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Unstrung comp bowPlayer made916 gpNoYes
Unstamped letterGiven to you by one of the Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock.---YesYes
Unstable essencePurchased from Wizard Rinsit in batches of 100 or 200 at a time, for Runespan Points.0 gpNoNo
Unstable effigy (uncharged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unsanitary swillPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Unpowered symbol (unholy Zamorak)Player made.850 gpNoYes
Unpowered orbPlayer made.114 gpNoYes
Unpowered necromantic seal of the FuriesMonster Drop.---NoYes
Unpowered necromantic seal of the FacelessMonster Drop.---NoYes
Unpowered necromantic seal of the Dragon RidersMonster Drop.---NoYes
Unpowered necromantic seal of the CywirMonster Drop.---NoYes
Unmoulded soapPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Unlocked diaryPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Unlit torchRespawns at the Fishing Platform, Tai Bwo Wannai general store, bought from Miltog's lamps at Dorgesh-Kaan for 6gp, bought from Aleck in Yanille, and pickpocketed from Cave goblins in Dorgesh-Kaan.384 gpNoYes
Unlit lanternObtained from the frozen lake found North East of the clearing.---YesNo
Unlit bug lanternBought at any Slayermaster.1,101 gpNoYes
Unknown printMade by using Flypaper with the with flour coated Criminal's dagger.---YesYes
United Barrows necroplasmPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unimaginable memoryFound on Erebus.---YesYes
Unidentified liquidUse a Vial on a barrel at the panning area of the Digsite, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Unicorn Stallion scroll (Healing Aura)Obtained by transforming a Unicorn Stallion pouch on the obelisk.206 gpNoYes
Unicorn stallion pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,609 gpNoYes
Unicorn skinMonster drop.---YesYes
Unicorn horn dustPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Bought from Poletax in Taverley and the Harmony pillar farmer and Lady Meilyr in Prifddinas.531 gpNoYes
Unicorn horn (Underground Pass)Search the smashed cage in the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
Unicorn hornMonster drop.802 gpNoYes
Unicorn boneMonster drop.---YesYes
Unholy symbol (o)In a room of a dungeon. In the chest in the Enigmatic hoardstalker room.---NoYes
Unholy symbol (Icthlarin's)Given to you upon entering Klenter's pyramid in Sophanem.---YesYes
Unholy symbolPlayer made (see notes).9,789 gpNoYes
Unholy mould (symbol Zamorak)Obtained from Spirit of Scorpius after completing the Observatory Quest.---YesYes
Unhallowed torsoBought from Brother Heinous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Unhallowed robe skirtBought from Brother Heinous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Unhallowed hoodBought from Brother Heinous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Unhallowed glovesBought from Brother Heinous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Unhallowed cloakBought from Brother Heinous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoNo
Unhallowed bootsBought from Brother Heinous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Unfocused reward enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards; Purchased from the Travelling Merchant.---NoYes
Unfocused damage enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards; Purchased from the Travelling Merchant.---NoYes
Unfired pot lidPlayer made (See Notes Section).1 gpYesYes
Unfired plant potIt can be made into a plant pot by using it on a pottery oven.3 gpNoYes
Unfinished worm crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Unfinished worm bowlPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished worm battaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished wooden broochPlayer Made (See Notes Section)0 gpNoYes
Unfinished veg bowlPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished veg battaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished toad crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Unfinished spicy crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished smithing itemPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Unfinished riveted masterwork platelegsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished riveted masterwork platebodyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished riveted masterwork helmPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Unfinished riveted masterwork glovesPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished riveted masterwork bootsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished netPlayer made (see notes).---YesYes
Unfinished masterwork platelegsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished masterwork platebodyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished masterwork helmPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished masterwork glovesPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished masterwork bootsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished fruit battaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished choc chip crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished choc bowlPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished cheese and tom battaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Unfinished broad boltsSold by Slayer Masters.47 gpNoYes
Unfinished astral runeYou can obtain this item from killing Nial Swiftfling during the quest.---YesYes
Unfermented winePlayer made.---NoNo
Unensouled barPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Underworld Grimoire 4Obtained from Crunchy.---NoYes
Underworld Grimoire 3Obtained from Kili.---NoYes
Underworld Grimoire 2Obtained from Frank.---NoYes
Underworld Grimoire 1Obtained from Icthlarin.---NoYes
Undead twigPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Undead cow ribsMonster drop.---YesYes