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Batwing glovesPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,128 gpNoNo
4-posterPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,126 gpYesYes
Cape (purple)Player Made (See Notes).1,125 gpNoNo
Willow RootsFound by cutting down a planted willow tree, and digging up the roots with a spade, or bought from other players. 1,125 gpNoYes
Fragile divination urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).1,124 gpNoYes
Incomplete pizzaPlayer made.1,120 gpNoNo
Off-hand iron crossbowPlayer Made (See Notes); Sold in the Crossbow shop located in the Dwarven Mines.1,120 gpNoNo
Necklace of gluttonyPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,120 gpNoYes
Blue dragon leatherPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,119 gpNoNo
Fishing potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).1,116 gpNoYes
Ogre wigIt can be bought from the general store in Oo'glog owned by Frawd for 50 gp, from trading with other players or the Grand Exchange, or buying it from the Hairdressers for 50gp. 1,116 gpNoYes
Weapon poison flask (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,113 gpNoYes
Imp repellentElnock Inquisitor; Puro-Puro.1,112 gpNoYes
Small bladed iron salvageMonster Drop.1,112 gpNoNo
Cured yak-hideGiven to you by Thakkrad Sigmundson on Neitiznot in exchange for a Yak-hide an 5 Coins.1,110 gpYesYes
Dwarven stout (m)Player made (See Notes Section); Reward from Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf.1,109 gpNoYes
Black wizard shieldPlayer made (see notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System .1,107 gpNoNo
Cockatrice eggMonster drop.1,105 gpNoYes
Mahogany plankPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.1,101 gpNoYes
Mithril gauntletsMonster drop.1,101 gpNoNo
Blue dragon scaleBlue dragons lair in 2 places within the Taverley members dungeon. The first spot is the main enclosure for the Blue Dragons which requires either a Dusty key to access, an Agility level of 70 and above, or an Agility level of 65 with a Summer pie to use the Agility pipe.1,100 gpNoYes
Headless dinarrowPlayer Made (See Notes).1,100 gpNoYes
Studded leather bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,099 gpNoNo
Yew seedFound in a bird nest while cutting trees, received from bird nests from your kingdom (after Throne of Miscellania quest), from bird nest received from when you trade Wyson the gardener moleskins or moleclaws, a possible reward from the Evil Tree distraction/diversion, or bought in Vinesweeper.1,097 gpNoYes
Maple shieldbowPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Brian, Lowe, and Santiri; Monster drop.1,096 gpNoNo
Spirit tz-kih pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,096 gpNoYes
Imphide bookPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,095 gpNoNo
Bone clubBought from Nardok in the Dorgeshuun caves.1,092 gpNoYes
Hat (red)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,092 gpNoYes
Opal MacheteBought from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village. 1,091 gpNoYes
BarkChopped from Hollow trees in the swamp, east of Canifis.1,090 gpNoYes
Beak snotHarvesting produce from Arcane apoterrasaur, Spicati apoterrasaur, and Oculi apoterrasaur at the Ranch Out of Time.1,090 gpNoYes
Seed dibberDropped by farmers; Purchased at farming shops.1,086 gpNoNo
Dwarf weed seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, bought in Vinesweeper, and a possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse.1,086 gpNoYes
Extreme attack (1)Player Made (See Notes).1,085 gpNoYes
Raw great white sharkCaught from a normal Shark Harpoon fishing spot.1,084 gpNoYes
Large bladed iron salvageMonster Drop.1,084 gpNoNo
Guam potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).1,083 gpNoNo
Iron oreObtained by Mining Iron ore rocks; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso, Ordan in Keldagrim, TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore, Gem Store located in the TzHaar dungeon, and Drogo's Mining Emporium in the north of the Dwarven mines.1,082 gpNoNo
Maple incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).1,075 gpNoNo
Grimy snapdragonGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch II.1,073 gpNoYes
Strength potion (4)Player made (See notes section).1,073 gpNoNo
Off-hand bronze longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,073 gpNoYes
Tiny plated adamant salvageMonster Drop.1,073 gpNoNo
Half meat pizzaResult of eating a meat pizza.1,071 gpNoNo
OnionRespawns in the backyard of Farmer Fred's farmhouse (west of Sheep pen); field north of Rimmington. Grand Tree Groceries in Gnome Stronghold1,067 gpNoNo
Cooked chickenPlayer made (see Notes section).
Upstairs in the Falador shield shop.
1,064 gpNoNo
Premade ttlPurchased from Gnome Waiter.1,064 gpNoYes
Tiny blunt mithril salvageMonster Drop.1,064 gpNoNo
Amulet of farming (8)Bought from farming stores. 1,063 gpNoYes
Antipoison+ mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,061 gpNoYes
Magic potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,061 gpNoNo
Emerald bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,056 gpNoYes
Part fish pie (1/2)Player made. (See notes section)1,055 gpNoYes
Plain smelting urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).1,052 gpNoNo
Medium blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.1,052 gpNoNo
Attack potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).1,050 gpNoNo
TomatoRespawns at Aggie the Witch's House in Draynor Village and Fat Tony's in wilderness Bandit Camp.

Food Store in Port Sarim, Grand Tree Groceries in Tree Gnome Stronghold, buy or thieve from Food Stalls in Etceteria, Aggie's house in Draynor Village.
1,048 gpNoNo
Rune fire arrows (unlit)Player made.1,046 gpNoYes
Off-hand dragon knifeMonster drop.1,046 gpNoYes
Cactus seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, bought in Vinesweeper, and a possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse.1,042 gpNoYes
SecateursDropped by Farmers, bought from Farming shops.1,042 gpNoYes
Pearl bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).1,042 gpNoYes
Bread doughPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.1,039 gpNoNo
Chocolate dustPlayer made or bought from the Gnome Stronghold cooking supplies and bartending supplies store.1,037 gpNoNo
Moonlight meadPlayer-made or in Canifis Pub.1,035 gpNoYes
Antipoison++ (4)Player made (See Notes Section).1,032 gpNoYes
Veg ballPlayer Made (See Notes).1,031 gpNoYes
Energy potion (4)Player Made (See Notes).1,029 gpNoNo
Emerald bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).1,029 gpNoYes
CasketFound at various Big Net fishing spots.
Dropped by rock crabs.
Dropped by some Daggonoths.
1,027 gpNoYes
Dwarven stoutBars in Falador and Burthorpe.1,026 gpNoNo
Prayer mix (1)Result of drinking a higher dose mix.1,025 gpNoYes
Tiny spiky adamant salvageMonster Drop.1,025 gpNoNo
Pitta doughPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,023 gpNoYes