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Gilded cavalier and maskPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Gilded cavalierPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).1.2m gpNoYes
Gilded cape rackPlayer made (See notes section).91.0k gpNoYes
Gilded cabbageFound by looting coffins where you fought Dawn.---NoNo
Gilded bronze pickaxeMade by giving a Bronze pickaxe to a Liquid Gold Nymph.---NoYes
Gilded boaterPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).1.2m gpNoYes
Gilded benchPlayer made (See notes section).47.7k gpNoYes
Gilded armour set (sk)Player made (See Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Gilded armour set (lg)Player made (See notes section).0 gpNoYes
Gilded adamant pickaxeMade by giving a Adamant pickaxe to a Liquid Gold Nymph.---NoYes
Gilded 4-posterPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Treasure Trail reward (Level 3 Clue scroll).178.8k gpYesYes
Gielinor games foodPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Giant's HandReward from Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza.---NoYes
Giant wolpertinger pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Giant spider egg (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.90.9k gpNoYes
Giant spiderResult of checking a Giant spider egg (unchecked); Result of breeding spiders during summer or artificial summer at Player-Owned Farms.0 gpNoYes
Giant snake spineDropped by Big snakes (Crash Island), Giant Sea Snake, or Sea Snake Young (Miscellania) only after the Fur 'n' Seek quest.---YesYes
Giant rat boneKill a Giant rat during the Rag and Bone Man quest.---YesYes
Giant pouchMonster Drop or can be bought from Wizard Korvak for 50,000gp even if you have not gained one from the Abyss before.---NoYes
Giant penPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Giant nibGiven to you by Derrik, near the anvil on Miscellania, in exchange for an Iron bar.---YesYes
Giant harpoonQuest item.---NoYes
Giant frog legsMonster drop. 4,899 gpNoYes
Giant flatfishPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Giant featherMonster drop.---NoYes
Giant Ent scroll (Acorn Missile)Player made (See Notes Section.)220 gpYesYes
Giant ent pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,513 gpNoYes
Giant crabObtained from growing a Baby giant crab.---NoYes
Giant Chinchompa scroll (Explode)Player made (See Notes Section).114 gpNoYes
Giant chinchompa pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,617 gpNoYes
Giant carpPlayer cooked.---YesYes
Giant bat wingMonster drop.---YesYes
Gianne's cook bookObtained from Gianne, Hudo's store (Grand Tree Groceries), or by killing Gnome guards.0 gpNoYes
Gianne doughGet from Aluft Gianne snr. when training for the Gnome Restaurant mini-game or buy from Hudo for 2 gp.216 gpNoYes
Ghul lamp spoutThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. 0 gpNoNo
Ghul lamp potThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Ghul lamp handleThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.0 gpNoNo
Ghul lampObtained by combining the Ghul lamp spout, Ghul lamp handle, and Ghul lamp pot.---NoNo
Ghrim's bookReceived from Advisor Ghrim.---NoYes
Ghoulish maskThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.
If you destroyed it, you may regain it by talking to Diango in Draynor Village.
Ghoul boneMonster drop.---YesYes
GhostweaveObtained through skilling, killing or Treasure Hunter during the Halloween season from 24 October to 3 November, 2014.---NoNo
Ghostspeak amulet (enchanted)Given to you by the Old Crone.---YesYes
Ghostspeak amuletGiven to you by Father Urhney in the Lumbridge Swamp.---YesNo
Ghostly solePlayer Made (See Notes).130 gpNoYes
Ghostly robe topObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly robe bottomObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly princess skirtCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess shoesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess hatCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess glovesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly princess blouseCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly hoodObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly guard trousersCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard headCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard glovesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard bootsCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly guard armourCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly glovesObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly Fremennik trousersCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik hoodCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik glovesCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik bootsCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly Fremennik armourCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher trousersCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher jacketCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher hatCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher glovesCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly fisher bootsCreated using 1000 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer tunicCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer trousersCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer headCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer glovesCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly farmer bootsCreated using 600 Ghostweave during the Halloween Treasure Hunter in October 2014.---NoNo
Ghostly essenceMonster drop.3,304 gpNoYes