion Outfit | 100% | Unlock the Necturion and Necturion (Masterwork) cosmetic overrides in your wardobe |
Invictum Outfit | 100% | Unlock the Invictum and Invictum (Masterwork) cosmetic overrides in your wardobe |
Aetherium Outfit | 100% | Unlock the Aetherium and Aetherium (Masterwork) cosmetic overrides in your wardobe |
*These upgrades require the previous one to be unlocked before they can be purchased
There are 4 achievements that can only be completed by spending time in the Artisan's Workshop. Each one is detailed below.
Achievement | Achievement Path | Requirement(s) | How to Do it |
We will bury them | Smithing | 40 Smithing | Use a burial anvil and furnace to make a set of burial armor. You must have all 5 of the required items for that particular burial set in your inventory |
Come together | Smithing | N/A | While in the Artisan's workshop on world 70, activate a Luminite injector. Choosing for it to activate when a currently active one finishes works for this achievement |
Work on your artisan | Smithing | 820% respect | Purchase the following upgrades from the Artisan's Workshop:
Work on your Artisan II | Completionist (Trimmed) | 1,120% respect | Purchase the following upgrades from the Artisan's Workshop:
This Special Report was written by Mimz, Greg, Zaros Ultor, Rooskii, ChathMurrpau, 3ter 1. Thanks to Owain121 for corrections.
This Special Report was entered into the database on Sat, Nov 25, 2017, at 02:30:49 PM by ChathMurrpau, and it was last updated on Sun, Mar 08, 2020, at 12:24:49 AM by 3ter1.
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