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B.A.N.K. StanderThis can be created at your Invention workbench.---NoYes
Baby aquanitePurchased from any slayer master for 50 co-op slayer points.---NoYes
Baby basiliskPurchased from Soul Wars. ---NoYes
Baby black dragonGrown from a Hatchling black dragon.---NoYes
Baby blue dragonGrown from a Hatchling blue dragon.---NoYes
Baby dragon boneMonster drop. ---YesYes
Baby dragon bonesMonster drop.675 gpNoNo
Baby geckoCaught using the Hunter Skill.---NoYes
Baby giant crabObtained from Nung by trading him a Crunchy claw token.---NoYes
Baby green dragonGrown from a Hatchling green dragon.---NoYes
Baby icefiendCaught on Ice Mountain using Icefiend net.---YesNo
Baby impling jarPuro-Puro.1,787 gpNoYes
Baby kuraskPurchased from Soul Wars. ---NoYes
Baby monkeyCaught using a Box trap baited with a Banana at various locations around Karamja.---NoYes
Baby penguinHatched from a Penguin egg in an incubator.---NoYes
Baby platypusCaught using the Hunter Skill.---NoYes
Baby red dragonGrown from a Hatchling red dragon.---NoYes
Baby squirrelCatch using the Hunter Skill.---NoYes
Baby Troll PetThe Baby troll is a pet obtained during the first part of the Burthorpe tutorial, Stop Them In Their Tracks!.---NoNo
Baby Yaga's HouseThis pet is found whilst training Construction.---NoYes
Backstab capePossible Treasure Trails reward (Hard and Elite Clue scrolls).2.1m gpNoYes
BaconPlayer Made (See Notes Section).3,346 gpNoYes
Bacon cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).1,730 gpNoYes
Bacon heapObtained from Eli during the quest. Player Made (See Notes Section).893 gpNoYes
Bacon moundPlayer Made (See Notes Section).6,764 gpNoYes
Bacon pilePlayer Made (See Notes Section).424 gpNoYes
Bacon stackPlayer Made (See Notes Section).297 gpNoYes
Bad eggObtained from Pile of dinosaur eggs on the Ranch Out of Time island.---NoYes
Bad weather umbrellaCan be bought from the Rare token store for 7,000 tokens.---NoNo
Badly-hidden notesFound by searching the chest, located on the North West side of the Strangers tent.---YesYes
Bag of cluesPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).1.2m gpNoYes
Bag of CrystalsPick pocketed from the Dragonkin guard as it beats Sliske.---YesYes
Bag of lost itemsCan collect one bag of lost items from any rug merchant once per day.---NoYes
Bag of saltBuy from Slayer Masters in Canifis, Edgeville Dungeon, Shilo Village, Taverley, Zanaris, and Kuradal's Dungeon.10 gpNoYes
Bag of seedsWon on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Bagged bluebellsBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged cactusBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged daffodilsBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged dead treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.1,199 gpNoYes
Bagged evergreenBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged magic treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged maple treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged marigoldsBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpYesYes
Bagged nice treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged oak treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged plant 1Bought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.1,899 gpNoYes
Bagged plant 2Bought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged plant 3Bought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged rosemaryBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpYesYes
Bagged rosesBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged sunflowerBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged willow treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagged yew treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.0 gpNoYes
Bagrada nemusResult of breeding bagrada rexes at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Bagrada nemus (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia1.9m gpNoYes
Bagrada purpuraResult of breeding bagrada rexes at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Bagrada purpura (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.1.9m gpNoYes
Bagrada rexResult of checking a Bagrada rex (unchecked); Result of breeding bagrada rexes at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Bagrada rex (unchecked)Found when skinning Bagrada rexes in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).2.5m gpNoYes
Bagrada rex meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).5,073 gpNoYes
BaguetteBought from Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne.1,893 gpNoNo
Bailing bucket (empty)Bought from the Port Khazard general store.5 gpNoYes
Bailing bucket (full)Player made (See Notes Section).5 gpNoYes
Baited trapPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Baked cave potatoPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Baked potatoPlayer made (See Notes Section). 982 gpNoYes
Bakriminel bolt shaftsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Bakriminel bolt tip packPurchased from Mami Rimba in Edgeville.---NoYes
Bakriminel bolt tipsPurchased from Mami Rimba in Edgeville---NoYes
Bakriminel boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).144 gpNoYes
Balance Elemental engramSpawns inside the central standing stone North of Falador, directly East of the lodestone (See Notes for location image).---NoYes
Balance Elemental engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Balanced shardObtained when training Divination after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Balancing WandObtained via Treasure Hunter or purchasing it with Rare item tokens.---NoYes
BallIn the shed at the back of the Witch's garden in Taverley.---YesYes