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Villager robe (white)A Villager robe can be obtained from Gabooty's store by buying them for 250 trading sticks or bought in the Grand Exchange. 1,573 gpNoYes
Villager robe (pink)Buy from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village.381 gpNoYes
Villager robe (brown)Villager robes can be obtained from Gabooty's store as rewards from the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup activity by buying them for 300 trading sticks or buy in Grand Exchange. 1,250 gpNoYes
Villager hat (yellow/blue)Villager hats can be obtained from Gabooty's store as rewards from the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup activity by buying them for 240 trading sticks. 2,426 gpNoYes
Villager hat (white/pink)Buy from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village.2,310 gpNoYes
Villager hat (brown)Villager hats can be obtained from Gabooty's store as rewards from the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup activity by buying them for 240 trading sticks.2,366 gpNoYes
Villager hat (blue/white)Villager hats can be obtained from Gabooty's store by buying them for 240 trading sticks. 2,824 gpNoYes
Villager armband (white)Buy from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village.2,331 gpNoYes
Villager armband (light blue)Villager armbands are a form of jungle-style clothing that can be bought for 180 trading sticks from Gabooty in the village of Tai Bwo Wannai. 661 gpNoYes
Villager armband (brown)Gabooty's Tai Bwo Wannai Cooperative; Players; Vendor790 gpNoYes
Villager armband (blue)Villager armbands are a form of jungle-style clothing that can be bought for 180 trading sticks from Gabooty in the village of Tai Bwo Wannai. 974 gpNoYes
Vile HornsPossible reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune, during Mad May; Possible reward from Treasure Hunter, during Smashing Relics promotion.---NoYes
Vile fishMade by cooking a raw vile fish.---NoNo
Vigorem vial (damaged)Obtained by excavating Culinarum debris; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Vigorem vialUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Victor's bronze ringBought for 1,750 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoNo
Vibrant memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Vibrant Wisp Colony in the South West corner of Feldip Hills.---NoYes
Vibrant energyHarvested from Vibrant wisps and Vibrant springs north of Mobilising Armies.404 gpNoYes
Vial packBought from Jatix and Poletax in Taverley, Frincos on Entrana, Grud in Gu'Tanoth, Obli in Shilo Village, Sigmund the Merchant in Rellekka, Melana Moonlander on Lunar Isle, the Harmony pillar farmer and Lady Meilyr in Prifddinas, and Jossik in the Lighthouse.---NoYes
Vial of yellow glazeGiven to you by the Impling manager when you have found the Glaze crate.---NoNo
Vial of water packBought from various shops.---NoYes
Vial of water (o)In a room of a dungeon. In one of the barrels in the Enigmatic hoardstalker room.---NoYes
Vial of water (Lunar Diplomacy)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Vial of water (Dungeoneering)Player made by adding water to a glass of vial.0 gpNoYes
Vial of waterPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Bought at Herblore shops; Bought at General stores in East Ardougne, Tai Bwo Wannai, and Shilo Village; Top floor of the Mages' Guild on a table; Bought from Jossik in the lighthouse; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.61 gpNoNo
Vial of stench (a)Received from Chief Thief Robin after you give him a Vial of stench.---YesYes
Vial of stenchPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Vial of red mist (Dimension of Disaster)After killing a Armoured zombie use a Vial on the red mist that appears.---NoYes
Vial of red glazeGiven to you by the Impling manager when you have found the Glaze crate.---NoNo
Vial of purple mist It is created by using blue dye on a vial of red mist. A vial of purple mist is an item used in the Dimension of Disaster Curse of Arrav subquest.---NoYes
Vial of orange mistThe vial of orange mist is made by putting some Yellow dye in a vial of red mist0 gpNoYes
Vial of mountain waterPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Vial of liquidOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers. ---YesYes
Vial of blue glazeGiven to you by the Impling manager when you have found the Glaze crate.---NoNo
Vial of bloodObtained by using a Vial on the blood fountain in New Varrock. ---NoYes
Vial (Watchtower) (incorrect)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Vial (Watchtower) (correct)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Vial (Dungeoneering)Can be bought from the Smuggler.0 gpNoNo
VialPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Jatix and Poletax in Taverley, Frincos on Entrana, Zahur in Nardah, Grud in Gu'Tanoth, Obli in Shilo Village, Gunslik in Keldagrim, Melana Moonlander on Lunar Isle, Sigmund the Merchant in Rellekka, Merchant in the Polypore Dungeon, the Harmony pillar farmer and Lady Meilyr in Prifddinas, and Jossik in the Lighthouse; Monster drop; Obtained by opening a Vial pack; Monster drop; Respawns in the Herblore Shop on Entrana.2 gpNoNo
Veteran hood (5 year)Bought from Hans in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Veteran hood (15 year)Bought from Hans in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Veteran hood (10 year)Bought from Hans in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Veteran cape (5 year)Bought from Hans in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Veteran cape (15 year)Bought from Hans in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Veteran cape (10 year) Bought from Hans in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Vetal lamp spoutThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Vetal lamp potThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Vetal lamp handleThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. 0 gpNoNo
Vetal lampObtained by combining the Vetal lamp spout, Vetal lamp handle, and Vetal lamp pot.---NoNo
Vesta's spearObtained as a drop from Revenants in the Forinthry dungeon.1.5m gpNoYes
Vesta's plateskirtMonster drop.408.1k gpNoYes
Vesta's longswordMonster drop.1,000.0k gpNoYes
Vesta's chainbodyMonster drop.510.7k gpNoYes
Vertida's bottle of holy waterGiven to the player by Vertida Sefalatis, who can be found in the Myreque Hideout in Meiyerditch. ---YesYes
Vermilion afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Verac's plateskirt (broken)Verac's plateskirt degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.735.5k gpNoYes
Verac's plateskirtObtained as a possilbe reward from the Barrows minigame.1,000.0k gpNoYes
Verac's helm (broken)Verac's helm degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.68.9k gpNoYes
Verac's helmObtained as possible reward from the Barrows minigame.1,000.0k gpNoYes
Verac's flail (broken)Verac's flail degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.295.7k gpNoYes
Verac's flailPossible reward from the Barrows chest.1.1m gpNoYes
Verac's brassard (broken)Verac's brassard degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.965.4k gpNoYes
Verac's brassardA possible reward from the Barrows minigame.1.4m gpNoYes
Verac the Defiled necroplasmPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Verac bobbleheadPlayer made ( see notes section).---NoYes
Venomous greater ensouled clothPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Venomous dinosaur (unchecked)Monster drop; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).1.9m gpNoYes
Venomous dinosaurResult of checking a Feral dinosaur (unchecked); Result of breeding varanasaurs at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Vengeful kiteshieldPossible reward for defeating the six Barrows Brothers in the Shadow Realm.16.2m gpNoYes
Vengeance (unabridged)Awarded from Skaldrun for completing the unabridged version of the Vengeance saga for the first time.---NoYes
Vengeance (abridged)Awarded from Skaldrun for completing the abridged version of the Vengeance saga for the first time. ---NoYes
Venator light crossbow (damaged)Obtained by excavating Venator remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. ---NoNo
Venator light crossbowUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Venator dagger (damaged)Obtained by excavating Venator remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. ---NoNo
Venator daggerPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo