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Compressed animaIt can be bought from the Shattered Worlds Reward Shop. 15.6k gpNoYes
Concentrated alloy barPlayer made (See Notes Section); Obtained from Metamorphic geodes.91.1k gpNoYes
Conch shell (Hunt for Red Raktuber)Located in the interrogation room of the Penguin Outpost.---YesYes
Conch shell (Port Sarim Invasion)Obtained through Supply caches or skilling and combat during the Port Sarim Invasion.---NoNo
ConductorPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Conductor mouldPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
ConfessionRocking Out---NoYes
ConfettiBought from Diango in Draynor Village.0 gpNoNo
Confiscated swordObtained from Death.---YesYes
Conga eel whip token Found while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party.235.9k gpNoNo
Congealed bloodDropped by creatures of Morytania: Bloodveld, Bruise Blamish Snail, Celestial dragon, Experiment, Fiyr Shade, Gargoyle, Ghast, Ghoul, Giant snail, Loar Shade, Mutated bloodveld, Nail beast, Nechryael, Ochre Blamish Snailrn, Phrin Shade, Skeleton, Swamp snake, Terror dog, Vyrelady, Vyrewatch.4,918 gpNoYes
Congealed potionFound on the floor South East of The Archivist.---YesYes
Conscript fragmentFound by using the Memory wand on various items throughout the quest.---YesYes
Consecrated herbDropped.---NoYes
Consecration seedObtained during the Roving Elves quest from killing a Moss Giant (level 88) in Glarial's Tomb.---YesYes
Consistent yak cardSinkholes Distraction and Diversion.---NoYes
Consistent yak card (solo)Received from the Gorajo hoardstalker.---NoYes
Consistent yak card (team)Received from the Gorajo hoardstalker.---NoYes
Constitution capePurchased from Surgeon General Tafani.---NoYes
Constitution cape (t)Purchased from Surgeon General Tafani.---NoYes
Constitution hoodReceived from Surgeon General Tafani when buying a Constitution cape.---NoYes
Constitution lampThe Constitution lamp is given as an additional reward for completing Missing, Presumed Death, by talking to the statue of Death in the Empyrean Citadel---NoYes
Constitution master capePurchased from Surgeon General Tafani.---NoYes
Constitution xp lampAwarded.---NoYes
Construction capePurchased from any one of the Estate agents around Gielinor.---NoYes
Construction cape (t)Purchased from any one of the Estate agents around Gielinor.---NoYes
Construction crate (large)This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.0 gpNoNo
Construction crate (small)Obtained by winning it from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Construction guideObtained from an Estate agent when buying a home.---NoYes
Construction hoodReceived from an Estate agent when buying a Construction cape.---NoYes
Construction master capePurchased from any one of the Estate agents around Gielinor.---NoYes
Construction suppliesLooted from a Wilderness Warbands Construction tent.0 gpNoYes
Constructor's bootsReward from the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble activity.---NoYes
Constructor's garbReward from the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble activity.---NoYes
Constructor's glovesReward from the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble activity.---NoYes
Constructor's hatReward from the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble activity.---NoYes
Constructor's trousersReward from the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble activity.---NoYes
Contact juggling resting tokenPossible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (April 2017 and March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter.145.6k gpNoNo
Contract contactPurchased from Boni. ---NoYes
Cook-o-matic manualGiven by the Cook in Lumbridge Castle Kitchen.---NoNo
Cooked chickenPlayer made (see Notes section).
Upstairs in the Falador shield shop.
1,206 gpNoNo
Cooked chompyPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Frawd in Oo'glog.211 gpNoYes
Cooked chompy (roasted)Obtained during the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest.211 gpNoYes
Cooked crab meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).568 gpNoYes
Cooked eeligatorCooked eeligator is a food item that can be bought from Goebie suppliers in their shops in Kanatah and Otot or received as a drop from Beastmaster Durzag or Yakamaru.397 gpNoNo
Cooked fishcakePlayer made (See notes).---YesYes
Cooked jubblyPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,229 gpNoYes
Cooked karambwanPlayer made (See Notes Section) and bought from Alfonse in Brimhaven.6,223 gpNoYes
Cooked meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).712 gpNoNo
Cooked oomlie wrapPlayer made (See Notes Section).21.6k gpNoYes
Cooked pekinPekin are found on Waiko.---NoYes
Cooked rabbitCook a Raw rabbit on a range or on a fire.67 gpNoYes
Cooked slimy eelPlayer made (See Notes Section).233 gpNoYes
Cooked sweetcornPlayer made.130 gpNoYes
Cooked turkeyMade by cooking a Raw turkey.---NoNo
Cooked turkey drumstickMade by cooking a Raw turkey drumstick.---NoNo
Cooked undead chickenPlayer made (See Notes Section).76 gpNoYes
Cooked undead meatPlayers can only make it by cooking raw beef (from an undead cow) on a range or a fire.235 gpNoYes
Cooked undead pekinRaw undead pekin can be found on Goshima, a region in Wushanko Isles.---NoYes
Cooking appleRespawns at the Cooks' Guild, North Ardougne farming shop, and the Ship in Pirate's cove; Bought from the Cooks' Guild, North Ardougne farming shop, and the Culinaromancer's Chest in Lumbridge; Picked from an Apple tree.393 gpNoNo
Cooking capePurchased from the Head chef. ---NoYes
Cooking cape (t)Purchased from the Head chef. ---NoYes
Cooking flask (1)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cooking flask (2)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cooking flask (3)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cooking flask (4)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cooking flask (5)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cooking flask (6)Player Made (See Notes).4,580 gpNoYes
Cooking gauntletsReward from Family Crest Quest, Family gauntlets can be enchanted into Cooking Gauntlets. Speak to Caleb in Varrock, whilst having the Family gauntlets in your inventory. ---YesYes
Cooking hoodReceived from the Head chef when buying a Cooking cape.---NoYes
Cooking master capePurchased from the Head chef.---NoYes
Cooking potion (1)Player Made (See Notes).334 gpNoYes
Cooking potion (2)Player Made (See Notes).676 gpNoYes
Cooking potion (3)Player Made (See Notes).1,888 gpNoYes
Cooking potion (4)Player Made (See Notes).1,940 gpNoYes