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Cleaver keyFound on the body of the dead butcher in the basement of the house.---YesNo
CleaverBought from the Culinaromancer's Chest.73.0k gpNoYes
Cleansing crystalBought from Hefin monks in Prifddinas; Pickpocketed from Hefin workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Cleaning cloth (Housing of Parliament)Obtained from the cleaning supplies bucket.---YesYes
Cleaning clothPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Tamayu's Spear Stall in Tai Bwo Wannai after Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest .606 gpNoYes
Clean wormwood leafCan be obtained as a drop or can be grown by users (the grimy version of this herb will be dropped).0 gpNoYes
Clean winter's gripObtained by cleaning a Grimy winter's grip.0 gpNoYes
Clean wergaliPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Pirate Jackie the Fruit.3,066 gpNoYes
Clean volencia mossObtained by cleaning Grimy volencia moss.---YesYes
Clean valerianObtained by cleaning a Grimy valerian in the dungeons of Daemonheim.0 gpNoYes
Clean ugunePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean torstolPlayer Made (See Notes); Obtained from Nature implings; Rare Drop Table.3,842 gpNoYes
Clean toadflaxPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop; Purchased from Pirate Jackie the Fruit; Rare Drop Table; Reward from Gnome Restaurant.4,491 gpNoYes
Clean tarrominPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop; Obtained from Nature implings.296 gpNoNo
Clean spirit weedPlayer Made (See Notes).5,954 gpNoYes
Clean snapdragonPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Pirate Jackie the Fruit; Rare Drop Table; Reward from Gnome Restaurant; Obtained from Nature implings.1,870 gpNoYes
Clean snake weedObtained by cleaning Grimy snake weed.---YesYes
Clean sito foilObtained by cleaning Grimy sito foil.0 gpYesYes
Clean shengoPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean samadenPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean sagewortPlayer made (see Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Clean rogue's purseObtained by cleaning Grimy rogue's purse.---YesYes
Clean ranarrPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.2,349 gpNoYes
Clean pipeFound in a crate during the Easter 2009 event in the Falador/Easter dungeon.---NoNo
Clean necklaceCleaning Uncleaned finds at the Varrock Museum.---NoYes
Clean marrentillPlayer Made (See Notes).5,635 gpNoYes
Clean magebaneObtained by cleaning a Grimy magebane.0 gpNoYes
Clean lycopusMonster drop; grown through the Farming skill within the dungeons of Daemonheim.0 gpNoYes
Clean lantadymePlayer Made (See Notes).5,528 gpNoYes
Clean kwuarmPlayer Made (See Notes).5,059 gpNoYes
Clean iritPlayer Made (See Notes).1,046 gpNoYes
Clean harralanderPlayer Made (See Notes).1,953 gpNoYes
Clean guamPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop; Obtained from Box of summoning ingredients; Obtained from Spirit implings.376 gpNoNo
Clean fellstalkPlayer Made (See Notes).3,914 gpNoYes
Clean featherfoilPlayer made (See Notes Section) and Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Clean erzillePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean dwarf weedPlayer Made (See Notes).5,793 gpNoYes
Clean cadantinePlayer Made (See Notes).1,595 gpNoYes
Clean buckthornPlayer made (see Notes section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Clean bloodweedPlayer Made (See Notes).8,369 gpNoYes
Clean avantoePlayer Made (See Notes).955 gpNoYes
Clean argwayPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean ardrigalObtained by cleaning Grimy ardrigal.---YesYes
Clean arbuckPlayer Made (See Notes).11.4k gpNoYes
Clean aloePlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Clay skullSkulls are made by crafting soft clay in the inventory, using one piece of clay per skull. ---NoYes
Clay ring (unfired)Player made (See Notes Section).34 gpNoNo
Clay ringPlayer made (See Notes Section).764 gpNoNo
Clay nuggetsClay nuggets can be mined at the scrap pile at Gielinor Games Preparation. ---NoYes
Clay deposit scrollObtained during the Stealing Creation Activity.0 gpNoYes
ClayMine in various locations (See Notes Section).1,663 gpNoNo
Clawdia wings tokenFound while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party.265.6k gpNoNo
Clawdia hat tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Sheldon for 100 Runecoins.---NoNo
Clawdia claws token A Clawdia claws token is an item that can be won from a summer piƱata loot bag.0 gpNoNo
Clawdia balloonMonster drop (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Classic hoodBought from Iffie at Thessalia's Fine Clothes shop located in Varrock.---NoYes
Classic capeBought from Iffie at Thessalia's Fine Clothes shop located in Varrock.---NoYes
Clan vexillumObtained by speaking to the Clan Scribe located south of Falador at the Clan Camp.---NoNo
Clan Trahaearn capeBought from the Trahaearn herald in Prifddinas.0 gpNoYes
Clan pickaxeThe Clan pickaxe is a pickaxe only found inside the Battlefield within a Clan Citadel.---NoYes
Clan Meilyr capeBought from the Meilyr herald in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Clan meeting invitationThe Clan meeting invitation is obtained within a Clan Citadel---NoYes
Clan Ithell capeBought from the Ithell herald in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Clan Iorwerth capeBought from the Iorwerth herald in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Clan Hefin capeBought from the Hefin herald in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Clan hatchetThe Clan hatchet is a hatchet only found inside the Battlefield within a Clan Citadel.---NoYes
Clan Crwys capeBought from the Crwys herald in Prifddinas.0 gpNoYes
Clan cloakObtained from the Captain of the Guard located south of Falador at the Clan Camp, or from the Head Guard in the Keep of your clan citadel.---NoNo
Clan charterObtained from the scribe in the Clan Camp, south of Falador.---NoNo
Clan Cadarn capeBought from the Cadarn herald in Prifddinas.0 gpNoYes
Clan battlefield keyClan Battlefield---NoYes
Clan Amlodd capeBought from the Amlodd herald in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Claim island flagClaimed from Boni.---NoYes
Citizen trousersBoth sets are sold by Trader Sven in the Meiyerditch slums.1,732 gpNoYes
Citizen topBoth sets are sold by Trader Sven in the Meiyerditch slums. 1,471 gpNoYes