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Name ![]() ![]() |
Location ![]() ![]() |
Market price ![]() ![]() |
Quest | Members Only |
Chest of Summer | Treasure hunter promotion. | --- | No | No |
Chest of Winter | Treasure hunter promotion. | --- | No | No |
Chewed bones | Monster Drop. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Chic scarf | Can be bought from the Rare token store for 7,000 tokens. | --- | No | Yes |
Chicken | On the floor of the room with Sir Spishyus. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Chicken cage | Given to you by Horvik, in Varrock, in exchange for Herbal tincture, Breathing salts, 3 Steel bars, and 5 Pigeon cages. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Chicken egg (unchecked) | Purchased from Granny Potterington's Farmer's Market. | 5,610 gp | No | Yes |
Chicken feet | Reward from the '07 Easter event. | --- | No | No |
Chicken head | Reward from the '07 Easter event. | --- | No | No |
Chicken legs | Reward from the '07 Easter event. | --- | No | No |
Chicken wings | Reward from the '07 Easter event. | --- | No | No |
Child's blanket | Cave east of Khazard battlefield (southwest of Clock tower). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Chilli chocolate | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune, or brought with Valentine hearts. | --- | No | No |
Chilli con carne | Player made (See Notes Section). | 332 gp | No | Yes |
Chilli potato | Player made (See notes sections). | 922 gp | No | Yes |
Chimes (The Arc) | Found on the Wushanko Isles and Uncharted Isles. | --- | No | Yes |
Chimney | Found in a crate during the Easter 2009 event in the Falador/Easter dungeon. | --- | No | No |
Chimp ice | It is initially bought from Rokuh in Nardah for 1,000 coins and a m'amulet mould after being instructed to deliver one to King Awowogei. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Chimp ice enhancer | Taken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer. | --- | No | Yes |
Chinchompa | Box trapping Chinchompa in the Piscatoris Hunter Area; Harvesting produce from Grey Chinchompas at the Manor farm. | 290 gp | No | Yes |
Chinchompa gravestone | Received after exploding a Golden chinchompa between the 6th and 16th September 2013. | --- | No | Yes |
Chinchompa residue | Harvesting produce from Chinchompas at the Manor farm. | 63 gp | No | Yes |
Chisel | Ground floor of the Crafting Guild, Bought from Dommik in Al Kharid; Possible monster drop. | 415 gp | No | No |
Chisel (Dungeoneering) | Inside a dungeon. In the middle of the floor in certain puzzle rooms. | 0 gp | No | No |
Chitin scraps | Made by repairing Damaged Chitin on an anvil. | 64 gp | No | Yes |
Choc ice | Bought from Rokuh, the Choc-ice seller in the Nardah marketplace. | 3,761 gp | No | Yes |
Chocatrice cape | A reward for completing the Easter 2008 event. | --- | No | No |
Chocchip crunchies | Player Made (see Notes). | 6,265 gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate bar | Bought from the: Food Store in Port Sarim. Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne. Cooking supply store and bartending supply store in the Grand Tree. Cooking store in Yanille. Baker's stall in East Ardougne. Culinaromancer's Chest. Rok's Chocs Box in Nardah. | 446 gp | No | No |
Chocolate bomb | Player Made (See Notes); Monster Drop. | 2,472 gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate cake | Player made. | 4,105 gp | No | No |
Chocolate cheesecake | Player Made (See Notes). | 597 gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate chunks | Bowling chocolate kebbits. | --- | No | No |
Chocolate cow | Result of checking a Chocolate cow (unchecked); Result of breeding cows at Player-Owned Farms. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate cow (unchecked) | Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia. | 141.2k gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate cream cheese | Player Made (See Notes). | 113 gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate drop | Obtained during the 2008 Halloween event. | --- | No | No |
