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Name descasc Location descasc Market price descasc Quest Members Only
C. morrigan's throwing axeMonster drop.1,369 gpNoYes
Warrior ring shardMonster drop.1,371 gpNoYes
Small blunt steel salvageMonster Drop.1,372 gpNoNo
Mithril oreObtained from Mining Mithril ore rocks; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso and Ordan in Keldagrim.1,376 gpNoNo
Oak blackjack (o)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid.1,377 gpNoYes
Corrupt morrigan's javelinMonster drop.1,377 gpNoYes
Jungle camo topFancy Clothes Shop in east Varrock.1,378 gpNoYes
Sapphire bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,383 gpNoYes
Pastry doughPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,386 gpNoNo
Grimy harralanderGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Spawns in Edgeville Dungeon Resource dungeon (10 Dungeoneering to enter); Reward from Blue tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Harvested from Divine herb patch I.1,389 gpNoYes
Powerburst of acceleration (1)Player Made (See Notes).1,389 gpNoYes
Ground miasma runePlayer Made (See Note).1,390 gpNoYes
Raw rainbow fishLure fishing spots with Stripy feathers. 1,392 gpNoYes
Antipoison+ (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,395 gpNoYes
Limestone brickPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Razmire Keelgan in Mort'ton, the Stonemason in Keldagrim, Rasolo West of the Fishing Guild, Bill in Fort Forinthry, and the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas; Monster drop.1,400 gpNoNo
Team-11 capeBought from William. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.1,403 gpNoNo
Oak bedPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,409 gpNoYes
Purple firelighterPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Any level Clue scroll); Possible reward from a Fire spirit.1,411 gpNoYes
Tyras HelmTrading with any merchant who Charter's boats.1,414 gpNoYes
Marasamaw plantPurchased from Papa Mambo in Herblore Habitat.1,416 gpNoYes
Boots (yellow)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,419 gpNoYes
Granite (500g)Mined at the Quarry in the Kharidian Desert; Player made (See Notes Section).1,421 gpNoYes
Boots (purple)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,423 gpNoYes
Macaw pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,429 gpNoYes
Powerburst of masterstroke (2)Player Made (See Notes).1,429 gpNoYes
Sweet potatoPlayer Made (See Notes).1,431 gpNoYes
Barker toad pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,432 gpNoYes
White firelighterPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Any level Clue scroll); Possible reward from a Fire spirit.1,434 gpNoYes
Oak wood spiritObtained from Bird's nest (Wood spirits).1,437 gpNoNo
Ranging potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,438 gpNoNo
Super cooking potion (2)Player Made (See Notes).1,439 gpNoYes
Shirt (yellow)Bought from Agmundi in Keldagrim.1,441 gpNoYes
Boots (blue)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.1,445 gpNoYes
Imphide shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,446 gpNoNo
Willow shieldbowPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.1,456 gpNoNo
Honey badger pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,457 gpNoYes
Shortbow (u)Player Made.1,460 gpNoNo
Iron off hand swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,462 gpNoYes
Pack Mammoth scroll (Mammoth Feast)Obtained by transforming a Pack mammoth pouch on the obelisk.1,465 gpNoYes
Iron oreObtained by Mining Iron ore rocks; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso, Ordan in Keldagrim, TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore, Gem Store located in the TzHaar dungeon, and Drogo's Mining Emporium in the north of the Dwarven mines.1,468 gpNoNo
Broodoo shield (10) (blue)Player made (See Notes Section).1,468 gpNoYes
Citizen topBoth sets are sold by Trader Sven in the Meiyerditch slums. 1,471 gpNoYes
Vampyre bat pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,472 gpNoYes
Red topazRed topaz is a type of semi-precious gem. It can be either obtained using the Mining skill from the Shilo Village gem rocks, a random gem rock during the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up mini-game, from panning at the Digsite near the River Salve, a possible reward from the Gnome Restaurant activity, a possible find from Mobilising Armies. 1,474 gpNoNo
Arctic pine logsPlayer made (See Notes Section)1,476 gpYesYes
Red firelighterPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Any level Clue scroll); Possible reward from a Fire spirit.1,477 gpNoYes
Heirloom tomatoPlayer Made (See Notes).1,478 gpNoYes
Karambwan vessel (Empty)Given to you by Lubufu, in Brimhaven, during the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest.
Bought from Tiadeche, in Tai Bwo Wannai, after the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest.
1,483 gpYesYes
Studded leather coifPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Scavvo in the Champions' Guild southwest of Varrock and Armour salesman in the Ranging Guild.1,484 gpNoNo
Red dragon leatherPlayer made (See Notes Section.)1,487 gpNoYes
GinBought from Heckel Funch in the Grand Tree at Tree Gnome Stronghold.1,488 gpNoYes
Charming potion (1)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Iron off hand clawsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,490 gpNoNo
Lemon chunksPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,493 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,493 gpNoYes
Invention potion (3)Player Made (See Notes).1,493 gpNoYes
Villager sandals (blue)Villager sandals are a form of jungle style clothing that can be bought for 100 trading sticks from Gabooty in the village of Tai Bwo Wannai. 1,495 gpNoYes
Ranger's aidPoison Arrow Pub.1,495 gpNoYes
Willow branchUse Secateurs on a player grown willow tree. 1,498 gpYesYes
Blue firelighterPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Any level Clue scroll); Possible reward from a Fire spirit.1,500 gpNoYes
Blamish red shell (round)Monster drop.1,500 gpNoYes
Part wild pie (1/2)Player made. (See notes section)1,504 gpNoYes
LeatherPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,507 gpNoNo
Broodoo shield (10) (green)Player made (See Notes Section).1,510 gpNoYes
Gold amuletPlayer made (See Notes Section); Port Sarim jewelry store.1,519 gpNoNo
JadeBought from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wanni Village; mined in the Shilo Village Gem Mine; pick-pocketed from HAM Guards; panned during The Dig Site quest.1,519 gpNoNo
Fayre dancer emote pack 2 tokenPossible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (April 2017 and March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter.1,521 gpNoNo
Antipoison++ (3)Player made (See Notes Section).1,522 gpNoYes
Crystal flaskMade by blowing a piece of Crystal glass.1,523 gpNoYes
Prayer potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,526 gpNoYes
Desert top (Set two from Ali)Can be bought from Ali in Al-Kharid when you finished his mini quest(s).1,528 gpNoYes
Small plated steel salvageMonster Drop.1,529 gpNoNo
Super magic mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,530 gpNoYes
Lobster potRespawns within the Fishing Guild. Fishing stores and the Fishing Guild.1,532 gpNoNo
Muddy keyMonster-drop.1,532 gpNoNo