Name   |
Location   |
Market price   |
Quest |
Members Only |
Fletcher's boots | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Fletcher's chestpiece | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Fletcher's gloves | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Fletcher's legwear | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Nimble boots | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Nimble chestpiece | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Nimble gloves | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Nimble headwear | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Nimble legwear | Trading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion. | --- | No | Yes |
Driftwood (Mazcab) | Beach of Kanatah. | --- | No | Yes |
Nemi poison | Received from Trinks while on task. | --- | No | Yes |
Pahtli fruit | Nemi forest. | --- | No | Yes |
Mysterious axe | Found as "Mysterious weapon" within the Nemi Forest on Mazcab. | --- | No | Yes |
Raider axe (Mazcab) | Found in a stake in Nemi forest on Mazcab. | --- | No | Yes |
Burning log (Mazcab) | Retrieved from the fire pit in the Nemi forest. | --- | No | Yes |
Mithril shield throwing disc | A mithril shield throwing disc is an item that can be obtained from a mithril shield throwing disc case. | 0 gp | No | No |
Mithril shield throwing disc case | A Mithril shield throwing disc case is an item that can be unlocked with a throwing disc token. | --- | No | No |
Mysterious herb | A Mysterious herb is obtained from chopping vines during World Event 3, on one of the islands. | --- | No | No |
Nearly boiled egg | Received from Wizard Goldberg in exchange for the Expired spin ticket. | --- | No | Yes |
Magic flute | Received from a player specific Goebie villager on Mazcab in exchange for Apollo's helmet. | --- | No | Yes |
Goebie disguise kit | Obtained from Lunch after offering to trade him the Magic flute four times. | --- | No | Yes |
Bag of Crystals | Pick pocketed from the Dragonkin guard as it beats Sliske. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Bottle of acid | Made by combining Dragonkin food, Bag of Crystals, and the potion in the latrine; then using the Bottle on a string to retrieve the acid. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Bottle on a string | Made by combining empty bottle and cloth strip. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Blade | Created by breaking your plate (from the Dragonkin food) on a loose brick in your cell, then sharpening a plate half on the brick. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Brick | Pried loose from your cell wall with a plate. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Cloth strip | Cut from the cell bed using a Blade or obtained from Sliske. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Dragonkin food | Obtained from the Dragonkin guard after threatening to sing one song again and again very loudly. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Empty bottle | Created when you use the potion on the latrine. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Ludicrous flail | Created by combining a brick and a cloth strip. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Plate | Obtained by dumping the Dragonkin food into the latrine. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Plate half | Created when trying to use the plate on the loose brick in your cell. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Potion | Given to you by Sliske after he retrieves it with the ludicrous flail from the shelf. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Saradomin key | Found within Verac's chest. | --- | Yes | Yes |
A visit to an old friend | Found on the tables around Sliske's secret room. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Death at Sea | Found on the tables around Sliske's secret room. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Sliske's Ramblings | Found on the tables around Sliske's secret room. | --- | Yes | Yes |
The Divine Delusion | Found on the tables around Sliske's secret room. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Tetrahedron 1 | Obtained from the wall puzzle requiring Bob's Collar. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Tetrahedron 2 | Obtained by searching rubble on a small island. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Tetrahedron 3 | Northeast along the coastline, in rubble; found with a Strange device. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Tetrahedron 4 | Found within rubble near the mural on the wall where you first arrive in Kethsi. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Robert's necklace | Obtained from the wall puzzle requiring Bob's Collar. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Note to robert | Obtained from the wall puzzle requiring Bob's Collar. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Portable crafter | he Portable crafter is an item available on Treasure Hunter. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Portable brazier | The Portable brazier is an item obtainable from Treasure Hunter. | 0 gp | No | No |
Note to you | Obtained from the wall puzzle requiring Bob's Collar. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Dathana’s message | Found in the South most bookcase in the underground area of Kethsi. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Kethsian key | Found using the Strange device and the code letters from the Tetrahedrons(1,2,3,& 4). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Teleorb (Ritual of the Mahjarrat) | Obtained from Akrisae in Falador. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Code key (main entrance) | Acquired from killing the Armored zombie (Level 72) that roams outside the fortress; South-east corner. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Code key (storeroom) | Acquired by searching the crate directly South of the staircase inside Zemouregal’s fortress. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Code key (reliquary) | Acquired by searching the two stacked crates in the Northwest corner of the Northwest room of Zemouregal’s fortress. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Heart magic notes | Acquired by searching the two stacked crates in the Northwest corner of the Northwest room of Zemouregal’s fortress (Ritual of the Mahjarrat). Or by searching the bookcase in Northwestern corner of the library (Dimension of Disaster). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Astromancer credits | They were obtainable between 4 and 8 June 2015 from Treasure Hunter, by participating in the world event, by doing Daily Challenges, or by purchasing them from the Grand Exchange. | --- | No | Yes |
Artisan's bandana add-on | Won from Treasure Hunter; Purchased at Stealing Creation for 100 Reward points. | --- | No | Yes |
Advanced pulse core | Advanced pulse cores are items obtained from Treasure Hunter from 18 June 2015 0:00 UTC to 21 June 2015 23:59 UTC as well as being available through the Christmas Advent Calender on 3 December 2015. | --- | No | No |
Astromancer hat | Obtained via Diango. | 0 gp | No | No |
Astromancer robe top | Obtained via Diango. | --- | No | No |
Astromancer robe bottom | Obtained via Diango. | --- | No | No |
Astromancer gloves | Obtained via Diango. | --- | No | No |
Astromancer boots | Obtained via Diango. | --- | No | No |
Armadylean ceremonial robe top | This item can obtained by redeeming 500 Astromancer credits. | --- | No | No |
Armadylean ceremonial robe bottom | The Armadylean ceremonial robe bottom is an item that can obtained by redeeming 250 Astromancer credits. | --- | No | No |
Blacksmith's helmet add-on | Won from Treasure Hunter; Randomly obtained at the Artisan's Workshop.
| --- | No | Yes |
Botanist's mask add-on | Won from Treasure Hunter; Purchased from Flash Powder Factory for 1,000 Brianpoints. | --- | No | Yes |
Burning log (Tuska Comes) | Tuska's Back; Anima Islands. | --- | No | No |
Big mystery box | Claimed from Reyna. | --- | No | No |
Brassican amulet | Player made (see notes). | --- | Yes | No |
Brassican amulet (unstrung) | Player made(see notes). | --- | Yes | No |
Broccoli root | Found in the food trough, located in the rat pen, just East of the Gower's house. | --- | Yes | No |
Broccoli string | Made by spinning the Broccoli root on a spinning wheel. | --- | Yes | No |
Brussels sprout | Found in the water barrel outside of the Gower house. | --- | Yes | No |
Cabbagespeak amulet | Player made(see notes). | --- | Yes | No |
Crispy the Cabbage | Cabbage patch South West of the Gower house. | --- | Yes | No |