5 Hunter, 7 Magic, 14 Runecrafting, 22 Thieving.
Medium Tasks:
19 Strength, 25 Summoning, 30 Agility, 33 Crafting, 35 Woodcutting, 36 Herblore, 37 Ranged, 45 Mining, 45 Prayer..
Hard Tasks:
50 Runecrafting, 52 Fletching, 55 Cooking, 55 Farming, 61 Thieving, 65 Slayer, 70 Magic, 75 Dungeoneering.
Elite Tasks:
77 Slayer, 80 Agility, 80 Mining , 85 Herblore , 89 Crafting, 91 Thieving .
Diamond in the Rough, One Piercing Note, Stolen Hearts.
Medium Tasks:
Eagles' Peak, Missing My Mummy, Spirits of the Elid, The Feud.
Hard Tasks:
Contact!, Dealing with Scarabas, Deadliest Catch, Desert treasure, Do No Evil, Dream mentor, Enakhra's Lament, Smoking kills.
Elite Tasks:
As a First Resort..., Desert treasure, Diamond in the Rough, Do No Evil, One Piercing Note, The Restless Ghost, Smoking kills.
Bird snare, Desert clothing, Fire talisman or Wicked hood or Fire Tiara, Progress hat, Knife, Waterskin, Rune essence.
Medium Tasks:
51 Spirit shards, Blue charm, Clean harralander, Crossbow (any type), Dramen staff, Hatchet (any type), Molten glass, Mithril grapple, Pyramid top, Pickaxe (any type), Pouch (Summoning), Potato cactus, Rope.
Hard Tasks:
1 Astral rune, 2 Death runes, 1 Fire rune, and 7 Water runes, Bowl, Bucket of water, Cactus seed, Cramulet (Full version), Dreadnips, Enchanted Water Tiara, Face mask or Full slayer helmet, Feathers, Light source, Onion, Pot of flour, Raw ugthanki meat, Tomato, Unfinished broad bolts, Waterskin.
Elite Tasks:
2 Antifire (3) potions, 2 Phoenix feathers, Robust glass, Ancient staff, Anhk, Slayer helmet, Dominion marker (stage 4), Holy Cithara, 50 Summoning scrolls (combat type), Scarabas mask.
Speak to Grand Vizier Hassan after completing the Easy tasks for the Desert amulet 1 and one 2,000xp lamp.
At all times:
- 2% cheaper items at the pizazz store.
- Double water from cacti (for Waterskin).
- Sparkly Dung Kalaphites drop double loot.
- 1 Bag of lost items from any of the Rug Merchants
Medium Tasks:
Speak to Zahur after completing the Medium tasks for the Desert amulet 2 and one 8,000xp lamp.
At all times:
- 5% cheaper items at the pizazz store.
- A second Teak tree near Uzer.
- Double water from cacti (for Waterskin).
- Sparkly Dung Kalaphites drop double loot.
- Reduced failure rate at the Agility Pyramid.
- Unlimited teleports to Nardah.
- Goats have a chance to drop noted Desert goat horns.
- 1 Bag of lost items from any of the Rug Merchants
- Turn Soda ash into Molten glass by using the Make glass option, usable 50 times a day.
- 20 noted Potato cacti from the Weird Old Man per day.
Hard Tasks:
Speak to Ali the Mayor after completing the Hard tasks for the Desert amulet 3 and 1 20,000xp lamp.
At all times:
- 10% cheaper items at the pizazz store.
- A second Teak tree near Uzer.
- The cactus patch in Al-Kharid will be protected from disease and always provides double spines.
- Double charges on the Pharaoh's sceptre and the Sceptre of the gods.
- Reduced chance of Mummies and Scarabs spawning in Pyramid Plunder.
- Double water from cacti (for Waterskin).
- Sparkly Dung Kalaphites drop double loot.
- Reduced failure rate at the Agility Pyramid.
- Unlimited teleports to Nardah.
- Goats have a chance to drop noted Desert goat horns.
- Keris has a greater chance of scoring a vicious blow.
- 1 Bag of lost items from any of the Rug Merchants
- Turn Soda ash into Molten glass by using the Make glass option, usable 100 times a day.
- 30 noted Potato cacti from the Weird Old Man per day.
Elite Tasks:
Speak to the Clay Golem after completing the Elite tasks for the Desert amulet 4, two 30,000xp lamps and two 50,000xp lamps.
