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Sapphire Golem TorsoPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sapphire Golem LegsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sapphire Golem GlovesThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Sapphire Golem BootsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Magic golem headPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Magic golem torsoPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Magic golem legsPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Magic golem glovesPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Magic golem bootsPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Chaotic spearPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Abyssalbane bolts (unf)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Abyssalbane boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Crown of Loyalty (3 year)Gifted in your bank from Jagex for 3 or more years in the Members Loyalty Programme. If lost or destroyed can be re-acquired from Diango in Draynor Village.---NoYes
Abyssalbane arrowheadsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Armadyl helmet (charged)Player made (See notes section).---NoYes
Adamant full helm (charged)Player made (See notes section).---NoYes
Gold accumulatorBought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim.---NoYes
Scroll of proficiencyBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Scroll of dexterity Bought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoNo
Achromatic BalmungIt is obtained by detecting curses on the gem during the miniquest and handing it to Kharshai. After enhancing the Balmung, one can right click and select "Toggle-colour" to remove the colour. The same can be used to regain the colour.---YesYes
Bag of lost itemsCan collect one bag of lost items from any rug merchant once per day.---NoYes
Aviansie talonsMonster drop.---NoYes
Bandos's MemoriesQuest reward from The Mighty Fall.---NoYes
Bagged cactusBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged evergreenBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
KyzajThis weapon is gained during The Mighty Fall quest. ---YesYes
Honourable kyzajThe Honourable kyzaj is a quest reward for completing The Mighty Fall quest and is given if you choose to save Zanik.---NoYes
Bloodied kyzajThe Bloodied kyzaj is a quest reward for completing The Mighty Fall quest and is given if you choose to slay Zanik.---NoYes
Superior bloodied kyzajPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Superior honourable kyzajPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Bandosian soulstoneMonster drop.---NoYes
Armadylean soulstoneMonster drop.---NoYes
Saradominist soulstoneMonster drop. Commander Zilyana hard mode only.---NoYes
Zamorakian soulstoneMonster drop. K'ril Tsutsaroth hard mode only.---NoYes
Protean barPossible Treasure Hunter reward; Mini protean pack; Small protean pack; Medium protean pack; Large protean pack.---NoNo
Barbarian assault wave ticketCaptain Cain or Commander Connad will give you a ticket by asking to change your current wave in Barbarian Assault to wave one, if your are above wave one.---NoYes
Ballista ChamberPurchased from Lanthus at the Castle Wars arena entrance for 2 Castle wars tickets.---NoYes
Academy magic robe skirtCombat Academy.0 gpNoNo
Academy magic robe topCombat Academy.0 gpNoNo
Academy platebodyCombat Academy0 gpNoNo
Academy scimitarThe academy scimitar is a scimitar obtained from the tutorial of the combat academy in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Academy platelegsThe academy scimitar is a scimitar obtained from the tutorial of the combat academy in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Ancient hymnalReceived from Azzanadra as a quest reward.---YesYes
Fremennik Sea Boots 4Obtained from Advisor Ghrim.---NoYes
Artefact receiptThe Artefact receipt is given to players when they have taken all the artefacts to Simon Templeton during the Dealing with Scabaras quest.0 gpYesYes
Artefact empowered instructionsThe Artefact empowerment instructions is an item given to the player on the fourth skill-related assignment that's given by God Emissary leaders.0 gpNoYes
Arrav's heartReceived from Ali the Wise(Ritual of the Mahjarrat) or taken from the pedestal in the castle.0 gpNoYes
Scroll of DaemonheimBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Bowl of red waterPlayer made (see below).0 gpNoYes
Boon of flickering energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of bright energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of glowing energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of sparkling energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of gleaming energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of vibrant energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of lustrous energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of elder energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of brilliant energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of radiant energyPlayer made (see below).0 gpNoNo
Boon of luminous energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of incandescent energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Antique ringUnhappy ghost puzzle while Dungeoneering.0 gpNoNo
Arch necrolord requestFound after defeating the Necrolord while Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Barrelchest disguisePlayer made (see below).---YesYes
Barrelchest partsFound in the store room on Bloodsplatter Isle.---YesYes
Behemoth notes (part 1)Dropped by the Gluttonous behemoth boss during Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Behemoth notes (part 2)Dropped by the Bulwark beast boss during Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Behemoth notes (part 3)Dropped by the Stomp boss during Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Behemoth notes (part 4)Dropped by the Runebound behemoth boss during Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Behemoth notes (part 5)Dropped by the Hope devourer boss during Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Basiliskbane orePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Basiliskbane barPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Basiliskbane arrowheadsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Basiliskbane arrowsPlayer made (see Notes).---NoYes
Basiliskbane bolts (unf)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes