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Ring of respawnPlayer made (See Notes Section).12.3k gpNoYes
Ring of recoilPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,381 gpNoNo
Ring of QuestsObtained from May.---NoYes
Ring of PotencyAshdale Tutorial Island Tutor---NoNo
Ring of metamorphosisPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,050 gpNoYes
Ring of medium parcelRandomly obtained from opening medium parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of luckPlayer made (See Notes).1,946 gpNoNo
Ring of lifePlayer made (See Notes section), reward from the Lost Tribe quest.3,172 gpNoYes
Ring of large parcelRandomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of kinshipObtained from Dungeoneering tutor.---NoNo
Ring of imbuingPlayer Made (See Notes).483.8k gpNoYes
Ring of huge parcelRandomly obtained from opening huge parcels (May 2018).0 gpNoYes
Ring of fortune (i)Speak to the Armoursmith to imbue the Ring of fortune.---NoYes
Ring of fortunePlayer Made (See Notes).1.1m gpNoYes
Ring of forgingPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,762 gpNoYes
Ring of fireGiven to you by King Roald after you have successfully lit 6 beacons simultaneously. ---NoYes
Ring of fan mailRandomly obtained from opening fan mail (May 2018).---NoYes
Ring of duelling (8)Player Made (See Notes).8,082 gpNoYes
Ring of duelling (7)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Ring of duelling (6)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Ring of duelling (5)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Ring of duelling (4)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Ring of duelling (3)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Ring of duelling (2)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Ring of duelling (1)Player made (See Notes Section).6,447 gpYesYes
Ring of devotionPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Ring of death (i)Speak to the Armoursmith to imbue the Ring of death. ---NoYes
Ring of deathPlayer made (See notes section).59.0m gpNoYes
Ring of coinsPossible reward from a Reward casket (master). 1.2m gpNoYes
Ring of charos (a)(i)Bought from War-chief Reeves' reward shop at Mobilising Armies for 106,000 reward credits.---NoYes
Ring of charos (a)Received from the Wise Old Man after passing his quiz about persuasion (he activates the true power of the Ring of charos).---YesYes
Ring of charosPickpocketed from Dr Fenkenstrain.---YesYes
Ring mouldRespawns on the ground floor of the Crafting Guild.
Bought from Dommik in Al Kharid; Possible monster drop.
413 gpNoNo
Ring from jefferyGiven to you by Jeffery, at the Edgeville furnace, in exchange for a Love poem.---YesNo
Rimmington tabletPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Rigid shardObtained when training Defence after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Right skull halfMonster drop. can be found by killing a Minotaur on the first level of the Stronghold of Security, the Vault of War. ---NoNo
Right legMonster drop from creatures in the Jade vine maze, northeast of Shilo Village.---YesYes
Right bootObtained by using Telekinetic Grab on it through the window of Dromund's house.---YesYes
Right armMonster drop from creatures in the Jade vine maze, northeast of Shilo Village.---YesYes
Rift SundererTreasure Hunter---NoNo
Ribs of chaosMonster drop.---NoNo
Ribcage pieceMonster drop.3,825 gpNoYes
Reward tokenReward from Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble mini-game ---NoYes
Reward lamp (Death Plateau)You receive 3 of these lamps when you complete the Death Plateau quest.---NoYes
Reward lampYou receive 3 of these lamps each time you complete the repeatable event that you gain access to after completion of the Death Plateau.
The event can be completed up to 5 times.
Reward casket (medium)Completion of a Sealed clue scroll (medium).---NoYes
Reward casket (master)Completion of a Sealed clue scroll (master).---NoYes
Reward casket (hard)Completion of a Sealed clue scroll (hard).---NoYes
Reward casket (elite)Completion of a Sealed clue scroll (elite).---NoYes
Reward casket (easy)Completion of a Sealed clue scroll (easy).---NoYes
Reward book (Troll invasion)Captain Jute will give you this item after you have completed the Troll Invasion Distraction and Diversion.---NoYes
Reward book (Jack of trades)Given to you by Xuan after completing the Jack of trades requirements.---NoYes
Reversing phoenix card (team)Received from the Gorajo hoardstalker.---NoYes
Reversing phoenix card (solo)Received from the Gorajo hoardstalker.---NoYes
Reversing phoenix cardSinkholes Distraction and Diversion.---NoYes
Revenant bane longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).859.7k gpNoYes
Restricted memoryFound in the Hall of Memories.---YesYes
Restricted engramFound within the Memory bud once it is opened.---YesYes
Restored shieldCreated by combining the right half and left half of the shield together during Shield of Arrav.

Given to you by Captain Rovin at the Varrock Palace.
Restore potion (4)Player made (See Notes section).695 gpNoYes
Restore potion (3)Player made (See Notes section).296 gpNoYes
Restore potion (2)Player made (See Notes section).102 gpNoYes
Restore potion (1)Player made (See Notes section).152 gpNoYes
Restore mix (2)Player made (See Notes section).50 gpNoYes
Restore mix (1)Player made (See Notes section).33 gpNoYes
Restore flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).22.1k gpNoYes
Restoration certificateGiven to you by the Terry Balando during The Temple at Senntisten quest.---YesYes
Restless sleep potionGiven to you by Lucille, at her house West of the well in Rimmington.---YesNo
Resource packObtained for completing 10 of Meg's cases during the Mega May Event or from a Supply cache during the Port Sarim Invasion.---NoNo
Resonant anima of Wen (tradeable)Monster Drop.---NoYes
Resonant anima of WenMonster Drop.---NoYes
Resonant anima of Jas (tradeable)Monster Drop.---NoYes
Resonant anima of JasMonster Drop.---NoYes
Resonant anima of Ful (tradeable)Monster Drop.---NoYes