At all times:
- 10% cheaper items at the pizazz store.
- A second Teak tree near Uzer.
- The cactus patch in Al-Kharid will be protected from disease and always provides double spines.
- Double charges on the Pharaoh's sceptre and the Sceptre of the gods.
- Reduced chance of Mummies and Scarabs spawning in Pyramid Plunder.
- Keris has a greater chance of scoring a vicious blow.
- Double water from cacti (for Waterskin).
- Sparkly Dung Kalaphites drop double loot.
- Reduced failure rate at the Agility Pyramid.
- Unlimited teleports to Nardah.
- Goats have a chance to drop noted Desert goat horns.
- Opportunity to reroll Dominion chest rewards.
- Two Phoenix feathers stolen at once from the Desert Phoenix.
- 20% chance of making 4-dose super antifire potions.
- A new Red sandstone rock near Sophanem which holds 25 rocks.
- Boosted stats on the Ancient staff.
- A granite buyer at the Quarry.
- 1 Bag of lost items from any of the Rug Merchants
- Turn Soda ash into Molten glass by using the Make glass option, usable 150 times a day.
- 40 noted Potato cacti from the Weird Old Man per day.

# | Task | Description | Notes | Quest Reqs | Skill Reqs | Members Only |
1 | Assassin's Feed | Eagle-dive into a hay cart after completing Diamond in the Rough. |
Diamond in the Rough | None | Yes |
2 | Touring Gear | Equip a full set of desert clothing while standing in the desert. | Go to Shantay Pass and buy yourself the items, unless you don't have them yet. (They'll cost a total amount of 100gp) Equip the items, and go-through the pass into the desert to complete the task. | None | None | Yes |
3 | Memento Mori | View the Duel Arena scoreboard. | Go to the Duel Arena. (walk North from the Al Kharid lodestone) There will be a scoreboard just south from the entrance. Click on it to view it for task completion. | None | None | No |
4 | Fool's Gold | Catch a golden warbler. | Head east of the Dominion Tower to the Hunter area located just next to the Dominion Tower. You can also use the Fairy Ring code D L Q and then walk to north. Lay a Bird Snare and wait for a Golden Warbler to get caught by it. | None | 5 Hunter | Yes |
5 | Don't You Dare Close Your Eyes | Use any of the magic carpets in the desert. | Walk through the Shantay pass. Speak with the Rug Merchant just a bit South from the pass. Select a location you wish to travel to and pay the merchant the price for the journey to complete the task. | None | None | Yes |
6 | Slash Fund | Get water from a cactus in the desert. | Go to the Kharidian Desert and find yourself a Kharidian Cactus (healthy). They are located all around the desert, but I used the ones West from Uzer. Select cut while having an empty water skin in your inventory to complete the task. | None | None | Yes |
7 | Kookookachat | Talk to Khoochak about a quest. | Enter the Palace via the main doors. Walk South to the throne and speak with the bird (Khoochak) for task completion. You can select to speak about any of the Desert Quests you've completed. | None | None | Yes |
8 | Fire at Will | Craft a fire rune at the fire altar. | Go to the Mysterious Ruins just North from the Duel Arena entrance. Enter the ruins and select Craft-Rune on the altar to complete the task. | None | 14 Runecrafting | No |
9 | Seems Legit | Obtain five artefacts from Pyramid Plunder and sell them to Simon in one go. |
None | 21 Thieving | Yes |
10 | Extra Cheese | Exchange pizazz points at the Mage Training Arena. | Run to the Mage Training arena North from the Duel Arena. Participate in one of the activities in order to gain enough points to purchase something from the rewards shop upstairs to complete the task. | None | 7 Magic | Yes |
11 | I Like to Watch | Attempt to spectate on a match at the Dominion Tower. | Go through Shantay pass and walk east to the Dominion tower. Walk up the stairs and enter the lobby. Climb up the stairs and select to spectate. Select a game you wish to spectate to complete the task. | None | None | Yes |
12 | Wiggle Room | Perform the troubadour dance emote near the dancers outside the Citharede Abbey. | Teleport to Al Kharid lodestone. Leave the city via the East gate and keep walking East until you arrive to the Abbey. walk onto the platform with performers and select to do the Troubadour Dance-emote to complete the task. | One Piercing Note | None | No |
