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Blood tiaraMade by using a tiara on the blood altar while carrying a blood talisman in your inventory.4,485 gpNoYes
Anti-dragon shieldLumbridge Castle, 2nd floor, talk to the Duke of Lumbridge.4,480 gpYesNo
Evil turnipPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,472 gpNoYes
Carrallanger teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).4,465 gpNoYes
Black platelegsBought from Louie Legs in Al Kharid and Valaine in the Champions' Guild; Monster drop; Possible reward from Vyrewatch Corpse Burning. 4,447 gpNoNo
White plateskirtBought from Sir Vyvin in the White Knights Castle in Falador.4,445 gpYesYes
Ruby necklacePlayer made (See Notes Section).4,433 gpNoNo
Scimitops meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,429 gpNoYes
Small blunt adamant salvageMonster Drop.4,412 gpNoNo
Diamond necklacePlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster dropped; Bought from Grum's Port Sarim Jewellery Shop (base stock of 0).4,393 gpNoNo
Diamond braceletPlayer made (See notes).4,384 gpNoYes
Medium bladed mithril salvageMonster Drop.4,382 gpNoNo
White clawBought from Sir Vyvin in the White Knights Castle, in Falador.4,380 gpNoYes
Compost potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,375 gpNoYes
Steel off hand battleaxeBought from Brian in Port Sarim; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.4,357 gpNoNo
Chaos talismanMonster Drop.4,356 gpNoYes
Mind helmetPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,355 gpNoYes
Mixture - step 1 (2)Player made (See Notes section).4,335 gpNoYes
Mixture - step 2 (2)Player made (See Notes section).4,335 gpNoYes
Medium plated adamant salvageMonster Drop.4,328 gpNoNo
Hydrix bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).4,326 gpNoYes
Batwing wandPlayer made (See notes Section); Can be bought from Betty in Port Sarim and Zaff in Varrock for 600 coins.4,323 gpNoNo
Grimy kwuarmGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Yellow tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch II; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points).4,311 gpNoYes
Waterfiend scroll (Straight Flush)Player Made (See Notes).4,311 gpNoYes
Slayer respite (m1)Obtained by playing Trouble Brewing Mini-Game.4,310 gpNoYes
Easter egg hat tokenPossible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter.4,304 gpNoNo
Christmas jumper token (chinchompa)Possible reward from the Christmas piƱata loot bag (2018).4,304 gpNoYes
Onyx bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).4,298 gpNoYes
Goblin mailMonster drop.4,297 gpYesNo
Plain runecrafting urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).4,297 gpNoNo
Pavosaurus rex meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,297 gpNoYes
Emerald amulet (Unstrung)Player made using the Crafting skill.4,281 gpNoNo
Guido's bonfire in a bottlePossible reward from a Reward casket: (hard), (elite), and (master). 4,280 gpNoYes
Hydrix bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).4,273 gpNoYes
Beaver pouchPlayer made (See notes section).4,263 gpNoYes
Oculi apoterrasaur meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,249 gpNoYes
Super attack (4)Player made (See Notes Section).4,244 gpNoYes
Chef's hatMonster drop; can be purchased from the Fancy Clothes store in Varrock, and Beefy Bill in Lumbridge.4,242 gpNoNo
Malletops meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,235 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,227 gpNoYes
Arcane apoterrasaur meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,227 gpNoYes
Steel chainbodyPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild; Also bought from the Armour shops in either Varrock, Falador, or Keldagrim.4,221 gpNoNo
Clean torstolPlayer Made (See Notes); Obtained from Nature implings; Rare Drop Table.4,212 gpNoYes
Small bladed adamant salvageMonster Drop.4,195 gpNoNo
Accursed maple incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).4,184 gpNoNo
Black LongswordBought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.4,182 gpNoNo
Fibula pieceFibula pieces are obtained as a drop from Dagannoths and Wallasalkis, found underneath Waterbirth Island.4,174 gpNoYes
Red salamanderCaught with a Net trap around the entrance to the Ourania (ZMI) Altar, northeast of the Observatory.4,168 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (m2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,163 gpNoYes
Green dragonhide bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Oziach in Edgeville (only after Dragon Slayer) and the Ticket Merchant in the Ranging Guild (costs 856 Archery tickets); Monster drop; Possible Treasure Trails reward (Medium Clue scroll).4,155 gpNoNo
Steel off hand macePlayer made (See Notes Section).4,140 gpNoYes
Proselyte cuisseBought from Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park.4,136 gpNoYes
Maple blackjack (o)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid.4,135 gpNoYes
Steel off hand swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,118 gpNoYes
Pack yak pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,111 gpNoYes
Forinthry bracelet (5)Player made (See Notes Section).4,110 gpNoYes
Large plated mithril salvageMonster Drop.4,104 gpNoNo
Iron 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild, from Gaius' Two Handed Shop in Taverley, and at the Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold; Possible monster drop.4,101 gpNoNo
Pigswill (2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,100 gpNoYes
Geyser titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,097 gpNoYes
Axeman's folly (1)Player made (See Notes Section).4,092 gpYesYes
Extreme attack (4)Player Made (See Notes).4,084 gpNoYes
Nature talismanMonster Drop; Purchased from Wizard Elriss.4,072 gpNoYes
Raw garden piePlayer made (See Notes Section).4,072 gpNoYes
Iron pickaxePlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Tati and Nurmof; Respawns on the North coast of Rellekka; Monster drop.4,065 gpNoNo
Vanilla milkHarvesting produce from Vanilla cows at the Manor farm.4,061 gpNoNo
Initiate hauberkPurchased from Sir Tiffy Cashien after Recruitment Drive quest.4,058 gpNoYes
LycheeHarvested from a Lychee fruit bush, grown from a Lychee seed.4,053 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration IPlayer made (See notes section).4,052 gpNoNo
Steel off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,048 gpNoYes
Saradomin's blessing (2)Result from drinking a saradomin's blessing (3).4,046 gpNoYes
Mind bomb (3)Player made (See Notes Section).4,044 gpNoYes
Medium spiky mithril salvageMonster Drop.4,044 gpNoNo
Sapphire necklacePlayer made (See notes) and Monster drop.4,041 gpNoNo
BattlestaffBought from Naff Varrock, Baba Yaga on Lunar Island, and Haf and Lunet in Prifddinas; Monster drop.4,038 gpNoYes