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Blue partyhatHoliday Item (Christmas 2001).2,147.5m gpNoNo
Christmas crackerThis was a Jagex drop on Christmas 2001. It now can be bought from other players.2,147.5m gpYesNo
Disk of returningThis was used as a way to visit the Black Hole, but it no longer exists. It can now be bought by players.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Green partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Half full wine jugBought and sold from other players.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Purple partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Red partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpYesNo
Santa hatDropped on December 25th 2002.2,147.5m gpNoNo
White partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Yellow partyhatHoliday Drop Item.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Blue hallowe'en maskFormer Halloween drop. This mask item dropped on October 31st, 2002 (Halloween).2,147.5m gpNoNo
Green hallowe'en maskThis mask was dropped on October 31st, 2002 (Halloween).2,147.5m gpNoNo
Red hallowe'en maskThis mask was dropped on October 31st, 2002 (Halloween).2,147.5m gpNoNo
Black santa hatRare drop from a Festive cracker.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Third Age dyePossible reward from a Reward casket (elite) or Reward casket (master).2,147.5m gpNoYes
Holly wreathOnce a possible prize during the 2014 Christmas event.2,147.5m gpNoNo
Christmas scytheThis was a possible prize for opening a Small or Big Christmas present from the Head elf between December 3rd 2014 and December 16th 2014.2,147.5m gpNoYes
Blood dyePossible reward from a Reward casket (elite) or Reward casket (master).2,147.5m gpNoYes
Hazelmere's signet ringMonster drop (Rare Drop Table).2,147.5m gpNoYes
Tavia's fishing rodUncharted Isle accessed with the Uncharted island map (red).2,147.5m gpNoYes
Orlando Smith's hatPossible reward from Reward casket (master).2,147.5m gpNoYes
Guildmaster Tony's mattockObtained by using a Shadowy key on the mattock's display on the second floor of the Archaeology guild.2,147.5m gpNoYes
Aurora Santa hatDrop from 2024 Christmas event.2,147.5m gpNoNo
PumpkinDropped on October 31st 2001.2,100.0m gpNoNo
Easter eggA former holiday drop which can be bought from other players.1,300.0m gpNoNo
Shadow dyePossible reward from a Reward casket (hard) or Reward casket (elite).1,300.0m gpNoYes
Ice dyePossible reward from a Reward casket (elite) or Reward casket (master).1,200.0m gpNoYes
Dormant Seren godbowDropped by Telos, The Warden.950.0m gpNoYes
Seren godbowCan be bought from GE or player-made(See notes)946.1m gpNoYes
Third age platelegsA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (Hard Clue scroll).922.9m gpNoYes
Praesul codexMonster Drop.890.2m gpNoYes
Black heraldic armour set 1 (lg)The Grand Exchange.781.2m gpNoNo
Second-Age platelegsPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).760.2m gpNoYes
Eldritch crossbowPlayer Made(See Notes).754.4m gpNoYes
Abomination capeIt is a possible drop from the Abomination after the quest Hero's Welcome. 720.3m gpYesYes
Second-Age robe bottomPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).719.4m gpNoYes
Second-Age robe topPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).712.9m gpNoYes
Cryptbloom top (incomplete)Monster Drop.591.0m gpNoYes
Third-age druidic wreathPossible reward from an Elite clue scroll.574.7m gpNoYes
Elite sirenic hauberkPlayer Made (See Notes).537.0m gpNoYes
Green Santa hatDrop from 2021 Christmas event. 536.4m gpNoNo
Third age platebodyPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).523.3m gpNoYes
Second-Age platebodyPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).513.0m gpNoYes
Cryptbloom bottoms (incomplete)Monster Drop.504.9m gpNoYes
Third age amuletPossible reward from Treasure Trails (level 3 Clue scroll).503.0m gpNoYes
Noxious scythePlayer made (See Notes Section).402.3m gpNoYes
Eldritch crossbow stockMonster Drop.400.9m gpNoYes
Noxious staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).392.4m gpNoYes
Noxious longbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).389.1m gpNoYes
Cryptbloom helm (incomplete)Monster Drop.386.8m gpNoYes
Eldritch crossbow mechanismMonster Drop.358.9m gpNoYes
Third-age melee setGrand Exchange or other players.351.8m gpNoYes
Intricate shadow chestDropped by Nex: Angel of Death.345.6m gpNoYes
Elite sirenic chapsPlayer Made (See Notes).340.9m gpNoYes
Intricate blood stained chestDropped by Nex: Angel of Death.328.3m gpNoYes
Elite tectonic robe topPlayer Made (See Notes).299.4m gpNoYes
Croesus sporehammerMonster Drop.289.0m gpNoYes
Croesus foultorchMonster Drop.280.3m gpNoYes
Terrasaur maulPlayer Made (See Notes).277.4m gpNoYes
Eldritch crossbow limbMonster Drop.273.5m gpNoYes
Intricate ice chestDropped by Nex: Angel of Death.271.7m gpNoYes
Spider legPlayer made (See Notes Section).263.9m gpNoYes
Second-Age range legsPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).262.3m gpNoYes
Essence of Finality amuletPlayer Made (See Notes).259.4m gpNoYes
Second-Age range topPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).254.5m gpNoYes
Second-Age bowPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).243.5m gpNoYes
Second-Age staffPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).236.9m gpNoYes
Third age robe topA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (Hard Clue scroll).231.0m gpNoYes
Zaros godswordCan be bought from GE or player-made(See notes)224.8m gpNoYes
Third age druidic robe topPossible reward from an elite clue scroll.217.9m gpNoYes
Second-Age swordPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).215.0m gpNoYes
Third age kiteshieldPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).206.2m gpNoYes
Third age full helmetPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).198.3m gpNoYes
Hexhunter bowMonster Drop.194.1m gpNoYes
Trimmed masterwork platebodyPlayer Made (See Notes).186.1m gpNoYes