# | Task | Description | Notes | Quest Reqs | Skill Reqs | Members Only |
13 | Faster than a Speeding Bullet | Ride an eagle to the desert. |
Eagles' Peak | None | Yes |
14 | So Su Me | Solve an easy runedoku casket. |
The Feud | None | Yes |
15 | A Bridge Not Far | Cross the River Lum using a crossbow. | Leave Al Kharid via the West Gate, located just a bit North from the bank. You'll see a set of two strong trees. Select to grapple the strong tree on the other side of the river to complete the task. | None | 8 Agility, 19 Strength, 37 Ranged | Yes |
16 | Heathen Idle | Pray at the Elidinis statuette in Nardah. | Get to Nardah via either magic carpets, the fairy ring code D L Q or walking (not recommended). Enter the house North from the fountain and pray-at the statue to complete the task. | Spirits of the Elid | None | Yes |
17 | Away with the Kalphites | Travel to the fairy ring near the Kalphite Lair. | Fairy ring code: BIQ | A Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen (started) | None | Yes |
18 | All Square | Sell a pyramid top to Simon. | Make your way to the Agility pyramid by either walking, fairy rings, magic carpet rides, or a combination of these three. Climb up on top of the pyramid, remember to claim the golden pyramid by climbing the climbing rocks, and then leave the pyramid via a doorway. Trade with Simon and choose "Sell your artefacts" to sell the pyramid and complete the task. | None | 30 Agility | Yes |
19 | Goat Harralander? | Create a vial of combat potion from scratch in Nardah after killing a goat from the desert. | Gather the required items and travel to Nardah.
Spirits of the Elid | 36 Herblore, 33 Crafting | Yes |
20 | Taken for Granite | Mine granite at the quarry south of the Bandit Camp. | Travel to the Bandit Camp, preferrably via the lodestone. Walk a bit South into the Quarry and mine some Granite to complete the task. | None | 45 Mining | Yes |
21 | Unbeetleable | Create a spirit kalphite pouch at the obelisk south west of Pollnivneach. | Gather the items and head for Pollnivneach by carpet rides or walking (not recommended). Walk the remaining way from Pollnivneach to the obelisk. Infuse the pouch to complete the task. | None | 25 Summoning | Yes |
22 | An Teak | Attempt to cut a log from the teak tree near the Ruins of Uzer. | Make your way to Uzer via a magic carpet or walking. Walk to the Southeastern part of the area and chop one of the Teak trees in order to complete the task. | None | 35 Woodcutting | Yes |
23 | Overcut | Boost your stats at Amascut's altar. | Make your way to the Altar of Amascut either by walking or the fairy-ring code D L Q. It's also possible to take a magic carpet to Uzer and walk the remaining way to the pyramid. Choose to go straigth to the Queen as you enter the pyramid and pray at the altar of Amascut to complete the task. | Missing My Mummy | 45 Prayer. | Yes |
# | Task | Description | Notes | Quest Reqs | Skill/Other Reqs | Members Only |
24 | Skinful | Use Humidify to fill a Waterskin while standing in the desert. | Go swap into Lunar Magics by praying at the Astral Altar (located at the Lunar Isle, using Al Kharid and Lunar lodestone teleports is recommended), then return to Al Kharid. Get a waterskin (0) from Shantay for 15gp. Go through the pass into the desert and cast Humidify to complete the task. | Dream mentor | 68 Magic | Yes |
25 | Water on the Brain | Equip a charged Enchanted water tiara while in the desert. | Get yourself an Enchanted water tiara, if you don't have one already. That can be done by using water runes on a water tiara after completing the quest Dealing with Scarabas. Equip the tiara and go to the Desert for task completion. | Dealing with Scarabas | 50 Runecrafting | Yes |
26 | More Fletcher than Sumona | Fletch some Broad bolts or arrows in Sumona's house. | Add feathers to either unfinished Broad Bolts at Sumona's house to complete the task. You can buy the unfinished bolts from Sumona herself. NOTE: You must buy the ability to craft Broad Bolts or Arrows with 300 Slayer Points. |
Smoking kills | 52 Fletching | Yes |
27 | Ug Thankee Kindly | Make an Ugthanki kebab from raw ingredients in Nardah. | Gather the required items and make your way to Nardah.
