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Cosmic focusObtained from Seren.---NoYes
Cosmic bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).51.7k gpYesYes
Cosmic bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.1k gpYesYes
Cosmic barPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Cosmic altar teleportPurchased from Wizard Elriss for Runecrafting guild tokens or from Wizard Rinsit for 2,000 Runespan points.---NoYes
Cosmic accumulatorPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of ThieveryThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of SummoningThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of SlayingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of RunecraftingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of RangingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of PrayerThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of HuntingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of FarmingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of DungeoneeringThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of DivinationThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of CookingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic Prized pendant of ConstructionThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of ThieveryThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of SummoningThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of SlayingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of RunecraftingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of RangingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of PrayerThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of HuntingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of FarmingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of DungeoneeringThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of DivinationThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of CookingThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Cosmetic pendant of ConstructionThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
CorundumFound while Mining the corrupted crystals in the Shifting tombs minigame---NoYes
Corruption sigilDragon defender or better needs to be in your inventory when playing the minigame Barrows.---NoYes
Corrupted slayer helmetPlayer made (See Notes).---NoYes
Corrupted oreObtained while mining Seren stones or ore/gem rocks in the Trahaearn Sector of Prifddinas. There is also a chance of obtaining this ore by opening the Crystal chest in the Iorwerth sector.---NoYes
Corrupted magic logsMonster Drop.813 gpNoYes
Corrupted gemMonster drop.362.3k gpNoYes
Corrupted eggRare drop from corrupted monsters in the Sophanem slayer dungeon or by various location throughout Menaphos.---NoYes
Corrupted defenderPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Corrupted Ascension signet VIMonster drop.---NoYes
Corrupted Ascension signet VMonster drop.---NoYes
Corrupted Ascension signet IVMonster drop.---NoYes
Corrupted Ascension signet IIIMonster drop.---NoYes
Corrupted Ascension signet IIMonster drop.---NoYes
Corrupted Ascension signet IMonster drop.---NoYes
Corrupt zuriel's staffMonster drop.112.4k gpNoYes
Corrupt zuriel's robe topMonster drop.90.3k gpNoYes
Corrupt zuriel's robe bottomMonster drop.81.8k gpNoYes
Corrupt zuriel's hoodMonster drop.36.7k gpNoYes
Corrupt vineObtained by trapping diseased jadinkos.---NoYes
Corrupt vesta's spearMonster drop.616.0k gpNoYes
Corrupt vesta's plateskirtMonster drop.71.1k gpNoYes
Corrupt vesta's longswordMonster drop.638.7k gpNoYes
Corrupt vesta's chainbodyMonster drop.70.8k gpNoYes
Corrupt statius's warhammerMonster drop.619.8k gpNoYes
Corrupt statius's platelegsMonster drop.71.7k gpNoYes
Corrupt statius's platebodyMonster drop.71.4k gpNoNo
Corrupt statius's full helmMonster drop.38.2k gpNoYes
Corrupt rogue glovesLooting corpses in the Crucible.---NoYes
Corrupt morrigan's leather chapsMonster drop.69.7k gpNoYes
Corrupt morrigan's leather bodyMonster drop.69.6k gpNoYes
Corrupt morrigan's javelinMonster drop.1,377 gpNoYes
Corrupt morrigan's coifMonster drop.27.3k gpNoYes
Corrupt dragon sq shieldRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.74.5k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon spearPlayers can receive this item either by trading with another player, or receiving it as a very rare drop from killing another player in PvP worlds or Bounty Worlds.168.4k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon scimitarNone.73.2k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon plateskirtRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.70.6k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon platelegsRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.96.6k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon maceDropped by players on a PVP world.32.9k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon longswordYou can get this item as a reward for defeating a player in a PvP or Bounty Hunter world.75.9k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon helmRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.72.6k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon daggerDropped by players on a PVP world.21.3k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon chainbodyMonster drop.80.4k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon battleaxePossible player drop on a PVP world.72.6k gpNoNo
Corpsethorn wandPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Corpsethorn trapPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes