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Name descasc Location descasc Market price descasc Quest Members Only
Raw rat meatBought from Rufus in Canifis, Chargurr in Oo'glog, and Monster drop.994 gpNoNo
Boots (cream)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.994 gpNoYes
Mithril seedsBought from Siegfried Erkle in the Legends' Guild. You also receive 40 Mithril seeds as a reward from the Waterfall Quest.996 gpNoYes
Shark jawbonePossible reward from opening a Prawn ball.996 gpNoYes
Bandit's brewBought from Bartender in the Desert Bandit Camp.1,000 gpNoYes
Red beadMonster drop.1,001 gpNoNo
Clean avantoePlayer Made (See Notes).1,002 gpNoYes
AnchoviesPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,003 gpNoNo
WatermelonGrown in an allotment patch.1,003 gpNoYes
Shirt (pink)Bought from Agmundi in Keldagrim.1,005 gpNoYes
DinarrowPlayer Made (See Notes).1,007 gpNoYes
Wen arrowPlayer Made (See Notes).1,007 gpNoYes
Cape (red)Player Made (See Notes); Purchased from Barker, Thessalia, or Fancy-dress shop owner; Monster Drop.1,008 gpNoNo
Emerald bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,009 gpNoYes
Yellow beadMonster drop.1,010 gpYesNo
Tiny plated mithril salvageMonster Drop.1,010 gpNoNo
Wergali seedBought in Vinesweeper.1,012 gpNoYes
Fungal bowstringPlayer Made (See Notes).1,012 gpNoYes
Clean iritPlayer Made (See Notes).1,013 gpNoYes
Mithril armoured bootsMonster drop.1,015 gpNoYes
Pearl bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,015 gpNoYes
Graahk topFancy Dress Shop Owner in Varrock.1,016 gpNoYes
Super energy mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,016 gpNoYes
Tiny spiky adamant salvageMonster Drop.1,016 gpNoNo
Energy potion (4)Player Made (See Notes).1,017 gpNoNo
Shirt (brown)Bought from Vermundi in Keldagrim.1,019 gpNoYes
Grimy snapdragonGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch II.1,019 gpNoYes
Bull ant pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,019 gpNoYes
BarkChopped from Hollow trees in the swamp, east of Canifis.1,020 gpNoYes
Relicym's balm (4)Result of combining lower dose potions; and Player made (See Notes Section).1,020 gpNoYes
Raw sea turtleFishing Trawler Mini-game.1,021 gpNoYes
Team-12 capeBought from Ian. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.1,021 gpNoNo
Premade ttlPurchased from Gnome Waiter.1,021 gpNoYes
Oak logsRespawn locations (See Notes); Cut from an Oak tree; Created via transmutation.1,022 gpNoNo
Prayer mix (1)Result of drinking a higher dose mix.1,025 gpNoYes
Willow logsCut from a Willow tree; Created via transmutation.1,026 gpNoNo
Acadia wood spiritObtained from Bird's nest (Wood spirits).1,026 gpNoYes
Silver oreObtained from Mining silver ore rocks; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso and Ordan in Keldagrim.1,028 gpNoNo
Tangled toads' legsPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.1,028 gpNoYes
Pie recipe bookBought from Romily Weaklax in the Cooking Guild.1,029 gpNoYes
Super restore (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,029 gpNoYes
Veg ballPlayer Made (See Notes).1,031 gpNoYes
Goat horn dustPlayer made. 1,033 gpNoYes
Bowl (unfired)Player made.1,036 gpNoNo
Rock hammerBuy from Slayer Masters in Burthorpe (Turael), Canifis (Mazchna), Edgeville Dungeon (Vannaka, Shilo Village (Duradel or Lapalok after While Guthix Sleeps quest, Zanaris (Lost City) (Chaelder) and Ancient Cavern (Kuradel).1,039 gpNoYes
Maple shieldbowPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Brian, Lowe, and Santiri; Monster drop.1,040 gpNoNo
Medium plated iron salvageMonster Drop.1,040 gpNoNo
Raw rocktailRaw rocktails can be fished in the Living Rock Caverns1,043 gpNoYes
Strength potion (4)Player made (See notes section).1,046 gpNoNo
Rune fire arrows (unlit)Player made.1,046 gpNoYes
Wood boxPlayer Made (See Notes).1,051 gpNoNo
Plain smelting urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).1,052 gpNoNo
Medium blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.1,052 gpNoNo
ImphideMonster Drop.1,053 gpNoNo
Part fish pie (1/2)Player made. (See notes section)1,055 gpNoYes
Off-hand dragon knifeMonster drop.1,055 gpNoYes
Cockatrice eggMonster drop.1,058 gpNoYes
Unlit bug lanternBought at any Slayermaster.1,059 gpNoYes
Pitta doughPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,060 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).1,061 gpNoYes
Antipoison+ mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,061 gpNoYes
Grey wolf furDropped by Grey wolves.
Dropped by Canifis wolfmen and wolfwomen.
Buy/Steal from Ardougne (East) fur trader.
Buy/Steal from the fur trader in Rellekka, after finishing The The Fremennik Trials.
1,063 gpNoYes
CasketFound at various Big Net fishing spots.
Dropped by rock crabs.
Dropped by some Daggonoths.
1,066 gpNoYes
Attack potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).1,067 gpNoNo
Cured yak-hideGiven to you by Thakkrad Sigmundson on Neitiznot in exchange for a Yak-hide an 5 Coins.1,067 gpYesYes
Hard leather cowlPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.1,067 gpNoNo
Half meat pizzaResult of eating a meat pizza.1,071 gpNoNo
Amulet of farming (8)Bought from farming stores. 1,071 gpNoYes
Rabbit sandwichPlayer made (See Notes Section); Given to you by Sabbot during the Death Plateau quest; Monster drop.1,072 gpNoNo
Magic potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,079 gpNoNo
Rudolph necklace token2017 Advent calendar event; from Christmas piƱata loot bag.1,079 gpNoNo
Opal MacheteBought from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village. 1,081 gpNoYes
Off-hand bronze longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,082 gpNoYes
Miasma runePlayer Made (See Notes); Thalmund's Wares.1,082 gpNoYes
Large bladed iron salvageMonster Drop.1,084 gpNoNo