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ArmsDigging one of the three graves at the Mausoleum, north of Canifis.---YesYes
Arrav's heartReceived from Ali the Wise(Ritual of the Mahjarrat) or taken from the pedestal in the castle.0 gpNoYes
Arrow shaftPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Monster drop.39 gpNoNo
Arrow shaft (Dungeoneering)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Arrowheads (Varrock Museum)Varrock Museum's Archaeological exhibit.---NoYes
Arrows (class 1)Player made during the Stealing Creation minigame (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 2)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 3)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 4)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 5)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrowstorm drapeBought from the Grand Exchange.6,469 gpNoYes
ArtefactObtained by using a Trowel on one of the artifact spots located in the unfinished train link in Dorgesh-Kaan.---YesYes
Artefact empowered instructionsThe Artefact empowerment instructions is an item given to the player on the fourth skill-related assignment that's given by God Emissary leaders.0 gpNoYes
Artefact locations listIs assigned by the God emissaries.0 gpNoYes
Artefact receiptThe Artefact receipt is given to players when they have taken all the artefacts to Simon Templeton during the Dealing with Scabaras quest.0 gpYesYes
Arthur companion pet tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Gill.5.3m gpNoNo
Arthur portraitBought from Sir Renitee for 1k Coins. ---NoYes
Artisan monkey trinketArtisan monkey trinket is an item involved with the Zodiac Training Treasure Hunter promotion. It is gained from completing one of the columns on the zodiac card.---NoNo
Artisan's bandanaThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, as well as points from the Stealing Creation Minigame.---NoYes
Artisan's bandana add-onWon from Treasure Hunter; Purchased at Stealing Creation for 100 Reward points.---NoYes
Artisan's bootsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, as well as points from the Stealing Creation Minigame.---NoYes
Artisan's capePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Artisan's glovesThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, as well as points from the Stealing Creation Minigame.---NoYes
Artisan's helmPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Artisan's legsThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Artisan's potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Artisan's topThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Artisan's workshop respect enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused reward enhancer.---NoYes
Ascendancy mineObtained from the strange face after 500 bosses have been killed within the Dominion tower. 10 mines are claimed at once. 0 gpNoYes
Ascendri boltsPlayer made (See notes section).7,916 gpNoYes
Ascendri bolts (e)Player made (See notes section).8,439 gpNoYes
Ascension boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,609 gpNoYes
Ascension CrossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).87.3m gpNoYes
Ascension fragmentMonster drop.---NoYes
Ascension gripsMonster drop from Legio Primus, Legio Quartus, Legio Quintus, Legio Secundus, Legio Sextus, Legio Tertius, Capsarius, Gladius, Rorarius, and Scutarius; but only drop whilst on a slayer task. 3.7m gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone PrimusMonster drop.410.2k gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone QuartusMonster drop.114.0k gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone QuintusMonster drop.113.6k gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone SecundusMonster drop.155.3k gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone SextusMonster drop.103.9k gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone TertiusMonster drop.118.5k gpNoYes
Ascension shardMonster drop.3,132 gpNoYes
Ascension signet IMonster drop.---NoYes
Ascension signet IIMonster drop.---NoYes
Ascension signet IIIMonster drop.---NoYes
Ascension signet IVMonster drop.---NoYes
Ascension signet VMonster drop.---NoYes
Ascension signet VIMonster drop.---NoYes
AsciatopsResult of checking a Asciatops (unchecked); Result of breeding asciatops at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Asciatops (unchecked)Found when skinning Asciatops in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).1,000.0k gpNoYes
Asciatops actaResult of breeding asciatops at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Asciatops acta (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.968.4k gpNoYes
Asciatops aurumResult of breeding asciatops at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Asciatops aurum (unchecked)Dream of Iaia.923.1k gpNoYes
Asciatops meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).5,011 gpNoYes
Asgarnian alePlayer made (See Notes Section); Buy from Falador Bar, Taverley Bar , and Burthorpe Bar in the bottom floor of the castle.
1,216 gpNoNo
Asgarnian ale (1)Player made (See Notes Section).3,704 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (2)Player made (See Notes Section).6,238 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (3)Player made (See Notes Section).9,663 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (4)Player made (See Notes Section).11.6k gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (Construction)Player made (See Notes Section). 3,884 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (m)Player made (See Notes Section). 1,602 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (m1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,761 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (m2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,421 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (m3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,066 gpYesYes
Asgarnian ale (m4)Player made (See Notes Section).8,025 gpYesYes
Asgarnian hopsGrown in a hops patch.1,855 gpNoYes
Asgarnian seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, stolen from seed stall, purchased from Olivia at Draynor Village marketplace, or bought in Vinesweeper.172 gpNoYes
Asgoldian AlePlayer-made by using a coin on Asgarnian Ale.---YesYes
Ash potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).180 gpYesYes
AshesMonster drop and appears when a fire burns out.1,752 gpNoNo
Ashes (o)In a room of a dungeon. In one of the side-rooms in the Enigmatic hoardstalker room.---NoYes
Asleif's necklaceGiven to you by Ragnar at the lake near the Mountain Camp.---YesYes
Astea frostweb's journalDropped by Astea frostweb during Dungeoneering.---NoNo
Astral altar teleportPurchased from Wizard Elriss for Runecrafting guild tokens or from Wizard Rinsit for 2,000 Runespan points.---NoYes