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Radimus notesGiven to you by Radimus Erkle, at the Legends Guild.---YesYes
Radiant memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Radiant Wisp Colony On Dragontooth Island.
Dragontooth Island
Radiant energyHarvested from Radiant wisps and Radiant springs on Dragontooth Island; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.202 gpNoYes
Radiant alchemist's amuletObtained by combining 10 alchemist's amulet fragments and transforming them into an amulet.---NoYes
Racing bootsSold by Faruq in Al Kharid.0 gpNoNo
Rabbit teethHarvesting produce from Rabbits at the Manor farm.276 gpNoYes
Rabbit snareBought from a Hunting shop in Nardah or Yanille.5 gpNoYes
Rabbit sandwichPlayer made (See Notes Section); Given to you by Sabbot during the Death Plateau quest; Monster drop.1,001 gpNoNo
Rabbit mouldOn top of a hole. ---NoNo
Rabbit footMonster drop; Harvesting produce from Rabbits at the Manor farm.37.2k gpNoYes
Rabbit boneMonster drop.---YesYes
R sigilOn a pedestal in Enakhra's Temple, below the Quarry.---YesYes
Quintessence counter (damaged)Obtained by excavating Howl's workshop debris; Obtained by completing Stormguard Citadel Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Quintessence counterUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
QuintessenceObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Aerated sediment; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.2,846 gpNoYes
Quince tree seedlingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
QuicklimePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
QuickbowObtained during and after Troll Warzone by killing Troll chuckers orby killing the monster Anvil. Troll ranger commandos also drop these.---NoNo
Quest point hoodReceived from Wise Old Man when buying a Quest point cape.---NoYes
Quest point capePurchased from the Wise Old Man.---NoYes
Quest kit (medium)Bought from Commander Loman's reward shop at Mobilising Armies for 119,400 reward credits.---NoYes
Quest kit (elite)This item can be bought from Lord Marshal Brogan in the Mobilising Armies reward building.---NoYes
Quest kit (basic)This item can be bought from Serjeant Cole in the Mobilising Armies reward building (on the bottom floor).---NoYes
Quest kit (advanced)This item can be bought from War-chief Reeves in the Mobilising Armies reward building.---NoYes
Queen's secateursDropped by a Tanglefoot (level 111) during the Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains quest. Pickpocketed off the Fairy Godfather during the Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen quest.---YesYes
Queen's guard trousersThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
Queen's guard staffThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
Queen's guard shoesThis item is a discontinued reward from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoNo
Queen's guard shirtThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
Queen's guard hatThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
Queen help bookObtained from Captain Cain after "The Final Battle" tutorial for Barbarian Assault.---NoYes
Queen black dragon scaleMonster drop.---NoYes
Queen Black Dragon helmThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Qbd damage enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused damage enhancer.---NoYes
Pyro-maticPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Pyrelord scroll (Immense Heat)Player made (See Notes Section).137 gpNoYes
Pyrelord pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,059 gpNoYes
Pyre logsPlayer made (See Notes Section.)10.2k gpNoYes
Pyramid topObtained at the top of the Agility Pyramid.---YesYes
Pyramid journalDropped by Skeleton looters (level 60) in the Missing My Mummy quest pyramid.---YesYes
Pyramid hat head tokenSummer Beach Party Event; Purchased from Sheldon.72.9k gpNoNo
Pylon batteryObtained while Excavating in the Main fortress and Prison block areas of the Kharid-et Dig Site.---NoYes
Pyjama topPossible reward from Reward casket (master).1.2m gpNoNo
Pyjama slippersPossible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoNo
Pyjama bottomsPossible reward from Reward casket (master).1.2m gpNoNo
Pygmy giant scarab in amberFound when Mining mineral deposits in the VIP area or the Worker District.---NoYes
Pygmy giant scarabFound when catching Plover in Sophanem.---NoYes
Puzzle casket (You Are It)Obtained by smashing the Stone statue.---YesYes
Puzzle casket (elite)Dug up from your last clue.---NoYes
Puzzle box skipping ticket (u)Bought from Zaida's Treasure Trail Points shop. ---NoYes
Puzzle box skipping ticketPossible reward from a Treasure trail Reward Casket.1.7m gpNoYes
Puzzle boxGiven to you by various NPCs while doing a Treasure Trail.---NoYes
Purrn of previous postcatReceived upon completion of the Cats of Menaphos activity.---NoYes
Purpleheart woodObtained by screening Senntisten soil during the Archaeology tutorial.---NoNo
Purple sweetsPossible reward from a Treasure Trail.2,007 gpNoYes
Purple Santa hatDrop from 2023 Christmas event.65.4m gpNoNo
Purple partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Purple LumbridgeRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event.---NoNo
Purple logsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Purple goblin mailPlayer made (See Notes Section). ---YesYes
Purple flowersPlayer made (See Notes Section); Given by Doc during the Invention tutorial.6,399 gpNoYes
Purple firelighterPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Any level Clue scroll); Possible reward from a Fire spirit.1,520 gpNoYes
Purple elegant skirtA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 2).1.3m gpNoYes
Purple elegant shirtA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 2).1.3m gpNoYes
Purple elegant legsA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 2).1.3m gpNoYes
Purple elegant blouseA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 2).1.2m gpNoYes
Purple dyePurchased from Oronwen; Player Made (See Notes); Respawns North West of the Clock tower, South of East Ardougne.2,918 gpNoNo
Purple checkered shirtPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Purple bellowThese mushrooms can be found while foraging mushroom clusters found on The Islands That Were Once Turtles in The Arc.---NoYes
Purple afroBought from Party Pete, in the Falador Party Room, for 50gp. ---NoNo
Purified wand and orb tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).47.7k gpNoNo
Purified swords tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).30.3k gpNoNo
Purified staff tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).22.9k gpNoNo
Purified shortbow tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).9,182 gpNoNo
Purified halberd tokenWon from Treasure Hunter; Forged from 500 tainted essence during the Cavern of Tainted Memories event (February 2018).5,590 gpNoNo