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Divine eggPossible reward from Memorial to Guthix.---NoYes
Gnome engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Guardians of Guthix engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Naragi engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Crystal fishing rodCan be purchased from Ilfeen, Eluned, Islwyn, or Rhobert Dail.---NoYes
Sheep engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Stone of Jas engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Sword of Edicts engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Time engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
World Gate engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
BloodstoneGiven to the player by Vanescula Drakan after the completion of the River of Blood quest.---NoYes
Augmented Royal crossbowPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Spectral spirit shieldPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Staff of darknessPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented StrykebowPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Tetsu katanaPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Tetsu wakizashiPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Vengeful kiteshieldPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Verac's brassardPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Verac's plateskirtPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Virtus bookPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Virtus wandPlayer made.---NoYes
Augmented Ward of subjugationPlayer made.---NoYes
Slimy eggCan be obtained from fishing within the ports district.---NoYes
Batal's coin purseGiven to you by Jack of Spades.---YesYes
Ehsan's tax ledgerGiven to you by Jack of Spades.---YesYes
Wadud's prized trinketGiven to you by Jack of Spades.---YesYes
Akhomet's ceremonial daggerGiven to you by Jack of Spades.---YesYes
Slayer codexReceived from Faiza in the Sunken Pyramid.---NoYes
Silverhawk downCan be bought in bundles of 10 for 35 thaler or found in the uncharted islands.
Possible reward from Menaphite gift offerings.
Tight springPossible reward from 2016 summer bash treasure map minigame.
Possible reward for Menaphite gift offering.
Ushabti (Empty)Given by Faiza in the Sunken Pyramid; Bought from Slayer Masters---NoYes
Limitless sigilMade by combining 1,000 vital sparks.0 gpNoYes
Unsullied sigilMade by combining 1,000 vital sparks.0 gpNoYes
Dowsing rodCan be obtained from the model boat in the hall of Uzer Mastaba.0 gpNoYes
Corrupted eggRare drop from corrupted monsters in the Sophanem slayer dungeon or by various location throughout Menaphos.---NoYes
Crondis maskWithin Crondis' tomb.---NoYes
HekaWithin Het's tomb.---NoYes
Het maskWithin Het's tomb.---NoYes
Menaphite gift offering (small)Found while doing Menaphos Activities.---NoYes
Menaphite gift offering (medium)Received as rewards from Menaphos City quests or Shifting Tombs if using Level 3 or above lucky items.---NoYes
Menaphite gift offering (large)From Menaphos City quests, Motherlode Maw, bought from the Traveling Merchant in the Deep Sea Fishing Hub. ---NoYes
NekhakhaWithin Crondis' tomb.---NoYes
Relic of CrondisReceived as a quest reward.---NoYes
Relic of HetReceived as a quest reward.---NoYes
Croc icePurchased from Rokuh.---NoYes
Plover birdReceived when a Plover is successfully caught.---NoYes
Wavecrest opalFound when fishing in the Ports District or VIP area of Menaphos.---NoYes
Ex-ex-parrot in a magic cagePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Precious rhinestone cowreceived by Assistant Librarian Subotai in Menaphos. ---NoYes
Apmeken amethystFound in the house in the north-west area of the Merchant district. The door only opens on certain days---NoYes
CorundumFound while Mining the corrupted crystals in the Shifting tombs minigame---NoYes
CronditeFound while Mining concentrated sandstone in the Workers district of Menaphos---NoYes
HauyneCan be a reward for completing Menaphos city quests---NoYes
Hetite stoneFound while on task in the Sophanem slayer dungeon---NoYes
IdocraseCan be a reward for completing Menaphos city quests---NoYes
Maw coralFound when fishing in the Ports District or VIP area of Menaphos---NoYes
MenaphyriteFound while looting urn in the Pyramid Plunder minigame---NoYes
PhenakiteFound while Mining in the VIP area of Menaphos---NoYes
Scabarite crystal Found in the house adjacent from Grand Vizier Ehsan and is only available on certain days---NoYes
Tuai Leit sparkleSold by the Tuai leit gem trader for 5 Bamboo---NoYes
Umesco arposFound while Mining in the VIP area of Menaphos---NoYes
WaikoniteObtained by pickpocketing the Gullible tourist---NoYes
Disguised royal bloodline sourceReceived from Aristarchus in the Grand Library.---YesYes
Relic of TumekenReceived as a quest reward.---NoYes
Employment certificationReceived from Batal.---YesYes
Imperial signetsReceived from Commander Akhomet.---YesYes
Ozan’s blood-covered maskPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Ozan's maskReceived from Ozan.---YesYes
PhylacteryMonster Drop.---NoYes
Scrap of scriptureObtained by opening a Phylactery.---NoYes
Blessing of the SandPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Blessing of the SeaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Blessing of the SkyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Soul fragment (The Magister)Monster Drop.---NoYes