Chocolate dust | Player made or bought from the Gnome Stronghold cooking supplies and bartending supplies store. | 842 gp | No | No |
Chocolate eggs | Can be obtained only by another person giving an egg from a easter basket to you from March-April 4th 2005. | 0 gp | No | No |
Chocolate hair head token | Randomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Flo. | 229.1k gp | No | No |
Chocolate kebbit | Bunny warren. | --- | No | No |
Chocolate saturday | Player Made (See Notes); Purchased from Gabooty. | 22.4k gp | No | Yes |
Chocolate slice | Player made (by eating most of chocolate cake) or (members) thieve from the Ardougne (East) cake stall. | 201 gp | No | No |
Chocolatey goop | Chocolatey goop is obtained when chimp ice melts only after completion of Do No Evil. | --- | No | Yes |
Chocolatey milk | Player Made (See Notes); Obtained by harvesting produce from Chocolate cows. | --- | No | Yes |
Chocotreat | The player will automatically obtain a chocotreat after they splatter a chocochick with the marshmallow option of their eggsterminator. | --- | No | Yes |
Choleric bead | On the ground near the Calm Imp. | --- | Yes | No |
Choloa | To the North and East of the Nemi forest on Mazcab. | --- | No | Yes |
Chompy bird enhancer | Taken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer. | --- | No | Yes |
Chopped garlic | Player made (See Notes Section). | 63 gp | No | Yes |
Chopped onion | Player made (See Notes Section). | 3,695 gp | No | Yes |
Chopped tomato | Player made (See Notes Section). | 199 gp | No | Yes |
Chopped tuna | Player made (See Notes Section). | 924 gp | No | Yes |
Chopped ugthanki | Player made (See Notes Section). | 348 gp | Yes | Yes |
Chores | Given by Bob the cat. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Christmas cracker | This was a Jagex drop on Christmas 2001. It now can be bought from other players. | 2,147.5m gp | Yes | No |
Christmas cracker crate | Looted from the (completed) giant Christmas cracker at the Grand Exchange, during the 2018 Christmas event. | --- | No | No |
Christmas cracker paper | Randomly obtained while skilling or killing monsters, or by completing daily challenges, during the 2018 Christmas event. | --- | No | No |
Christmas dye | Made by combining Red dye and Green dye. | --- | Yes | No |
Christmas ghost bottoms | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Christmas ghost hood | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | No | No |
Christmas ghost top | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | No |
Christmas jumper token (chinchompa) | Possible reward from the Christmas piñata loot bag (2018). | 4,025 gp | No | Yes |
Christmas jumper token (guthix) | Possible reward from the Christmas piñata loot bag (2018). | 4,852 gp | No | Yes |
Christmas jumper token (penguin) | Possible reward from the Christmas piñata loot bag (2018). | 11.4k gp | No | Yes |
Christmas loot piñata (2018) | Possibe reward from the 2018 Christmas advent calendar. | --- | No | No |
Christmas loot pinata | These are a reward from the 2016 Christmas Advent Calendar and from Treasure Hunter in December 2016. | --- | No | No |
Christmas lootbeam token | Found in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017). | 16.5k gp | No | No |
Christmas piñata loot bag (2018) | Obtained by hitting a Christmas loot piñata (2018). | --- | No | No |
Christmas pinata loot bag | This item is a holiday and seasonal item, and may not always be found in-game. | --- | No | No |
Christmas pudding | Taken from the table next to where the wizards are sitting. | --- | No | No |
Christmas pudding amulet | Was obtainable during the 2012 Christmas season by trading in a sapphire, emerald, ruby, and diamond present. | --- | No | Yes |
Christmas pudding balloon | Reward from Christmas 2016 event. | 0 gp | No | No |
Christmas scythe | This was a possible prize for opening a Small or Big Christmas present from the Head elf between December 3rd 2014 and December 16th 2014. | 2,147.5m gp | No | Yes |
Christmas spirit jar | Players receive a Christmas spirit jar from Kris during the 2011 Christmas event. | --- | No | Yes |