None | 50 Cooking | Yes |
28 | Nipped in the Bug | Use a Dreadnip on the Kalphite Queen. | You need 450 kills in the Dominion Tower and have a dreadnip to release. This will not work on the Exiled Kalphite Queen. | None | None | Yes |
29 | Drafty in Here | Kill a Dust devil in the Smoke Dungeon | Make your way to the Smoke Dungeon, located in the Smokey well West from Pollnivneach. Walk into the first room in the South and kill a Dust Devil to complete the task. | Smoking kills | 65 Slayer | Yes |
30 | Enaqua | Fill a Waterskin from the fountain of Enakhra's Temple. |
Enakhra's Lament | None | Yes |
31 | Say It, Don't Spray It | Hear one of Al the Camel's poems using a fully featured cramulet. | Speak to Al the Camel in front of Al Kharid bank while wearing the full Cramulet. Choose to say something unpleasant and he'll tell you a poem. If it's your first time, you will automatically stop the camel from telling the poem and you'll have to speak with the camel again. Select the same option as before, then select that you'd love to hear a poem. Select a poem and go through the chat to complete the task. | Enakhra's Lament, Do No Evil | None | Yes |
32 | 1001 Kharidian Spikes | Harvest spines from a cactus you grew yourself. | Plant a Cactus seed to the Cactus patch. It's then suggested to speak with the farmer nearby (Ayesha) with six cavada berries to protect the plant from a disease, as it takes over nine hours to grow and you'd probably like to do something else while it grows. Once the plant has grown up, harvest spines from it to complete the task. | None | 55 Farming | Yes |
33 | Ice-Cold Killer | Freeze an enemy in the desert using Ice Burst. |
Desert treasure | 70 Magic | Yes |
34 | Ludikeris | Kill a scarab mage, Locust rider or Kalphite with the Keris dagger. | Travel to Sophanem. Head to the bank in the Northeastern part of the city, grab your Keris, a light scourge and some combat gear. Head down the ladders in the bank and proceed to the west to find a scarab mage to kill. | Contact! | None | Yes |
35 | Security through Obscurity | Use the Deposit chest near the Bedabin Camp | Walk to the Deposit box in the Northwestern corner of the Bedabin camp. Select to Deposit something to complete the task. | Deadliest Catch | None | Yes |
36 | Wake-Up Call | Open the sarcophagus in the level 61 room of Pyramid Plunder | Enter the Pyramid Plunder at Sophanem, reachable by carpets, walking and the Pharaoh's Sceptre teleport. Work your way within the minigame to the level fifth room and open the sarchophagus to complete the task. | None | 61 Thieving | Yes |
37 | Open Sesame | Enter the Al-kharid resource dungeon. | Head north of Al-kharid to the mine and enter the resource dungeon. | None | 75 Dungeoneering | Yes |
# | Task | Description | Notes | Quest Reqs | Skill/Other Reqs | Members Only |
38 | Staff on Stryke | Kill a desert strykewyrm wearing a Full Slayer Helm and wielding an ancient staff. |
Smoking kills, Desert treasure | 77 Slayer, 55 Crafting | Yes |
39 | Room Service | Open the sarcophagus in the final room of Pyramid Plunder. | You must have the required level, you are not able to use item boosts. | None | 91 Thieving | Yes |
40 | Sun Shade | Plant the Dominion marker in the desert, with all its achievements complete, including killing Sunfreet. | See Dominion Tower Achievements | None | None | Yes |
41 | A, B, Cithara | Play the Holy Cithara while standing in the Citharede Abbey. | If you need to reclaim the Holy Cithara, it's done by opening the chest within the cellar level of the Abbey with the following conditions met:
One Piercing Note, Desert treasure | None | Yes |
42 | Ankle Support | Wear the ankh and the Scabaras mask while in the desert. | Diamond in the Rough, Do No Evil | 80 Agility, 80 Mining | Yes | |
43 | I'm Super | In Nardah make a Super antifire flask - making both the flask and the potion from scratch. |
While in Nardah:
As a First Resort... | 89 Crafting, 85 Herblore, 81 Mining | Yes |
This Achievement Guide was written by Pirate Lord4. Thanks to Tabion, Darkblitz, and Ayri Wynn for corrections.
This Achievement Guide was entered into the database on Thu, Jan 24, 2013, at 11:39:48 AM by Tabion, and it was last updated on Sat, Nov 07, 2020, at 08:38:57 PM by Alk12.
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