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Ruby Golem LegsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Ruby Golem HeadThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Ruby Golem GlovesThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Ruby Golem BootsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Ruby demon statuetteLumbridge Catacombs.---NoNo
Ruby chaliceDropped by players on PVP or Bounty Hunter worlds.0 gpNoNo
Ruby braceletPlayer made (See notes).3,070 gpNoYes
Ruby bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).134 gpNoYes
Ruby boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).166 gpNoNo
Ruby bolt tipsPlayer made.29 gpNoNo
Ruby bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).494 gpNoYes
Ruby bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).473 gpNoYes
Ruby amulet (Unstrung)Player made (See notes section).3,619 gpNoYes
Ruby amuletPlayer made or Port Sarim jewelry store.6,748 gpNoNo
RubyPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from  Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin.334 gpNoNo
RubiumMined in the tunnels under Witchaven.---YesYes
Rubber turkeyFound in Event boxes during the Going Like Clockwork event (November 2017); Found in Presents during the Holiday events (December 2017).30.8k gpNoNo
Rubber tubeRespawns in Draynor Manor. Open the closet door again and grab off the floor.---YesNo
Rubber chicken drumstickTaken from the table next to where the wizards are sitting.---NoNo
Rubber chickenJagex Easter reward from helping the Easter bunny hand out eggs in 2005.---NoNo
Rubber blackjackBought from Dodgy Derek in the Thieves Guild.---NoYes
Royale cannon standBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Royale cannon furnaceBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Royale cannon baseBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Royale cannon barrelsBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.0 gpNoYes
Royal torsion springObtained as a possible reward from the treasure chest after deafeating the Queen Black Dragon.106.7k gpNoYes
Royal spiky vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,454 gpNoYes
Royal sightObtained as a possible reward from the treasure chest after deafeating the Queen Black Dragon.99.7k gpNoYes
Royal shirtThe royal shirt is possible loot from a kingly impling jar.56.4k gpNoYes
Royal sceptreThe Royal sceptre is obtained from looting kingly Implings.55.5k gpNoYes
Royal leggingsLooted from a Kingly impling jar.56.6k gpNoYes
Royal frameObtained as a possible reward from the treasure chest after deafeating the Queen Black Dragon.103.5k gpNoYes
Royal dwarven sealReceived from King Veldaban.---YesYes
Royal dragonhide vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,879 gpNoYes
Royal dragonhide setPlayer made (See Notes Section).19.9k gpNoYes
Royal dragonhide coifPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,729 gpNoYes
Royal dragonhide chapsPlayer made (See Notes Section).6,415 gpNoYes
Royal dragonhide bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,602 gpNoYes
Royal dragonhide bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).9,060 gpNoYes
Royal dragonhideMonster drop; Harvesting produce from Royal dragons at the Manor farm.2,486 gpNoYes
Royal dragon leatherPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,698 gpNoYes
Royal dragonResult of breeding dragons at Player-Owned Farms.---NoYes
Royal decreeGiven to you by King Gjuki Sorvott IV on Jatizso.---YesYes
Royal crownIt can be looted from a Kingly impling or bought from another player. 242.5k gpNoYes
Royal crossbowAll components must be assembled by talking to Thurgo. Thurgo is located close to Mudskipper Point. The components are

Coral crossbow
Royal frame
Royal torsion spring
Royal sight
Royal bolt stabiliser
Royal chitinMonster Drop.---NoYes
Royal capeMonster drop.704 gpNoNo
Royal boltsMonster drop.119 gpNoYes
Royal bolt stabiliserObtained as a possible reward from the treasure chest after deafeating the Queen Black Dragon.110.1k gpNoYes
Royal battleship kitTreasure Hunter
skilling backpack
Royal amuletFound by catching Kingly imps.56.4k gpNoYes
Round glasses (green)Possible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoYes
Round glasses (blue)Possible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoYes
Round glasses (black)Possible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoYes
Rotten tomatoPlayer made (See Notes Section), and crates near cages in Seers' Village and Yanille.2 gpNoNo
Rotten journalReceived from the Odd Old Man.---NoYes
Rotten foodWhen a ghast attacks your backpack in the Mort Myre swamps, a food item you are carrying will sometimes become rotten food.0 gpNoYes
Rotten fangMonster drop.---NoNo
Rotten barrelRespawns in a large cavern in the Olaf's Quest dungeon.---YesYes
Rotten applesPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Rotten appleWest Ardougne and West of Combat camp/south of Tree Gnome Stronghold.---YesYes
Rosethorn wand 6Brought along with the Broken heart, costing 1000 Valentine hearts.---NoYes
Rosethorn wand 5Brought along with the Broken heart, costing 1000 Valentine hearts.---NoYes
Rosethorn wand 4Brought along with the Broken heart, costing 1000 Valentine hearts.---NoYes
Rosethorn wand 3Brought along with the Broken heart, costing 1000 Valentine hearts.---NoYes
Rosethorn wand 2Brought along with the Broken heart, costing 1000 Valentine hearts.---NoYes
Rosethorn wand 1Brought along with the Broken heart, costing 1000 Valentine hearts.---NoYes
Roses (Het's Oasis)Randomly obtained while harvesting the Rose bush in Het's Oasis; Obtained from the Water filtration system.65 gpNoYes
Rosemary seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers; Stolen from a Seed stall; Bought from Olivia in Draynor Village and Coeden in Prifddinas; Monster drop; Bought in Vinesweeper.406 gpNoYes
RosemaryPlayer Made (See Notes); Spawns East of the Oo'glog lodestone.10.3k gpNoYes
Roseblood shoesPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Roseblood shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Roseblood robe topMonster drop; player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Roseblood robe bottomPlayer made (see Notes section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Roseblood orbPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes