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Salve glovesPlayer made (See Notes Section); dropped by Forgotten mages.0 gpNoNo
Spinebeam trapPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Magebane potion (unf)Player made. (See other information)0 gpNoYes
Spinebeam staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Valerian potion (unf)Player made. (See other information)0 gpNoYes
Winter's grip potion (unf)Player made. (See other information)0 gpNoYes
Paraleather torn bagMonster drop while Dungeoneering.0 gpNoNo
Weak ranged potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Stegoleather torn bagMonster drop while Dungeoneering.0 gpNoNo
Adept hoardstalker pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Survivalist's potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Strong magic potionPlayer made. (See Note Section).0 gpNoYes
Argway seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Grimy argwayPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean argwayPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Argway potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Scentless potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Scentless potion (2)Result from drinking a scentless potion (3).0 gpNoYes
Scentless potion (1)Result from drinking a scentless potion (2).---NoYes
Juju hunter potion (2)Result from using a juju hunter potion (3).---NoYes
Juju hunter potion (1)Result from drinking a juju hunter potion (2).---NoYes
Erzille potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Celestial surgeboxMonster drop.0 gpNoYes
Frozen key piece (armadyl)Dropped by all monsters in Armadyl's Eyrie.---NoYes
Frozen key piece (bandos)Dropped by all monsters in Bandos' Stronghold in God Wars Dungeon.---NoYes
Frozen key piece (Saradomin)Dropped by all monsters in Saradomin's Encampment.---NoYes
Frozen key piece (zamorak)Dropped by all monsters in Zamorak's Fortress.---NoYes
Frozen keyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
10th anniversary candlesMonster drop and drop parties held by a Jagex Moderator during the 10th Anniversary event.---NoNo
10th anniversary cake (without candles)Monster drop and drop parties held by a Jagex Moderator during the 10th Anniversary event.---NoNo
10th anniversary cake (with candles)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
10th anniversary cake (lit)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Corrupt vineObtained by trapping diseased jadinkos.---NoYes
Marble vineObtained by trapping igneous jadinkos.---NoYes
Plant teethObtained by trapping cannibal jadinkos.---NoYes
Aquatic vineObtained by trapping aquatic jadinkos.---NoYes
Oily vineObtained by trapping amphibious jadinkos.---NoYes
Draconic vineObtained by trapping draconic jadinkos.---NoYes
Saradomin vineObtained by trapping saradomin jadinkos.---NoYes
Guthix vineObtained by trapping guthix jadinkos.---NoYes
Zamorak vineObtained by trapping zamorak jadinkos.---NoYes
Hati headDropped by the Hati wolf (level 120) during the seasonal event.---NoYes
Hati pawsDropped by Hati (level 120) during the seasonal event.---NoYes
Lergberry seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
LergberriesPicked from a grown lergberry bush.---NoYes
Shadow Silk HoodMonster drop (see Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Pungent vineObtained by trapping carrion jadinkos.---NoYes
Striped vineObtained by trapping camouflaged jadinkos.---NoYes
Withered vineObtained by trapping common Jadinkos.---NoYes
Shengo seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Ugune seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Samaden seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Grimy ugunePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Grimy shengoPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Grimy samadenPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean ugunePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean shengoPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Clean samadenPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Ugune potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Shengo potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Samaden potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Witchdoctor maskObtained from Papa Mambo as a reward for catching all three god jadinkos in one week.---NoYes
Witchdoctor legsObtained from Papa Mambo as a reward for catching all 10 jadinkos (no god jadinkos), you will also obtain knowledge (XP) in the farming, hunter, or herblore skills, and there is a possibility of receiving the witchdoctor robes as well.---NoYes
Witchdoctor robesObtained from Papa Mambo as a reward for catching all 10 vines (no god vines), you will also obtain knowledge (XP) in the farming, hunter, or herblore skills, and there is a possibility of receiving the witchdoctor legs as well.---NoYes
Juju cooking potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Juju woodcutting potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Zamorak's favour (3)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Juju woodcutting potion (2)Result from drinking a juju woodcutting potion (3).---NoYes
Juju woodcutting potion (1)Result from drinking a juju woodcutting potion (2).---NoYes
Guthix's gift (2)Result from drinking a guthix's gift (3).---NoYes
Guthix's gift (1)Result from drinking a guthix's gift (2).---NoYes
Zamorak's favour (2)Result from drinking a zamorak's favour (3).0 gpNoYes
Zamorak's favour (1)Result from drinking a Zamorak's favour (2); Can be obtained from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas. Each dose lasts 6 minutes.
This can be stored with a Tool Leprechaun.
0 gpNoYes
Chaotic staffPurchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim.---NoYes
Chaotic kiteshieldBought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim.---NoYes