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Fragile mementoPotential drop from Ghost impling; Shambling Horror; Sparkling glyph; Wondering soul. 5,659 gpNoYes
Fragile hunter urn (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile hunter urn (r)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile hunter urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).965 gpNoYes
Fragile hunter urn (full)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile hunter urnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile fishing urn (unf)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Fragile fishing urn (r)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Fragile fishing urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section). 2,234 gpNoNo
Fragile fishing urn (full)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Fragile fishing urnA Fragile fishing urn can be created at 15 Crafting while fishing with a fragile fishing urn (r) in your inventory.---NoNo
Fragile farming urn (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile farming urn (r)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile farming urn (nr)Player made (See notes section)
Found on the Grand Exchange System
880 gpNoYes
Fragile farming urn (full)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile farming urnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile divination urn (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile divination urn (r)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile divination urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).1,124 gpNoYes
Fragile divination urn (full)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile divination urnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fragile cooking urn (unf)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Fragile cooking urn (r)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Fragile cooking urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section). 2,215 gpNoNo
Fragile cooking urn (full)Player made (See Notes Section). ---NoNo
Fragile cooking urnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Fractured crystal (vertical)Temple of light during Mourning's Ends Part II (The Temple Of Light) quest.---YesYes
Fractured crystal (horizontal)Temple of light during Mourning's Ends Part II (The Temple Of Light) quest.---YesYes
Fractite warhammerPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite spearPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite rapierPlayer made (See notes section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite plateskirtPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite platelegsPlayer made (See Notes Section) or monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite platebodyPlayer made (see Notes section).0 gpNoNo
Fractite pickaxeMonster drop; player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Fractite oreMonster drop or mined from Fractite rocks inside the dungeon.0 gpNoNo
Fractite maulMonster drop or player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Fractite longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite knifePlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Fractite kiteshieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite hatchetPlayer made (See notes section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite gauntletsPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite full helmPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite daggerPlayer made (See Notes section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite chainbodyPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite battleaxePlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite barPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Fractite arrowsHome room in Daemonheim (sometimes); player made (See Notes Section); monster drop; bought from the Smuggler.0 gpNoNo
Fractite arrowheadsPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Fractite 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fox peltMonster drop.---YesYes
Fox maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (hard).1.3m gpNoNo
FoxOn the floor of the room with Sir Spishyus.---YesYes
Fourth stone fragmentThe fourth stone fragment is found in the North Western most corner of Otot.---NoYes
Fourth dragonkin journalObtained from killing the Queen Black Dragon and claiming the reward from the chest.---NoYes
Four-leaf clover necklaceThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Fossilised boneObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Earthen clay; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.2,783 gpNoYes
Fortune teller outfit tokenReward from the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie.570.4k gpNoNo
Fortune cape tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie.844.7k gpNoNo
Fortunate orokami jarPlayer Made (See Notes); Bought from Sensei Seaworth.---YesYes
Fortunate bakami jarPlayer Made (See Notes); Bought from Sensei Seaworth.---YesYes
Fort Forinthry TeleportPossible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master).1,982 gpNoYes
Forlorn BootSouth of Thurgo's house, at Mudskipper point.---NoYes
Fork handleObtained by buying four candles from any Candle seller.---NoYes
Forinthry bracelet (5)Player made (See Notes Section).4,181 gpNoYes
Forinthry brace (4)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Forinthry brace (3)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Forinthry brace (2)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Forinthry brace (1)Player made (See Notes Section).5,560 gpNoYes
Forged letterGiven to you by Nails Newton, outside of the pub in Taverley, in exchange for a Seal.---YesNo
Forged documentTwo Forged documents are given to you by either Moira (Black Arm Gang) or Molly (Phoenix Gang) during Dimension of Disaster.---NoYes
Forge Regent scroll (Inferno)Player made (See Notes Section).176 gpNoYes
Forge regent pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,582 gpNoYes
Forest dinosaur (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.519.5k gpNoYes